11-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Why can't I buy The Hymn of The Fayth in Luca theater???
Can't I buy it in the international version???

And as POLL : What is the coolest Aeon (Penance doesn't count).
I think it's Anima. She is so cool!!!!!

11-07-2004, 07:05 PM
Coolest Aeon Is Bahamut =)

As For Why You Can't Buy The Hymn's Of Fayth ... I Have No Clue.

Huntress Krystle
11-07-2004, 07:21 PM
Hmm i dont remember if the hymn's actually available in Luca. As for the Aeons, It's a tie bet. Shiva and Yojimbo :) I like bahamut too but not in FFX.

11-07-2004, 07:49 PM
You can't buy the hymn at all. Closest thing to it you can buy is the Hum of the Fayth.

And there's already a thread about favorite aeons. You shoulda just posted in there rather than making a redundant poll.

11-08-2004, 08:04 AM
sorry, but i lokked at that, but it was too old.
I can't buy the hum og the fayth either.
I donno why.

Aerith Gainsborough
11-09-2004, 03:59 PM
sorry, but i lokked at that, but it was too old.
I can't buy the hum og the fayth either.
I donno why.

Well, yes it is true. You are not allowed to post in a thread that is too old. And too old in here means three weeks maybe??? Haven't figure it out yet. :eye:

I don't know about the hymn of the faith...you can't get it in Luca? I never noticed that. :(

My favorite Aeon is Anima. I'm not going to explain it any further, because like Prak said, we have a thread about that already. :)

11-09-2004, 04:51 PM
You can't post in a thread that hasn't been posted in for 90 days.

The Favorite Aeons one is still fine.

I've never played the international version, so hopefully someone else can help you out with that question.

Yunalesca rox!
11-09-2004, 09:27 PM

The Sage
11-09-2004, 09:32 PM
Yojimbo it has to be said cos of the Zanmato ability

11-14-2004, 12:07 AM
Bahamut is the best looking, and the other sister is called Sandy

Sephiroths Bride
11-14-2004, 12:22 AM
Shiva is the best but bahamut is cool too.

Yunalesca rox!
11-14-2004, 12:25 AM
Shiva is the best but bahamut is cool too.
I agree, I love Shiva coz I think she is really cool! don't ask why! lol. But Bahumat is ultimatly my fav!

Louise A. B.
11-14-2004, 12:26 AM
Anima is the most interesting so she's my favourite.

Maybe they didn't include the Hymn of the Faith because you can go to a temple and listen to it fully there. Though that isn't a good reason not to include it, I was disappointed to find it wasn't available to buy. It made the list seem incomplete.

Yunalesca rox!
11-14-2004, 02:16 PM
Anima is the most interesting so she's my favourite.

Maybe they didn't include the Hymn of the Faith because you can go to a temple and listen to it fully there. Though that isn't a good reason not to include it, I was disappointed to find it wasn't available to buy. It made the list seem incomplete.

Anima's a girl?!?!

Louise A. B.
11-15-2004, 10:36 PM
Anima's a girl?!?!

I think so, seeing as the fayth is *SPOILER*

Seymour's mother.