11-07-2004, 03:31 AM
Yuna annoys me the most i cant stand her her voice is too soft shes too goody two shoes well at least in ff10 >:O plus shes just has no personailty kinda like garnet in ff9 you cant even tell she likes tidus!/rant.html

11-07-2004, 09:38 AM
*rolls eyes*

A) You're making fun of a game character who can't choose her voice actress
B)She's not a goody to shoes at all, because she's a summoner and was most likely raised to act like she's better than other people, and she doesn't.
C)Maybe she didn't want to get attached to Tidus because she was a summoner and all summoners died while fighting sin, meaning she thought she was gonna die soon.

Most annoying character for me: Eiko, FF9

Huntress Krystle
11-07-2004, 10:02 AM
Yuna's not annoying. SHe's one of the best female ff characters. The most annoying main character for me is Rikku (ffx-2)

non-playable: brother and queen brahne

Aerith Gainsborough
11-07-2004, 11:11 AM
Gau (FF-VI), Cait Sith (FF-VII), sometimes Eiko (FF-IX), and Rikku (FF-X2) can be pretty annoying.

Non-playable: Brother (FF-X2)

11-07-2004, 01:50 PM
zell wasn't my personal pick for exciting dialogue...
didn't mind eiko, though, she pulled off the spaztic child quite well.
i guess, by that standard, zell pulled off the attention defecit fist fighter well, too.
I find Rikku slightly annoying in FFX, but in X-2, her quirky caffienne-iness was nice.
i guess i was never really really annoyed by any ff characters.

except for Omega in FFVIII...freaking die already...

Lunatic HighVII
11-07-2004, 04:45 PM
Rikku, Cait Sith, Queen Brahne, ZORN AND THORN! :mad:

11-07-2004, 06:03 PM
hmm rikku, yuffie, brother, quina, cait sith!

i liked zorn and torn ^_^

11-08-2004, 01:52 PM
Zorn And Thorn ...

Mystic Sapphyre
11-08-2004, 06:01 PM
Zorn and Thorn! Cait Sith! Kuja! Queen Brahne! Professor Hojo! Shinra in FFX-2! Rinoa! Squall! Zell! Irvine! Selphie! Wakka! Don't make me say anymore!

11-08-2004, 06:22 PM
LOL don't like alot huh? hehe

i like da jamaican dude ^_^ could do with a hair cut though ^_^

I HATED LULU'S MOOGLE DOLL!! lol it was just so weak and dumb ^_^'

mr. patterson
11-08-2004, 07:16 PM
Tidus i absolutely hate that fucktard he just irritates me so much "let's do the right thing" etc. it just seriously pissed me off and he was all like "woah dude that's totally radical... cowabunga" argh... *end rant*

11-08-2004, 08:31 PM
fucktard? LOL poor tidus, it's not his fault they made him that way!

but if you hate him you hate him, but you know, alot of ppl act that way, so i'd watch out ^_^' hehe jk

mr. patterson
11-08-2004, 08:45 PM
yeah grrr... stupid tidus he makes squall's fashionable angst seem bearable...

11-08-2004, 09:14 PM
huh? what's angst? i hear that alot...never know what it means though -.-' hehe poor tidi ^_^

LOL you hate squall too? or just his fashion? ^_^

mr. patterson
11-08-2004, 09:20 PM
angst is just the generic teenager feeling that noone cares about you or something of the sort just listen to some radiohead and you'll get the idea anyways i don't really hate squall just he was the ff character that got on my nerves the most... until tidus that is

11-08-2004, 09:26 PM
LOL what do you have against tidus? suree he's annoying at first because he's so clueless (which can be irritating, 'what does that mean?' 'what's this?' blah blah) but he gets better ^_^ about just over half way through ^_^

i like squall, i act like him in school, don't talk to anyone, keeps myself to myself LOL but here i'm coolie ^_^ he's the most realistic character in the ff series i think

rikku and cait sith annoy the pants off me!

mr. patterson
11-08-2004, 09:31 PM
i've just developed some sort of irrational hatred of him and i really can't say why there are many more irritating characters out there it's just that he's the one that sticks in my mind.

and acting like squall in school is normal most people in school are a shower of tards with their heads so far up their own arse they're technically wearing themselves as a hat

11-08-2004, 10:11 PM
hehe Mr. Charismatic aren't you? hehe coolie

so..you don't really have a reason for hating him? you just do? hehe like the way i hate Baralai i don't know why i hate him! i just do! argh! he's soooo.....ewwww! just ewww! LOL


mr. patterson
11-08-2004, 10:38 PM
yup, i'm positively delightful... hooray for everything, it's all great etc. i've actually forgotten the name of the main guy in ffix but he's another guy i took issue with. i dunno i seem to be able to develop irrational hatreds of anything at all. what about you what are your pet-hates?

11-08-2004, 11:27 PM
i dunno hehe i don't like ppl who are too like 'religious' (LIKE BARALAI!! I HATE HIM ARGH!! lol) but yuna's okay, don't like her dad though XD i like ppl's who are like rebels and stuff, or who are alittle shy or is (although this sounds nuts) alittle cold, i tend to be drawn to ppl like that (same in the games) so i like squall for those reasons and i like zidane...i like his tail LOL

you hate zidane? poor zidane!

i don't like cloud either, he's alittle weird, or steiner, he's just plain annoying with all his 'I must be rightous!' crap.... hehe don't like goodie-goodie's hehe

11-09-2004, 10:17 PM
Tidus ("I hate you Dad" Makes me crack up every time)
I would say Selphie, but she's more as a funny annoying, they went too far with Rikku.
Eiko (she's like an annoying little sister!)

Yuna annoys me the most i cant stand her her voice is too soft shes too goody two shoes well at least in ff10 plus shes just has no personailty kinda like garnet in ff9 you cant even tell she likes tidus!/rant.html

I must agree with gunner yune on this one. She's a summoner, she's gonna have a soft voice, she's comes to me as she's afraid to have feelings for Tidus. Kinda like an Anikin Skywalker/Amidalla deal.

11-09-2004, 11:03 PM
her voice gets alittle irritating at times, i like her voice better in ffx-2

you hate tidus too? LOL poor tidi

11-12-2004, 10:06 PM
I think Rikku was very annoying she had this childish attitude and was so quick/fast to go into things(no offence 2 Rikku admirers/lovers)

11-13-2004, 12:25 AM
she is, and i thought yuffie was annoying! rikku just takes the biscuit!

11-13-2004, 08:17 PM
Rikku in FFX-2.

Although she was bearable in FFX, in the sequel however Rikku showed just how much of a lame Kaolla Su-clone she is (for those who don't know what I'm talking about, Kaolla Su is the little dark skinned, blonde haired, hyperactive monster from the anime and manga Love Hina. Like Rikku, she's young, brash, air-headed, hyper, and mechanically minded.). And seeing as I hated Su in Love Hina, I hate Rikku in FFX-2 even more.

Rikku also doesn't agree with me in a big way because, like Ja-Ja Binks in Star Wars Episode 1, she exemplfies everything that is wrong with the game. I know it's unfair to all those Rikku fanboys out there (and she has her fans), but I can't stand the underdressed bimbo. What else can I say? I just don't like her, period.

11-14-2004, 03:51 AM
For me?
-Cait Sith
-Dagger (when her lost her voice)
-Eiko (like my little sister)
-Zorrn & Thorn

11-14-2004, 11:15 AM
every one you have except zorn and torn, and eiko hehe i thought she was cute ^_^

11-14-2004, 04:15 PM

11-14-2004, 09:06 PM
i quite liked KH, cloud looked cool! better than a ball with spikes on it O.o i didn't like the way yuffie or aeris looked, or squall, he suits shorter hair XD

thought it was good apart from that......except i heted the kids on the island! wakka, tidus and selfie just DID NOT look right!

11-15-2004, 01:35 AM
Although she was bearable in FFX, in the sequel however Rikku showed just how much of a lame Kaolla Su-clone she is (for those who don't know what I'm talking about, Kaolla Su is the little dark skinned, blonde haired, hyperactive monster from the anime and manga Love Hina. Like Rikku, she's young, brash, air-headed, hyper, and mechanically minded.). And seeing as I hated Su in Love Hina, I hate Rikku in FFX-2 even more.

Rikku also doesn't agree with me in a big way because, like Ja-Ja Binks in Star Wars Episode 1, she exemplfies everything that is wrong with the game. I know it's unfair to all those Rikku fanboys out there (and she has her fans), but I can't stand the underdressed bimbo. What else can I say? I just don't like her, period.

I have to agree with everything you said there! Bimbo is the perfect word for her.

And about Kingdom Hearts, I just didn't like the game alltogether. It bored me. The main chars were lame, except for the guy with silvery hair..don't even remember his name...hm.

11-15-2004, 08:38 AM
riku? lol

i quite liked it, but i'm into things like that lol can't wait till 2 comes out ^_^

11-15-2004, 08:48 AM
Gau is cool, not annoying, the most annoying is Raijin, ya?

The Sage
11-15-2004, 01:14 PM
You want the list?

In no particular order

1. Cait Sith
2. Yuffie (optional character and damned good job too!)
3. Eiko
4. Zorrn & Thorn
5. Brahne
6. Rikku
7. Blank
8. Barret
9. Paine
10. Cinna
11. Baku
12. Squall (at times)
13. Laguna
14. Quistis (a bit)
15. Zell
16. Kiros
17. Ward
18. Heidigger
19. Hojo
20. Tseng
21. Reno
22. Elena
23. Bugenhagen
24. Elmyra
25. Yuna
26. Wakka
27. Seymore
28. Jecht
29. Trommel
30. Luzzu
31. Barthello
32. Hypello
33. Isarru
34. Maester Kinoc
35. Rin
36. Wantz
37. Bobba
38. Keepa
39. Shelinda
40. Botta
41. Cid!
42. Clasko
43. Dona
44. Lucia
45. Pacce
46. Gatta
47. Brother!
48. Maechen
49. O'aka!
50. All Hypello
51. Kingdom Hearts in a general sense. Mostly cos a little kid beats Cloud!! Oh yeah and the story line is CRAP!!
51. Erm... I can't remember any more names... but there are LOADS