Smurf Stomper
12-31-2014, 04:00 PM
Didn't see this posted anywhere on this forum, so I thought I'd share it in case anyone has good memories like I do from this game.
Tracks are named and arranged after the mission titles of the xbox game version.

(high-res here ())

1. GRAW 2 Main Theme (2:37)
2. Main Menu (3:50)
3. We Need Your Cajones, Son (5:33)
4. Knock 'Em Dead (10:25)
5. Unpleasant Surprise (3:25)
6. This Place Is An Inferno (5:09)
7. You'll Be Inserted Solo (3:24)
8. The Price Of Peace (3:54)
9. On Your Own (5:37)
10. Failure Is Not An Option (2:59)
11. Get Me Rosen! (3:05)
12. Who The Hell Are These Guys? (5:04)
13. Codenamed Farallon (4:17)
14. Just Shut Up And Do Your Job (2:53)
15. End Credits (9:28)

Download: - GRAW2 (

01-25-2015, 07:04 PM
Great job by putting together this soundtrack. Love the cover art as well! thanks!

04-27-2015, 06:04 PM
Link is dead. Could you reup.

03-02-2016, 05:38 PM
Does anyone else have this?

03-04-2016, 03:29 PM
I found the full GRAW 2 OST (aside from track #6) on the following site if this one isn't available. - http:// downloads. khin
(just remove the spaces, posting it normally screws it up)

Also see OrangeC's download, part 1 & 4 still work last time I checked - Thread 76591