12-30-2014, 05:39 PM
Anyone have any particular preferences regarding track order? Do you want every track, regardless of length or type, in chronological in-game order, or do you like your soundtracks categorized by type (all area themes together, all event themes, battle themes, etc.) Or do you not care? I can never seem to settle on which method I like better. Which do you prefer? And why? And what is your method for determining what the proper order is for a particular game's tracks if you find them unsorted?

12-30-2014, 07:53 PM
Hmmm interesting thread.
Personally I like the tracks in the chronological order (having many FF OSTs spoiled me :D). When you listen to the whole soundtrack you are magically transported to the game's memories and you know which track is going to play next, a delightful experience I must say.
That's why I always had difficulties appreciating an OST of a game I didn't play because I couldn't form a bond with it.