12-30-2014, 06:52 AM
Hello and good day to all reading this. My request is quite simple: I already own the OST but do not currently have the time to arrange the tracks into an agreeable chronological order. Several sections play in order on the OST while others play later (sometimes non-chronologically) in the playlist. I've chronologically worked down to the track "Capital of Numara" but there is a track "An Enemy Appears" which precedes it by a few tracks on my version and it's positioned currently in the place of the music from the giant worm battle at the end of the Sea of Baus adventure which is not the same version (the game version repeats a track from earlier in the score during that fight entitled "Battle Conditions") however I can't quite place which battle "An Enemy Appears" first plays in. I don't like it as a replacement track for the worm boss battle so I would like to move to a more appropriate place. Since the music for the worm boss battle was tracked music, there is no new music for that fight so it made no sense to repeat the cue.

All the Numara cues after "The Great White Ship" are in order (I didn't have to touch any of that) but I'm stuck trying to place "An Enemy Appears." If I had the time to sit down and play the game through again, this wouldn't be an issue. I've played through it completely once and my friend broke my flash drive with all my saves on it so I am having to start all over again. It's been slow progress but I listen to this soundtrack frequently to keep me motivated to play the game when I can.

Edit: I have OCD when it comes to the playlists I listen to and so far I have re-placed "An Enemy Appears" after "Epsylon Range" and before "A Sad Tolten" for my temporary enjoyment. Still not 100% sure it's supposed to go like that. The OST re-arranges the music around that section just a little bit so my order now goes "Epsylon Range", "An Enemy Appears", "A Sad Tolten" and "World of Ice". The "Gongora's Plot" cue (which previously played after "A Sad Tolten" and before "An Enemy Appears" on the OST) plays throughout the first disc of the game and such so I decided to move it a few tracks up when it first plays in the early introductory scenes of disc 1.

The order I have up to "Capital of Numara" is fine apart from that one cue I've mentioned a few times. If someone could either provide a complete chronological track list (for the cues I've not got to reach in the game yet) or at least let me know where "An Enemy Appears" goes, I'll be eternally grateful. Thanks for your time and assistance, if given. Happy New Years!

12-30-2014, 07:03 AM
Never mind.