11-06-2004, 06:57 PM
hi, i'm new an i wanted a thread that would attract a lot of posts, that probably wont happen but the basic subject is which d'you think was the best final fentasy in terms of story, characters and gamplay, and why do ya think this. Also i'm an artist and therefore welcome everyone to post pictures onto this thread, just as soon as i find a scanner my pics will also be here!

i think ff8 had the best gameplay, and joint best characters with 7 but i've only played 6 to 10-2 and chronicles so i can't comment on 1 to 5. ff7 definatly had the best story and joint best bad guy with 9, kuja and sephiroth both rock! but i enjoyed 8 the most so theres my vote.

Helen Gurley Brown
11-06-2004, 07:02 PM
This should have been posted in "General Final Fantasy", but I still voted FF6. :-*

11-06-2004, 07:04 PM
Yup, But i had to kick it for ff8 before it gets stepped on.

Rabid Monkey
11-06-2004, 07:05 PM
Moving this.

11-06-2004, 07:06 PM
This should have been posted in "General Final Fantasy", but I still voted FF6. :-*

like i said i'm new so i'm no axpert yet, but i'll learn! lol sorry that if this is inconvienient- an i'm sorry if i spelt that wrong.

thanks rabid monkey!

Lunatic HighVII
11-07-2004, 04:58 PM
I can't say that it's the best, but my favorite is final fantasy VII. Plenty of other games are "better" than it, in different ways.

Huntress Krystle
11-07-2004, 05:12 PM
FF7 may be the best when it comes to characters/storyline, but FF8 is my favorite final fantasy.

11-07-2004, 05:49 PM
i like 8 best, then 9, then 10 LOL i dont' like 7 all that much -.-

i hate it when ppl say that 'it's the best and that's final!' because thats OTO! (only their opinion) i don't like it alot

11-08-2004, 10:05 PM
I Think It's Final Fantasy X. Then IX, VIII, VII, X-2.

11-09-2004, 07:51 PM
coolie, but i played 9 first...liked ff8 better than it though

Neo Xzhan
11-09-2004, 08:45 PM
I can't really choose between FFX and FFVI, both are excelent games. But I like playing the older games and the atmosphere VI sets can't be beaten.

So FFVI get's my vote, though FFX comes in as a -very- close second.

11-09-2004, 09:53 PM
FF8 was the first one I played on my own so traditionally it is my favorite. But FF7 is defiantely the best. I'm still in mourning! I won;t say why for spoiling reasons.

11-09-2004, 11:17 PM
hehe i know why ^_^

i never finished ff7 after 'the inccident' i couldn't be bothered LOL

11-09-2004, 11:22 PM
When the 'inncident' happened, I cried and made a fic where the 'incident' never happened.

11-09-2004, 11:38 PM
i creid too after the 'inccident' so sad! :'(

coolie, yay! the 'inccident didn't happen! yay hehe

Huntress Krystle
11-10-2004, 03:14 AM
hey raine maybe u should post that fic to the fanfic area so we could all read it and be happy :)

11-10-2004, 03:16 AM

11-10-2004, 08:37 AM
hey raine maybe u should post that fic to the fanfic area so we could all read it and be happy :)

yeh tha'd be a good idea!

Aerith Gainsborough
11-10-2004, 09:27 AM
Well, I think FF-VII is still the best game. I just like the storyline.
My other favorites are FF-VI and FF-X. :)

11-10-2004, 01:32 PM
ff vii is the best one for story line but for playability and characters i gotta say my fav is viii mainy due to selphie making the game that little bit more fun
( what about x2 as many people may like that the best)

11-10-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Huntress Krystlehey raine maybe u should post that fic to the fanfic area so we could all read it and be happy Maybe I will!Let me edit it first!

11-10-2004, 11:21 PM
coolie! i've done a number of fanficts, but they all suck LOL

oh well hehe 's good ^_^

11-16-2004, 04:51 PM
Wooh 7! Greatest storyline of any game, and that's mighty important in RPGs

Darth Pepper
11-16-2004, 04:54 PM
I would have to say FF8 is my favorite, I'm not going into why, because I'm not in the mood to write an essay.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-16-2004, 06:21 PM
What Incident? Aeris's being murdered by Sephiroth? ;)

11-16-2004, 06:47 PM
im guessing so thats what i was thinking of...i had to vote for ff7 but it was closly followed by ff6 and ff10.

11-16-2004, 09:58 PM
FFVI Rocks em all!!!

11-17-2004, 05:48 PM
No1. FF7
No2. FF6

of all I just could not enjoy FF8