12-25-2014, 11:45 PM

NOTE: If you downloaded my previous upload of the Season 2 OST, please redownload it, as I have fixed a few issues.

This is the most complete rip of Telltale Game's Sam & Max trilogy. I remade this thread since I've updated things and fixed things. Download links under each CD Cover. Please read the Notes for more information.

608 Songs, 13:39:57 Playtime, 2.23GBs Uncompressed
MP3 320KB/s
All IDv3 Tagged.
Organised into folders.
Includes Cover Art and .m3u Playlists (based off the folders).
Custom Names either based off quotes from the specific cutscene, the place the track is played or what is happening when the music plays.
The 'Common' folder contains songs which appear in multiple episodes, such as the theme for the Street or the Main Credits. Any duplicate songs across episodes will have one copy put in the Common folder, while others are removed.
Where possible, some songs have been named according to the Sam & Max wikia. For example, The Credits tracks/main songs (such as "War, what is it good for?") from Season 1.
'Lite' versions of the tracks play during dialogue or cutscenes that don't have unique music, and they usually are a bit quieter/have a few instruments removed compared to the main versions (NOTE: This is not always the case; each character has a specific music track specified, although this is usually the Lite version). I've also labelled other alternate versions of main themes as per their variant.
Look out for songs you haven't heard before! They may indicate optional sequences in the game you haven't seen before (such as using your Big Gun in the Casino in Season 1, Episode 3).

Sam & Max: Save the World (Season One) --- VERSION 1

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/87697939/Sam++Max+Save+the+World+soundtrack_SMSaveTheWorld. jpg

Download Links:

MEGA: DOWNLOAD! (https://mega.co.nz/#!lBYFSLza!dW05aKvnxVfFc62zAQ7pwG58Q_2rQlHoCxUxnyw ah6E)

Song List:

169 Songs, 3:20:10 Playtime, 472.3MBs Uncompressed
Some episodes have a piece of Jazz music at the very beginning, others don't. For those that did, I named each after the episode it features in.
The 3 versions of "Have I Been Away?" in Episode 6 are named after where they occur; it is only possible for the scene to happen in one of the three places in one playthrough, depending on which Max you finish last (each of the scenes differ slightly and so the music is slightly different as well).
Episode 4 is the only episode to have Camera Transitions (or at least ones that were categorised as music).
There are 7 unique tracks for the Television music in Episode 1; I've named them according to the subject (either a character or Emetics).
As well as the full version as a normal track, Episode 3 and Episode 5 both have their respective feature songs ("Just You And Me (And Ted E. Bear)" and "Useful To Boot") cut into small chunks. For Episode 2, this is for the background audio in the casino, as it plays randomly (?) and won't play during dialogue or cutscenes. For Episode 5, you can ask the C.O.P.S to sing each part of the song, but they will not sing it as the complete song, just in the chunks. I have included both the individual chunks, as well as the full song played during the credits for both Episodes.

Sam & Max: Beyond Space & Time (Season Two) --- VERSION 2

Download Links:

MEGA: DOWNLOAD! (https://mega.co.nz/#!ZIRGzZII!OXmsmot3Fquoiji2E-o5lAhag9OrlgbyKwWaRC_zXkc)

Song List:

Episode 1: Corrected the Exorcism "Answer" tracks to actually be "Loop", as they play when the track loops while the player chooses the correct dialogue option, not when the player gets the right answer.
Episode 2: Correctly tagged the files for the "Tiny Tiki".
Episode 3: Correctly tagged the files for "Jurgen's Freestyle Bongos" (play during the rap battle).
Common: Added a title to the "Generic" jukebox track from Stinky's Diner to correspond with the same in Season 3.


213 Songs, 5:39:21 Playtime, 857.4MBs Uncompressed
I haven't included the Bagpipe sounds from the Episode 2 driving minigame, as there were so many of them and the game pins them together to make a complete song, whereas in the files they're just tiny clips. It made no sense to include them.
Stingers only appear in Episodes 3, 4 and 5, and Stinger 1 doesn't seem to exist (I named stinger 2 as 1 and so on).
I'm not sure why, but "T.H.E.M. (Hell)" is supposed to play in the middle of "A Special Surprise", yet they are both separate tracks. You can hear the gap for it inside "A Special Surprise".
Bosco's initial conversation in Episode 4 (when you first enter the UFO) doesn't seem to have a dedicated track, but rather just uses stingers and fades in/out the main loop.
The conversation with Momma Bosco in Episode 4, after you've made Bluster Blaster scare off the kids, uses the same music as the first time you talk to Momma Bosco.
I knew the location of about half of the stingers in Episode 3, but for the sake of consistency (since I couldn't figure them all out), I have placed them all at the end.

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playbox (Season Three) --- VERSION 1

Download Links:

MEGA: DOWNLOAD! (https://mega.co.nz/#!9MYjXTjb!bpQo0e9XHCvPS1S_saT3xnA6P_a7gG1K-0I5darwUbA)

Song List:

226 Songs, 4:40:26 Playtime, 947.5MBs Uncompressed
Includes 7 Unused Songs (maxpsybraingamelan, maxpsybraingamelan_lite, The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, Little Arctic Circle (Piano) (Intro), Little Arctic Circle (Piano), Flight of the Valkyries (Music Box), Jazz Opening (Sam & Max Season One)).
Note: I decompiled the LUA files and used a Hex Editor on all other files to confirm that these songs are not used in the game at all.
Episode 2 + 3: "Sammun-Mak" was originally called "cs_env_boilerroom_cs_finalcutscene_1", and is played twice; once in Episode 2 during the ending, and once in Episode 3 when Frankie pulls out his Credit Card after they are banned.
Episode 4: "The Dark Dimension" was originally called "statueofliberty", and is played twice; once when you discover the cloning chambers and once when you get the Cthonic Destroyer (filename hints that the Statue of Liberty could have been once visited before the final boss fight).
The Heaven sound which plays when you speak to the Narrator/Super-Ego is the same one from Season 2, but I could not find the file for it in this Episode (could be in the SFX or tied to the VO).
"Satan & Jurgen" is a duplicate of one of the songs in Season 2, Episode 4 ("It's Now or Never!").

12-29-2014, 04:21 AM
Neat thanks

12-29-2014, 08:09 AM
Nice job on this. Such ashame there's no soundtrack for the Sam & Max short lived TV series. I know a lot of fans would want that. But hey, we get what we get.

12-29-2014, 10:34 AM
Just as a heads up:

- Season 3, Episode 4: I highly recommend you update the song "Coldcoking Girl Stinky" to "Coldcocking Girl Stinky". I apologise for the typo. I will not be updating the upload unless I decide to create mirrors, or if there are other things to change in the Season 3 upload.


I'm currently working on the OST for Season 1 of The Wolf Among Us. There is a slight problem; the audio files in the game are at a bitrate of 80kbps. I had to check with multiple programs because I was in disbelief. I will still be releasing the OST once it is finished, but please note that I am not responsible for the low quality of the audio.

12-29-2014, 12:22 PM
Thank you.

12-30-2014, 12:05 AM
Bad news guys, Dropbox suspended my public links for "excessive sharing". Some bullshit, clearly.

I'm uploading to Mega as we speak, but it will be a few hours before all the links will become available.

12-30-2014, 07:31 AM
Sorry for the inconvenience, guys. The links have now been updated.

12-30-2014, 09:06 AM
Thank you so much! Looking forward to your "The Wolf Among Us" upload as well :)

04-13-2015, 02:13 AM
Thanks for these! Cheers!

07-23-2015, 10:24 PM
Very underrated share!!!!

Thank you for the godly share!!! We'll prompt me to play where i left of from Beyond Time and Space :)

Thanks again!!!!

12-11-2017, 01:14 PM

Does anyone own the flacs from the CDs? :o

04-24-2019, 12:07 PM
Awesome! Thank you very much for this collection!