12-25-2014, 04:54 AM
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki Extended Tracks (PSP): Part 1 ( Part 2 ( Part 3 (

The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki Extended Tracks (PSP): Part 1 ( Part 2 (

Happy holidays, guys! Here's a little present from me! ;)

So this is a little project I've been working on for the last few months. I've pretty much been dying to loop Zero and Ao no Kiseki for a long time, and I finally managed to complete such a monumental task (for the most part, anyway). Anyway, this being the gamerip versions, there are some differences from the OST releases. Interestingly, in Zero's case, a lot of the tracks are given proper endings, which I've retained in these looped edits. As for Ao, I of course included the edited versions of the Super Arrange tracks, making the soundtrack as complete as can be! :)

However, it should be noted that not all of these loops are perfect. :( You'll probably hear a small "pop" noise in a few tracks here and there, especially in Ao's case. Unfortunately, several of Ao's tracks fade out so suddenly that it was difficult for me to find proper "looping points". Heck, even without the popping, some tracks like "Omen of Disaster" and "Conflicting Passions" may sound slightly strange at their loop points (you'll hear the former track begin to fade out before the loop, for instance), but that was the best I could do. I sincerely apologize for my inexperience, but after listening to them several times, I'm still confident that it won't kill the listening experience. And at the very least, I tried to make sure that those "pops" are as small as possible, so you might not hear them right away.

In the end, I gotta say that this was my most challenging project to date, and putting aside from those errors I listed above, I'm proud of the overall result! Download and enjoy some Falcom goodness! ;)

12-25-2014, 07:06 AM
I feel like you don't even have to explain yourself here. Just post links, "Merry f*cking Christmas," drop the mike and walk out all cool.

Also thanks a whole bunch for uploading these, two of my favorites from Falcom!