11-05-2004, 07:47 AM
**Beware of slight spoilers, I guess**

Erhghghg. I'm in Druggo Forest or whatever. Duggus? Trying to find Armeena. And I'm stuck. I've checked a few walk-thrus, and they basically say, go past the 2 screens of falling rocks, get those items, then go south and west til you find a shack. Its *not* happening. I think somewhere along the line, I'm supposed to see another one of those tree-monsters, but its no where in sight. I've been around my tracks like 12 times tonight, and nothing is helping. And although its nice to level up, I'm tired of fighting >:O

Anyone else have problems with this area, or could help me out? Even telling me what monsters are in the screen where this tree-thing is would help. Its driving me insane >:O

11-05-2004, 07:53 AM
Shit... I was half asleep when I was playing that bit :(

One minute I find this fairy thing, and the next minute i'm like 'Woah! Boss fight! WTF?'?

Sorry I can't be much help. The only thing you can really do is use your mini-map and scour the area - might even be able to get the 100% completion bonus item that way =/

11-09-2004, 03:25 PM
I could scan you the map from the guide I got (which is really the only reason why you should buy it...lets just say the final, final dungeon has over 100 levels and the maps were a godsend). Unless you don't want help from me. :(

Currently I'm averaging LV 150-175 with all my characters and half-way through the last 100 levels of Sphere. Believe me, I know just about everything about SO3 there is to know.

11-10-2004, 02:19 AM
lets just say the final, final dungeon has over 100 levels and the maps were a godsend

Holy shit.

I need to see if I can find a guide... there's no way i'm going to wander around 100 levels getting lost.

Please tell me there are adequate supplies of items in those levels <.<

11-10-2004, 09:20 PM
I made it through, finally. I'm on my way to Khalhafnhwah whatever to fight the Vendeeni.

11-11-2004, 07:44 PM
Holy shit.

I need to see if I can find a guide... there's no way i'm going to wander around 100 levels getting lost.

Please tell me there are adequate supplies of items in those levels <.<

By that time in the game you should have such high MP that any healing you do will be replenished at the end of every battle. Oh ya, Sphere 211 has just that, 211 floors. You get access to the first 100 when you first visit, and the last 100 are only available after you defeat the final, final boss on the Maze of Tribulations. The first 100 are only useful for collecting synthesis materials and training cards for the VS game. It's important to have a guide for that because there's quite a few floors with no treasure at all.

BTW Cassie, you're going to hate the Shrine of Kaddan. Just thought you should know. :)

11-12-2004, 03:14 AM
Why :(

11-12-2004, 03:53 PM
Mostly because it's the longest dungeon thus far, has pretty strong enemies that'll whoop on you if you're not at least above LV 25 and quite a few bosses. There's even one boss you can't inflict damage on unless you obtain a special item. Luckily there's a save point before you fight it, so make sure you save. :)

Cause I died when I fought it. There is no clue or warning that you need such a item to beat the damn thing. That sucked. :( Maria is also pretty useless unless you use some item creation to make her a better weapon (the only gun you can BUY is from the retail rabbit in Peterny, but the one you can make is a lot better since the rabbit's gun has a fire element attached to it).

And you know, you can ask me questions on AIM if you want. :( I'm like the SO3 guide without the stupid mistakes that the Bradygames guide has. Oh and to anyone that actually buys that - don't use it for item creation. ;) Lots and lots of mistakes, so many that I'd sell it back if I didn't need the maps so badly for Sphere 211.

11-12-2004, 04:13 PM
I only remember one boss. ;(

11-12-2004, 07:54 PM
The Crystal Knights are considered sub-bosses with the Cerberus thing being a mid-way boss before you fight the buffed up Vendeeni Soldiers at the end. It's really Cerberus you have to worry about along with some of the stronger enemies lurking in the temple.

Oh and all the Crystal Knights are immune to elemental attacks. So battle skills like Hammer of Might, Ice Daggers, etc., will be useless. They're also very quick and frequently like to ram your spellcastors. Having a leveled up Maria firing Aiming Device with Nel using Shadow Wave and Cliff using Aerial Assault should make it an easy MP kill victory. Fayt is pretty much useless though since all his MP damaging moves are those elemental sword techniques.

Furious Rose
11-15-2004, 01:20 AM
Cassie he's right, Kaddan is and always will be PURE HELL! Don't forget you need that special item to even damage the Cerberus..period.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-31-2004, 08:17 PM
Hell, I'm still trying to get the fucking copper from the Dragon caves or whatever, there's this one barred door that refuses to open though, wtf am I doing wrong?

01-03-2005, 08:41 AM
There's a few tricks to get into doors in that cave. There's one where you have to light the two pedestals in the middle and then stand between them so your shadow creates a line between them.

Another you have to turn off the light stone, or whatever it is to get through.

The last one is a bit confusing, as I just guessed my way through it. Basically light up two of the three torches and a door opens.

Yeah, I hope one of those is the one you're talking about ;(

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
01-03-2005, 08:17 PM
Yeah, now I'm about to head to some something-or-other-Ruins to meet with the King of Airyglyph, but they didn't tell me which direction the fuck to go to get to them. :(