11-04-2004, 09:11 PM
Which of these are the funniest?


Director: Ok! Now: People, the important thing is, to just go up there and have fun and DO your best! Heh. Heh...DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE!!

Inuyasha: Teh. You mean you dragged me all the way out of the well just so -

Kagome: PLEASE! Let's just go with the show..(*Fake smiling at everybody)

Sango: My back hurts. My arm hurts. My leg hurts. My-

Miroku: Kagome. I know that you're just as miserable as I am.

Kagome: Yeah...But what can I do? I need the money for this CD.

Inuyasha: CD! You said you needed the money so you can buy some more of those tasty noodles! Or I wouldn't have come out here for some CD!!!!

Sango: My wrist hurts. My fingers hurt. My stomach hurts.

Inuyasha: And- SANGO, SHUT UP!

Sango: WHAT?! YOU ONLY HAVE TO CARRY A SWORD! You try jumping 10 feet into the air and throwing that idiot of a boomerang around!

Director: Now..LETS NOT WASTE ANYMORE TIME! Ok. Take 1. Episode 25: Naraku's Insidious Plot!


Director: People...please! We've barely got started and we already wasted $189.05!

Shippo: What's that?

Director: Ok. Now. Where's Inuyasha.

Kagome: Whu dunyo *says between mouthfuls of cookie*

Director: *sigh* Why didn't I become a Truck Driver like my little sister wanted me to?

Inuyasha: Go srew a porcupine. *That's my friend Victoria's saying*

Director: And here we go! Episode 23 Kagome's Voice Kikyo's Kiss.

Inuyasha: Kikyo! I had never stopped thinking about you! Even for 1 minute!!

*Kagome's pinned to the tree coughing*

Kikyo: *Runs over to Inuyasha and hugs him* I longed to embrace you like this when I was alive...but..)

Inuyasha: Kikyo...

Kikyo: *kisses Inuyasha*

*Kagome coughs harder*

Inuyasha: *startled*

Director: CUT! Good Job! No more cookies for you, Kagome!

Kagome: Ahem...

Director: We've got to keep this going so.... Part 2...ACTION!

*mystical energy swirls around them making a hole under them. KIKYO'S PLANNING TO DRAG INUYASHA DOWN TO HELL WITH HER!!!*

Kagome: Kikyo! Inuyasha wants to be with you! I didn't hear him say anything about him dying with you! Inuyasha never stops thinking about you! Aren't you satisfied!!??

Kikyo: *Looks over at Kagome*

Inuyasha: Um..Kikyo?

Kikyo: *hisses* You're suppose to be unconsious!


Kagome: *Very nervous*

Inuyasha: Sorry, but I HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM!! Uh-oh....*looks down* *Then back up at Kikyo*

Inuyasha: Ok, I'm fine now.

Director: CUT!

Kikyo: I quit! ARRGGG!


Kagome: She no own.
Sango: You no sue.

Shippou: We'll hunt and kill you...

Miroku: If you do.

Inuyasha: What the hell is wrong with you guys?

Kagome: I don't know. Don't have a clue.

Shippou: But why doesn't it affect you?

Inuyasha: Why are you guys...*makes disgusted face*...RHYMING?

Miroku: We think we have been placed under a spell.

Sango: But we can't find Corisu, so we can't tell.

Inuyasha: Ok, stop this shit. It's getting annoying.

Kagome: We told you, we can't. It's natural now.

Sango: Try to get used to it.

Bart: Don't have a cow.
Everyone except Bart: *sweatdrops*

Corisu Li: *suddenly appears and drop-kicks Bart back to 'The Simpsons' which isn't mine either* Damn. That was annoying. Darn unrelated characters popping up out of nowhere...

Inuyasha: What is going on with everybody? *gestures at the rhyming freaks*

Corisu Li: Ohhhhh.... That must be my subconscious taking revenge for them ignoring me in the last disclaimer.
Inuyasha: Why don't I rhyme?

Corisu Li: You didn't care much. You ignore me all the time, so no biggie.
Inuyasha: ^_^ Oh, yeah. So can you stop it?

Corisu Li: Yup! *snaps fingers and a girl appears. She looks to be the same age as C-Li, except she's an inuhanyou...and hyper* Kunoichi, take off the hex.

Kunoichi: ^____________________^ NOPE! *begins to hum and dance around*

Kagome: I'm running out of ideas! Now, stop it!

Shippou: *holds up popcorn bag* This isn't done! Better pop it!

Inuyasha: *anime fall* That was really stupid, Shippou. Crazy girl, make 'em stop!

Kunoichi: *jumps on Inu's head and gnaws his ears*

Inuyasha: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Corisu Li: Ok, this disclaimer's too long...better move on!


Fluffy: So you want Kagome? To bad! I want her! ^.^

Inuyasha: But thats not fair! Kagome is MINE!

Kagome: Wow... I feel loved...

Inuyasha: Shut up Kagome! I'm trying to get you back!

Kagome: Why you... SIT!

Inuyasha: Wha... -crash- OUCH! Kagome!

Kagome: Hmph, you desurved it.

Fluffy: Thats my woman.

Inyasha: Grr

Shippo: Give us back out Kagome!

Sango: Yea!

Miroku: Yea, she's Inuyasha's jewel detector!

Kagome: Miroku!

Inuyasha: Heh... He said it Kagome!

Kagome: I know... I know...

Fluffy: Kagome, -gets down on one knee- Will you marry me!?

Kagome: Kiiii!?

Fluffy: Is that a yes?

Inuyasha: FLUFFY!

Sango and Shippo: WHAT!?

Kagome: Heh- Fluffy, I cant marry you...

Fluffy: And why not?

Kagome: Because your not my type...

Kikyo: Oh god-

Inuyasha: Yea! I'm her type!

Kagome: Heh

Sango: Yea- she like's Inuyasha!

Kagome: -blushes- Heh...

Miroku: Three cheers for Kagome!

Shippo: Why only 3?

Koga: I feel so...

Dana: LOVED!? -kisses Koga-

Koga: Mmmm...

Person: Anyways!

Kirara: Meow!

Kagome: Well... Fluffy- can you let me go now?

Fluffy: -Sniff- Fine.. I love you Kagome...

Inuyasha: Woohoo! I won!

Shippo: Inuyasha, put that gameboy down!

Inuyasha: Aww...

Kagome: -sighs-

Sango: Heh... -take's Miroku's hand-

Miroku: Sango... Will you bare my child?

Sango: Yes!

Miroku: Lets go!


Inuyasha: We must Get Kagome!

Person: Yup!

Sango: Kirara heel!

-Kirara stops an come's back over to Sango-

Kikyo: But Inuyasha...

Inuyasha: Not now Kikyo! I MUST get Kagome!

Sango: Come on Miroku! -Grabs Miroku and pulls him onto Kirara-

Miroku: Ok Ok!

Koga: Dana... you MUST understand... we have to get Kagome...

Dana: Fine... But i get to ride on your back!

Koga: -sighs- Fine.

Person: -Yawn-

Inuyasha: Everyone Ready!?

Kikyo: Yea... yea yea...

Shippo: Bring Her backpack Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: Oh... oh yea- -drools- Ramen...

Koga: Focus!

Inuyasha: Grrr... shut up Flea bag... i AM focused.

kikyo: -take's Inuyasha's arm- Inuyasha... Could i... well... could I Ride on your back?

Inuyasha: Um... I HAVE to Focus! Um.... ride on Kirara!

Kirara: -Hiiiisssssssssss!- (Kikyo: Eep!) Meow!

Sango: Everyone ready!?

Inuyasha, Koga, Dana, Shippo, Miroku, Person, (Kirara: Meow!), (Kikyo: No... -sighs-): Yea!

-Everyone teams up and dashes out!-

Myouga: Were will you find him Master Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: Myouga!? What the hell are you doing here!?

Myouga: What? it IS safe isn't it!?

Inuyasha: Myouga!

-Kirara runs up beside Inuyasha- Sango: Inuyasha! Not much far you say?

Inuyasha: I can smell his sent!... and kagome's...

Miroku: Onwards we go!

Sango: Miroku!

Miroku: -sighs- Sango... we have to talk... ever since you came out into the open about me...

Sango: -sighs- your right Miroku... i...

Miroku: Sango! You have been driving me Insane! Your completly Controlive!

Sango: B-but...

Miroku: You love me Right!?

Sango: Yea... yea...

Miroku: Ok then Sango! Why do you treat me soooo badly!

Sango: Oh... Miroku- Its because I'ma so scared of losing you!

Miroku: Then treat me Nice!

sango: -Sob- Ok Miroku!

Inuyasha: Gah... will you two PLEASE Shut up!?

Sango & Miroku: Ok ok...

Inuyasha: We're getting closer!

Shippo: Yay!

Person: Hush Shippo, we dont want Fluffy -sighs an mumble's "That sexy beast..."- erg... to find out!

Shippo: Oh...

Inuyasha: Yea...

Koga: Come'on Mutt face! Which way!?

Dana: be nice Koga, my friend like is in LOVE with him!

Koga: -Sighs- Fine...

Inuyasha: Grr- this way!

Kikyo: Inuyasha... do we HAVE to find her?

Inuyasha: Yes!

Kikyo: Ok... fine -sighs-

-They hear Kagome-

Kagome: Fluffy dont you dare touch me! If you happen to Know Inuyasha Will be here anytime soon!

-everyone run's in-

Everyone at once: FLUFFY!

Fluffy: So you all have come to rescue Kagome i persume?

Everyone (Exspet Kikyo): Yea!

Inuyasha: Grr, Fluffy...

Fluffy: Inuyasha... Calm down, for i LOVE Kagome.

Inuyasha and Koga: FLUFFY!!

Dana: -cries- KOGA!

Koga: Oops...

Inuyasha: Fluffy- she is MINE!

Kikyo: Grr...

Person: Yea, biztech, on your knee's!

Fluffy: Exsuce me?

Person: Um... Heh... Nothing...

Shippo: Cows go moo!

Kagome: Um... Shippo?

Shippo: Uh... i couldn't make that person feel stupid alone...

Everyone: Ooh

Inuyasha: Drop Kagome!

Fluffy: Erg... -drops kagome-

Kagome: Ouch! You igit!

Fluffy: b-but... he said "Drop" you...

Inuyasha: Erg... damn you man!

Kagome: That hurt you know!

Fluffy: I am so sorry my lady...

Inuyasha: Hey! Back off dude!

Sango: Well... Kagome, are you alright?

Kagome: I guess so... Hey! Miroku hands off!

Miroku: I just HAD to rub it... -SLAP- Ouch!

Sango: -sighs- Miroku...

Miroku: Dont hit me!!! Eeeee...

Sango: Oh Miroku, you can be so cute... Try and behave for me will you?

Miroku: Huh?... oh... alrighty!

Sango: Gee ^-^

Inuyasha: Uh... Um... Ooh! Sessy!

Fluffy: Its fluffy little bro...

Inuyasha: FINE! "Fluffy"

Fluffy: Thank you.

What one you like best?

if you have any others, post them ^_^

Terra Fire
11-04-2004, 09:18 PM
what the heck woz that???????

11-04-2004, 11:14 PM
Miroku: I just HAD to rub it... -SLAP- Ouch!

Gotta love that one. :P

11-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Inuyasha: Drop Kagome!

Fluffy: Erg... -drops kagome-

Kagome: Ouch! You igit!

Fluffy: b-but... he said "Drop" you...

LOL i liked that one

11-09-2004, 10:10 PM
hehe i think something else is funny but i dont wanna say

11-09-2004, 11:09 PM
oh it's okay! say it if you want ^_^ want to hear 'em!

11-11-2004, 08:38 PM
WoooW were they in the episodes i think i've never seen them parts.... hmmm..... now i know whats going to come next timei buy hehe ... O:]

11-11-2004, 09:32 PM
lol they're made up hehe

'Inuyasha: What is going on with everybody? *gestures at the rhyming freaks*'

'Kagome: I'm running out of ideas! Now, stop it!

Shippou: *holds up popcorn bag* This isn't done! Better pop it!

Inuyasha: *anime fall* That was really stupid, Shippou. Crazy girl, make 'em stop!'

hehe funnie

11-14-2004, 05:09 AM
I like inuyasha

11-14-2004, 11:06 AM
:laugh: thats good ^_^