12-16-2014, 09:09 AM
I'm posting this collection as its own thread away from the Doctor Who thread in case anyone who doesn't check that thread who might want to hear these can also have a chance to hear them. (The title was supposed to say "Fanmade" not "Fanaade". Apologies. My keyboard stuck and I caught that AFTER I submitted the thread.)

This is my 11-Disc set of music from Doctor Who's first 50 years which I call the "era" collections.

Before we get to the tracklists I want to point out that not ALL of these tracks are free of FX or "special sounds" but the bulk of them are (You might also hear some muffled dialogue here or there but THAT isn't that prevelant). For the earlier Doctors I chose stories with music available or stories whose FX were easily reduced or removed, this became very problematic during the UNIT era, lots of guns, slamming of doors and poor old Bessie running about. The sources used for these collections vary. If they are episode rips I have used the best possible versions available (for instance "Spearhead From Space"'s source was from my BluRay). Some of the files I used were posted here in the Doctor Who soundtracks thread by various people (CGCJ, Amanda, Chris666eden, Recons, hybrid01, gwlock1, DrMatt1974 (although I had already ripped most of the Isolated Scores myself along the way), WhichDoctor?, gnawingagony, dragonOllie15 and many, many others along the way) so I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped this project finally reach its completion many years after I had originally envisioned it (I actually started planning these in 2003!)

Obviously, not EVERY story is going to be represented but I feel these collections are a good sampling of the first 50 years.

As many of you know, I not only compiled this collection I mixed, arranged, mastered and conceived the entire thing. The artwork was created by me. This has been a true "labor of love". ;)

Now... what's that you say? You want to know what's on this collection? Oh, alright... If I MUST....

Here goes:


Doctor Who Opening Titles (1963 - 1966 Version) (0:32)
The Daleks (Suite) (7:47) (additional "stereo" mastering by gwylock1)
The Edge Of Destruction (Suite) (5:29)
The Aztecs (Suite) (4:27)
The Reign Of Terror (Suite) (7:40)
The Web Planet (Suite) (3"50)
The Crusade (Suite) (4:39)
The Space Museum (Suite) (5:59)
The Chase (Suite) (4:44)
Galaxy 4 (Suite) (5:01)
The Daleks' Master Plan (Suite) (5:22)
The Massacre (Suite) (6:14)
The Celestial Toymaker (Suite) (4:03)
The Savages (Suite) (4:01)
The Tenth Planet (Suite) (4:15)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1963 - 1966 Version) (0:53)
Doctor Who (Pilot Version) (restored and remastered by gwylock1) (2:04)
Doctor Who (1963 - 1966 Version) (2:20)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1966 - 1967 Version)
The Power Of The Daleks (Suite) (5:14)
The Moonbase (Suite) (5:38)
The Macra Terror (Suite) (6:06)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1966 - 1967 Version) (0:58)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (Long 1967 - 1969 Version) (0:39)
The Evil Of The Daleks (Suite) (7:06)
The Tomb Of The Cybermen (Suite) (6:03)
The Web Of Fear (Suite) (5:33)
The Wheel In Space (Suite) (5:57)
The Dominators (Suite) (4:19)
The Invasion (Suite) (5:50)
The Krotons (Suite) (5:59)
The Seeds Of Death (Suite) (7:43)
The War Games (Suite) (5:32)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1967 - 1969 Version) (1:04)
Doctor Who (1966 - 1967 Version) (2:20)
Doctor Who (1967 - 1969 Version) (2:20)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1970 - 1974 Version) (0:44)
Spearhead From Space (Suite) (4:33)
Doctor Who And The Silurians (Suite) (6:38)
The Ambassadors Of Death (Suite) (4:12)
Inferno (Suite) (6:19)
The Mind Of Evil (Suite) (7:04)
The Claws Of Axos (Suite) (3:09)
The Sea Devils (Suite) (6:49)
The Mutants (Suite) (8:11)
The Three Doctors (Suite) (3:05)
Carnival Of Monsters (Suite) (4:23)
Frontier In Space (Suite) (7:05)
Death To The Daleks (Suite) (6:50)
Planet Of The Spiders (Suite) (4:51)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1970 - 1974 Version) (1:12)
Doctor Who (1970 - 1974 Version) (2:15) (specially mixed by me for this collection)
Doctor Who (Delaware Version) (2:08)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1974 - 1980 Version) (0:42)
The Ark In Space (Suite) (4:57) (performed by Heathcliff Blair)
Revenge Of The Cybermen (Suite) (6:12)
Terror Of The Zygons (Suite) (6:09)
The Seeds Of Doom (Suite) (5:53)
The Sun Makers (Suite) (4:32)
Underworld (Alternate Suite) (6:00)
City Of Death (Suite) (5:07) (performed by gwylock1)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1974 - 1980 Version) (0:41)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (1980 - 1981 Version) (0:37)
The Leisure Hive (Suite) (4:45)
Meglos (Suite) (4:46)
Full Circle (Suite) (4:22)
State Of Decay (Suite) (5:38)
Warriors' Gate (Suite) (4:44)
The Keeper Of Traken (Suite) (5:47)
Logopolis (Suite) (4:42)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1980 - 1981 Version) (1:16)
Doctor Who (1974 - 1980 Version) (2:15) (specially mixed by me for this collection)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1981 - 1984 Version) (0:37)
Castrovalva (Suite) (5:30)
Four To Doomsday (Suite) (4:15)
Kinda (Suite) (5:26)
The Visitation (Suite) (5:35)
Earthshock (Suite) (5:03)
Snakedance (Suite) (5:21)
Mawdryn Undead (Suite) (5:58)
Enlightenment (Suite) (5:24)
The King's Demons (Suite) (5:19)
The Five Doctors (Suite) (5:26)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (25th Anniversary Version) (1:15)
The Awakening (Suite) (3:12)
Resurrection Of The Daleks (Suite) (5:24)
Planet Of Fire (Suite) (5:27)
The Caves Of Androzani (Suite) (6:38)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1981 - 1984 Version) (1:16)
Doctor Who (1981 - 1984 Version) (2:42)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1984 - 1986 Version) (0:37)
The Twin Dilemma (Suite) (7:50)
Attack Of The Cybermen (Suite) (8:09)
Vengeance On Varos (Suite) (7:37)
The Mark Of The Rani (Suite) (8:09)
The Two Doctors (Suite) (8:36)
Timelash (Suite) (7:37)
Revelation Of The Daleks (Suite) (5:03)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1984 - 1986 Version) (1:16)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (1986 Version) (0:45)
The Trial Of A Time Lord: Mysterious Planet (Suite) (7:55)
The Trial Of A Time Lord: Mindwarp (Main Theme and Variations) (1:122)
The Trial Of A Time Lord: Terror Of The Vervoids (Suite) (6:24)
The Trial Of A Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe (Suite) (5:54)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1986 Version)
Doctor Who (1984 - 1986 Version) (2:43)
Doctor Who (1986 Version) (2:56)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (1987 - 1989 Version) (0:55)
Time And The Rani (Suite) (6:13)
Paradise Towers (Suite) (4:39)
Delta And The Bannermen (Suite) (4:20)
Dragonfire (Suite) (6:38)
Remembrance Of The Daleks (Suite) (6:16)
The Happiness Patrol (Suite) (7:23)
Silver Nemesis (Suite) (6:35)
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy (Suite) (6:29)
Battlefield (Suite) (6:21)
Ghost Light (Suite) (5:49)
The Curse Of Fenric (Suite) (7:32)
Survival (Suite) (5:52)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1987 - 1989 Version) (1:17)
Doctor Who (1987 - 1989 Version) (2:41)

Prologue: Skaro/Doctor Who Opening Titles (1996 Version)
The TV Movie (Suite) (7:55)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (1996 Version)
Shada (Suite) (2:29)
The Silver Turk (Suite) (5:17)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (2001 Version) (0:31)
Storm Warning (Suite) (5:40)
Army Of Death (Suite) (5:20)
Sword Of Orion (Suite) (5:48)
Seasons Of Fear (Suite) (6:46)
Embrace The Darkness (Suite) (5:44)
Something Inside (Suite) (3:09)
The Four Doctors (Suite) (5:37)
The Eight Truths (Suite) (4:29)
Worldwide Web (Suite) (4:35)
The Book Of Kells (Suite) (4:40)
Dark Eyes 2 (Suite) (5:10)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2001 Version) (0:57)
Doctor Who (2001 Version) (2:06)
The Night Of The Doctor (Suite) (Bonus Track) (4:56) (Please note that this suite will not fit with the rest of the collection if burned to a Compact Disc. It is included as a "digital only" bonus track.)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (2005 Version)
Rose (Suite) (4:20)
The End Of The World (Suite) (8:55)
The Unquiet Dead (Suite) (3:13)
Aliens Of London/World War III (Suite) (10:34)
Dalek (Suite) (8:40)
The Long Game (Suite) (3:53)
Father's Day (Suite) (5:25)
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Suite) (7:18)
Boomtown (Suite) (9:27)
Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways (Suite) (11:42)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2005 Version) (1:30)
Doctor Who (2006 Album Version) (2:30)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (205 - 2007 Version) (0:40)
School Reunion (Suite) (5:25)
The Girl In The Fireplace (Suite) (8:34)
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit (Suite) (7:26)
Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday (Suite) (7:28)
The Runaway Bride (Suite) (3:53)
Human Nature/The Family Of Blood (Suite) (4:37)
The Sound Of Drums/The Last Of The Time Lords (Suite) (6:58)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2005 - 2007 Version) (1:27)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (2007 - 2009 Version) (0:46)
Voyage Of The Damned (Suite) (6:06)
Silence In The Library/Forests Of The Dead (Suite) (7:23)
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (Suite) (4:24)
The Waters Of Mars (Suite) (4:47)
The End Of Time (Suite) (8:28)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2007 - 2009 Version) (1:07)

Doctor Who Opening Titles (2010 - 2012 Version) (0:40)
The Eleventh Hour (Suite) (6:01)
The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone (Suite) (5:48)
Vincent And The Doctor (Suite) (5:53)
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (Suite) (5:16)
The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon (Suite) (6:08)
The Doctor's Wife (Suite) (4:33)
A Good Man Goes To War (Suite) (6:14)
Let's Kill Hitler (Suite) (6:29)
The Girl Who Waited (Suite) (4:22)
The Wedding Of River Song (Suite) (5:14)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2010 - 2012 Version) (1:05)
Doctor Who Opening Titles (2012 Version) (0:41)
The Name Of The Doctor (Suite) (7:01)
The Day Of The Doctor (Suite) (6:58)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (50th Anniversary Version) (1:02)
The Time Of The Doctor (Suite) (4:18)
Doctor Who Closing Titles (2012 Version) (1:02)

And without any further adieu... the download links:

THE TOM BAKER ERA (!ddcFTILI!1IZgXjxQi-5QZiN-l37t_z2LLw8v65GIywGihWj8C3M)
THE COLIN BAKER ERA (!gBkhnDpb!J67a17bRZBQWf9yNeH6YTvomDHtLXvFJuScs2zw qZd8)
THE MATT SMITH ERA (!IAliBZjY!poBOlCtXA3Vf-mbWapb9_Q6CjxsKG5D0y8ITpeppRUc)

All sets are in 320kbps MP3.

Whew! I hope everyone enjoys these.

James (The Disney Guy)
12-16-2014, 09:18 AM
Unfortunatly ican not rep you twice but i can thank you twice lol.
Well done on this collection beautiful artwork and wonderful compilation. ;)

Lightning Rod
12-16-2014, 09:45 AM
Wow, amazing! Thanks a million for this.

12-16-2014, 12:10 PM
Thanks a lot

12-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Thanks Impossibleego! I hope everyone who comes to this, who haven't been following the Doctor Who music thread can just appreciate the sheer amount of work and effort that has gone into this and actually realize that this is a fan made thing, just one guy did all this, with some help from others and I hope that no one will ever try to pass this off as official (Even though I don't doubt that it is up to that high a standard of quality or even higher).

12-16-2014, 01:56 PM
Hmph....still no score at all from my favorit. 42, when Doc was hanging outside of the shiptrying to reach a lever. Full on Doc's action theme in a variation I have never see,

Tye rest is good enough, I suppose I will carry on somehow.


I look forward to listening. I am on the last dl now. :)

12-16-2014, 02:06 PM
Thanks Impossibleego! I've been looking forward to this! Also thanks for breaking this out into it's own thread, would have hated to have missed it.

12-16-2014, 02:31 PM
Hmph....still no score at all from my favorit. 42, when Doc was hanging outside of the shiptrying to reach a lever. Full on Doc's action theme in a variation I have never see,

Tye rest is good enough, I suppose I will carry on somehow.


I look forward to listening. I am on the last dl now. :)

I WISH I could have pulled off music for 42!

12-16-2014, 02:37 PM
A damn shame it was not on the official releases. Aside from being one of favorite renditions, it s the first time we really hear it in full, and as the main action theme. for leaving it off the ost is shameful

12-16-2014, 02:44 PM
Hmph....still no score at all from my favorit. 42, when Doc was hanging outside of the shiptrying to reach a lever. Full on Doc's action theme in a variation I have never see,

A damn shame it was not on the official releases. Aside from being one of favorite renditions, it s the first time we really hear it in full, and as the main action theme. for leaving it off the ost is shameful
Isn't that particular cue included in Chris666eden's series 3 soundtrack? As 'Space Walk' or something like that?

12-16-2014, 03:31 PM
Thank you!!

12-16-2014, 04:27 PM
Stirling, exemplary work, sir - thanks for all your efforts!

12-16-2014, 04:33 PM
I congratulate you on the amazing work and effort you have put into this. I salute you, sir.

James (The Disney Guy)
12-16-2014, 06:16 PM
I Have To Say I Think Disc 9 (THE CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON ERA) Is My Fav For 2 Reasons.

1. It Surpasses the "Official" 50th Anniversary Disc As The Whole Disc is Music From That Doctor (The Official Was Only Half or So)
2. There Is A Suite From Everyone Of This Doctor's Episodes :)

And Second (Joint)

8th, 10th & 11th Doctor So Hard to Choose LOL
The Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Suite Is Excellent (A Good Mixture of the Cybermen & Dalek Themes Works So Well)

Thanks Again and Good Work...... Whens the Sequal?? ;)


12-16-2014, 07:13 PM

I'm afraid disk 9 for me is somewhat annoying for the soundtrack tracks being used and some of the tracks are included in the wrong suites... and on the disk one cover, the Dalek and Cyberman are so clearly toys... (My only complaints) Oh and disk 8 has two track 9's, and no track 6.

The first four disks are certainly my favourite, as they are the ones that must have taken the most work to get completed and because I prefer the music and those eras in general to the later ones.

James (The Disney Guy)
12-16-2014, 07:30 PM
The first four disks are certainly my favourite, as they are the ones that must have taken the work to get completed and because I prefer the music and those eras in general to the later ones.

Each To Their Own :) But I Understand Your Reason I Prefer the "New Doctors" As They Are Who Are On When I Started Watching the Show

12-16-2014, 10:56 PM
I'm afraid disk 9 for me is somewhat annoying for the soundtrack tracks being used and some of the tracks are included in the wrong suites... and on the disk one cover, the Dalek and Cyberman are so clearly toys... (My only complaints) Oh and disk 8 has two track 9's, and no track 6.

The first four disks are certainly my favourite, as they are the ones that must have taken the most work to get completed and because I prefer the music and those eras in general to the later ones.

I can reupload McGann with the track #s fixed (Yes, I just caught it too..) as for the Eccleston problem you mentioned I followed very closely what others on this forum had each cue labeled as being from. Some of them are in multiple episodes so I chose where to use them. If there's a cue out of place, it generally means whoever uploaded the original file had it listed as the wrong episode. I tend to have a problem distinguishing Gold's cues half the time as he reuses so many of them so I never really paid THAT close of attention to each and every single cue for 9 - 11. I assumed that my friends here who are much more knowledgeable about Gold's work had actually labelled the cues correctly. Apologies for that.

12-16-2014, 11:17 PM
Thank you

12-16-2014, 11:28 PM
Thanks very much for sharing your hard work with us!!

12-16-2014, 11:33 PM
Bravo, thank you

12-17-2014, 04:25 AM
Thanks - this is just damn awesome. A quick question - is anyone else getting a message for Doctor #8 that the file isn't available?

In any case - thanks again!

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

Never mind - waiting awhile and trying it again did the trick. Cheers.

12-17-2014, 08:56 AM
Thanks - this is just damn awesome. A quick question - is anyone else getting a message for Doctor #8 that the file isn't available?

In any case - thanks again!

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

Never mind - waiting awhile and trying it again did the trick. Cheers.

Thank you priestess99 because you just answered a question I was going to ask! Someone else had a problem with the McGann as well.

12-17-2014, 04:13 PM
Thank you

12-17-2014, 06:44 PM
great work, thanks

01-28-2015, 05:29 PM
I don't know why it isn't working for me. It gets as far as "starting" but doesn't go anywhere. I have a new computer but I've downloaded from Uploaded. For some reason Mega isn't working for me. It's not just this thread but the "Kudlak" one too. Any ideas?

01-28-2015, 11:14 PM

James (The Disney Guy)
01-28-2015, 11:44 PM
I don't know why it isn't working for me. It gets as far as "starting" but doesn't go anywhere. I have a new computer but I've downloaded from Uploaded. For some reason Mega isn't working for me. It's not just this thread but the "Kudlak" one too. Any ideas?

If you are using firefox it does not always work on there. I use chrome and its always worked well (except when mega is officially down)

01-29-2015, 05:47 AM
If you are using firefox it does not always work on there. I use chrome and its always worked well (except when mega is officially down)

I am using Chrome.

01-29-2015, 02:12 PM
I got it to work with Explorer.

02-01-2015, 12:48 AM
Doctor Who has featured some great scores. Dudley Simpson and Murray Gold and a host of others came up with some unforgettable music. your covers are to die for as well!

02-01-2015, 12:55 AM
Simply FANTASTIC impossibleego!

02-14-2015, 11:20 PM
Very nice, thank you.

02-19-2015, 08:49 PM
I don't know why it isn't working for me. It gets as far as "starting" but doesn't go anywhere. I have a new computer but I've downloaded from Uploaded. For some reason Mega isn't working for me. It's not just this thread but the "Kudlak" one too. Any ideas?

Try using Chrome for Mega. :)

02-19-2015, 10:18 PM

02-22-2015, 08:45 PM
Thank you for this amazing work. Doctor Who should be proud of you! THANK YOU!!!!

10-09-2015, 11:11 PM
Excellent thread, thank you once again, Impossibleego.
Amazing work!

10-10-2015, 01:37 PM

10-29-2015, 01:14 AM
Each cover captures the highlighted moments of that Doctor's era so eloquently. Nice job. I have one question, who is the Doctor? Lol... I give you the highest kudos and reputation points. Thank you and much appropriated.

04-02-2016, 07:58 PM
Amazing work, especially on Dudley Simpson's unavailable music.

Uncle Bela
04-10-2017, 01:06 PM
Many, many thanks. :)

Nick Nichols
04-10-2017, 03:35 PM
Thank you!

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 AM ----------

Thank you!

04-17-2017, 09:31 PM
Many thanks!

02-26-2018, 12:16 AM
Thank you priestess99 because you just answered a question I was going to ask! Someone else had a problem with the McGann as well.

Great collection. It is a nice compliment to the official compilation and in my view easier to listen to because the suites are very well done. It takes me back watching those shows back in the 90s. I am only interested in the first 7 collections but appreciate the hard work you have put into everything.
One quick question, can I get the scans of the covers anywhere? Those are well done too.

02-28-2018, 09:42 PM
A magnum opus. Thank you.

03-01-2018, 11:18 PM
Many thanks!

05-02-2018, 02:47 PM

To Celebrate the series 9 soundtrack of Doctor Who I was wondering if you could kindly Reupload this for me.

Doctor Who: The Era Collections (Fanaade, 11 Discs, 320kbps) (2014)

I would love to listen to this thank you so much!