12-08-2014, 05:23 AM

You know you want to see it!

It'll be interesting how the last part plays out. I know that they've been leading upto the climax, and it's a little sad how it's gone, but I think it's captured the essence of the book. People will be like, "but it adds things in, and the characters aren't the way that I expected them to be" and that imagination ought to be needed to read the book, but the movie leaves nothing to question.

To be fair, my excitement or enthusiasm for seeing the last part is totally because I want to see how it all pans out. I guess I'm a storyteller at heart. The book, though it is far shorter than the Lord of the Rings, has somehow been lengthened in the movie to include parts that were not included. There is the lore and the storytelling weave that runs through the movies, and even for people that have read the book there are surprises. Anyway, I was wanting to hear what you think of the third movie? Or what you're expecting it to be. Maybe this will turn into a review of the movie when it comes out.

12-08-2014, 02:24 PM
One of my Fav, How was the next part

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12-08-2014, 03:02 PM
i am liking how background LOTR is put for hobbit. hoping this also good :) (also waiting for excited extended version :D )

12-08-2014, 05:29 PM
You know you want to see it!

It'll be interesting how the last part plays out. I know that they've been leading upto the climax, and it's a little sad how it's gone, but I think it's captured the essence of the book. People will be like, "but it adds things in, and the characters aren't the way that I expected them to be" and that imagination ought to be needed to read the book, but the movie leaves nothing to question.

To be fair, my excitement or enthusiasm for seeing the last part is totally because I want to see how it all pans out. I guess I'm a storyteller at heart. The book, though it is far shorter than the Lord of the Rings, has somehow been lengthened in the movie to include parts that were not included. There is the lore and the storytelling weave that runs through the movies, and even for people that have read the book there are surprises. Anyway, I was wanting to hear what you think of the third movie? Or what you're expecting it to be. Maybe this will turn into a review of the movie when it comes out.

I am excited for this, but not near what it might be if the first two Hobbit films had been better. I am a huge Tolkien fan, however I don't have a problem with changes being made. Movies are very different than books and sometimes changes need to be made. A great example of this is in TT when Eomer comes back with Gandalf instead of Erkenbrand. The film was already long enough, and they didn't need to introduce any more characters. That being said, 99% of the changes made thus far in the Hobbit(s) have been so very UN-necessary and at times downright BAD.

In AUJ, I didn't mind the addition of Radagast, or the White Council. But they completely messed up the troll scene. And then that ridiculous rock giant scene, followed by the equally horrific underground sequence just killed any momentum. Luckily they didn't ruin the Riddles in the Dark.

The chase scene with Smaug and the Dwarves at the end of DOS was almost laughable. And the whole Morgul blade debacle with Fili and Tauriel was a distraction from the story, and also degraded Arwen saving Frodo in FOTR. Now apparently ANY Elf can do it, instead of only the most Powerful (Arwen, Elrond etc...). Aragorn isn't an elf, but he is a Dunedain.

So anyways, yes I'm really exciting for BOTFA, but I am not expecting anything great. Just what the first two were, fun, but underachieving. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. :D

12-08-2014, 07:39 PM
I won a pair of passes so I'm going this Weds. Let you know how the movie was, spoiler free, of course.

12-09-2014, 05:19 AM
One of my Fav, How was the next part
Haven't seen it, doesn't come out until Thursday Midnight here. I haven't been following the red carpet, but I think I recall it being a few weeks ago.

Well as far as the movies go, my favourite was when Radagast comes in and chases away the orcs. He made the movie for me. Can't say why, I think it's just a scatter-brained, yet sincere person gives the movie a bit of humour and appeal. I wouldn't say that belongs solely to Radagast, but I definitely liked the first movie because of it. When I heard they were not going to make Radagast a main role I was disappointed.

I think Peter Jackson likes the goodbyes, cause He gets to make speeches (have you watched the behind the scenes in the extended editions of Lord of the Rings?) My biggest peave was the direction they took with Thorin. I don't think they had to make it so obvious about the greed that He exhibits (having read the book) My biggest moment of wonder was the standing up to Azoc at the end of the first movie. Unfortunately the second film didn't have any great scenes that were memorable. When I say that, I mean that I enjoyed the movie, and it was interesting to be able to watch the story unfold. I did like the spiders and Bilbo, and the breaking out of the prison cells, and the trip to Erebor, and the meeting with Smaug, as it was cool to see the book be put to the big screen. I'm looking forward to the third movie and what it entails.

What is special to me is the story as it is told by Bilbo, and what he leaves out, and what he adds in. I think in that respect, the storytelling was done well (even if they were just following a script; literally)

That's why I'm looking forward to see the movie in the next few days.

12-11-2014, 07:28 AM
Just got home from the early release they did for the press.

Short version review: Peter Jackson and crew stick the landing and they stick it hard. The first film was unsteady, the second found its footing and the third brings it home. Also at two hours and twenty minutes it's the shortest of the three Hobbit films.

And don't get too attached to anyone, they might not make it.

12-17-2014, 05:24 PM
Just been to the cinema, I thought the film was awful. Sir Christopher Lee's performance was the best moment of the film.

The two other Hobbit films are much better than this Final Film.

Poor Smaug only has a short part, the battle fights isn't as good as LOTR Return of the King.

And it was dragging on and on with Thorin's 'Dragon Sickness'.

This is my honest opinion, I paid my money to see the film and I wouldn't pay again.

12-23-2014, 08:39 PM
Smaug really should have died at the end of the second film. I hated that cliffhanger. Not so much because I had to wait a year to see the climatic fire-breathing dragon meet his end, but because the film didn't end on a high note for me. The Desolation of Smaug was a build up for that meeting between Bilbo and Smaug and the events following, so his demise in the third film felt a little out of place.

08-23-2018, 12:26 PM
Nice fantasy movie

09-07-2018, 01:30 PM
Well, I have been a fan of the books all my life but I'm not a purist. The films stand well on their own. I particularly enjoyed Radagast and his Rhosgobel Rabbits. Thranduil was awesome too. Only cringe was the the silly love subplot between Kili and Tauriel.

09-30-2018, 02:05 PM
Hobbit is good, but I like more Lord of the Rings

10-06-2019, 03:30 PM
The trilogy is such a drag. They should just make the movies around 2h long and cut unnecessary stuff

10-16-2019, 10:40 PM
I think the movies aren't as bad as they're made out to be