11-03-2004, 07:27 AM
Having just beat the game for the first time, I was extremely dissapointed with the ending. After fighting the uber-powerful Emerald Weapon, I expected the end to be a bit difficult. I was very wrong. I beat Jenova and all forms of sephiroth within minutes!!! I couldn't believe it was that easy.

I just have a few storyline questions.

1. The Weapons were created by the planet to combat the threat of Jenova Right? So why didn't they do anything? The only one that tried was the first one (Ultima Weapon I think it was). The others just 'Hung Out'.

Sephiroth needs to thank all that is holy (heh...no pun intended) that he wasn't challenged by Emerald Weapon because EW would have wiped his ASS with Sephiroth. Sephiroth wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds in that fight.

11-03-2004, 09:57 AM
Well, I beat all forms of Sephiroth literaly within seconds, it's not hard at all. I expected Sephiroth to be uber-powerful, but...I was disapointed.

Weapons are creatures created by the planet. They protect
the planet. When the Weapons awakened, they went to attack Midgar
because the reactors were draining the Lifestream. Hojo explains why
Weapons attack. When the planet is is danger, Weapon awakens and
destroys everything. The more Weapon destroys and kills, the more
energy will the planet receive to heal itself. Thus, the Weapons would
kill everything they find and all living things would be destroyed,
allowing the planet to recover and life would begin to develop again
from the start and would eventually be destroyed again at some point in
the future if the planet was threatened again. That's why Weapon
attacks. Weapons are not there just to combat Jenova, but to save the planet.(I copy-pasted this from my FFVII guide ^_^)

Why do you think Emerald would attack Sephiroth. Sephiroth is in the Great North cave the whole time, and he practicaly does nothing but wait for meteor to hit the planet so he can absorb all the energy and become like a god. There was no reason for Emerald to attack Sephiroth.

Well, there you have it.

11-03-2004, 05:49 PM
I have no intention of arguing with you, and I say this with the utmost respect for you, but...

I have read that Weapons were created as a direct result of 'The Calamity of the Sky", Jenova. I have also read that Ultima weapon was attacking Midgar because they were storing Jenova there. Not because of any "Mako-sucking" by Shinra Inc. Or else why would the planet wait so long before dispatching the Weapons? Shinra has been sucking Mako for years (At least 33 years by your guide).

On a different note...

I would have changed the ending fight a bit. If I were writing the story, the following would have happened.

First fight would have been the cloud vs. Sephiroth (Normal Fight) that actually came last in the game. But I would make Sephiroth a lot harder (Like fighting agains your shadow at the end of Legend of Zelda 2...Anyone who played it will know what I'm talking about). The next fight should be the "Sephiroth with feathers" fight (Was it Safer?). That fight would involve 3 characters instead of 1 on 1. After beating that, The Characters should have to face a Jenova-Sephiroth Hybrid (Seph Joins with Jenova). This fight should at least be as hard as Emerald Weapon.

What do you guys think of my idea?

11-03-2004, 10:00 PM
personaly i think that idea sucks cus it would almost be impossible to complete. and weapon didnt attack midgar because they were storing jenova because think about it sephiroth stole jenova from the headquaters on disc 1 weapons dont appear until disc 2.

11-03-2004, 10:38 PM
[QUOTE=Xaos]I have no intention of arguing with you, and I say this with the utmost respect for you, but...

I have read that Weapons were created as a direct result of 'The Calamity of the Sky", Jenova. I have also read that Ultima weapon was attacking Midgar because they were storing Jenova there. Not because of any "Mako-sucking" by Shinra Inc. Or else why would the planet wait so long before dispatching the Weapons? Shinra has been sucking Mako for years (At least 33 years by your guide).

On a different note...

I would have changed the ending fight a bit. If I were writing the story, the following would have happened.

First fight would have been the cloud vs. Sephiroth (Normal Fight) that actually came last in the game. But I would make Sephiroth a lot harder (Like fighting agains your shadow at the end of Legend of Zelda 2...Anyone who played it will know what I'm talking about). The next fight should be the "Sephiroth with feathers" fight (Was it Safer?). That fight would involve 3 characters instead of 1 on 1. After beating that, The Characters should have to face a Jenova-Sephiroth Hybrid (Seph Joins with Jenova). This fight should at least be as hard as Emerald Weapon.[QUOTE=Xaos]

You are right, Xaos, the weapons are a result of jenova , or the "Calamity from the skies", as you said. As for Ultima weapon, this is also true because one of the assignments of the Weapons was to destroy Jenova because it was a threat to the planet. But the weapoins are also there to protect the planet. Yes, Shinra have been sucking Mako for about 33 years, but the real threat for the panet was Meteor - you see, when Sephiroth summoned Meteor, the planet sensed the danger and thus released Weapons to kill and destroy everything so that the planet gathers a lot of Spirit energy and be ready to heal the wound which Meteor would inflict. But you have a good point about that - why did the planet wait 33 years and not released Weapons earlier. I guess because the mako reactors were not such a great threat to the planet, I don't know. But I know that the real threat was Meteor.

Hmmm.. that's a good idea, not bad. In fact, this would be a very good ending in my opinion. ^_^

11-05-2004, 12:32 AM
And by the way, Xaos, Ultima Weapon didn't attack Midgar because Jenova was there, because Jenova WASN'T there, as Dyne already said. Sephiroth took Jenova from the Shinra building at the begining of the game, so as I said before, Weapons attack because the Mako reactors are endangering the life of the planet, and the weapons are there to protect it. As I also said in my previous post, Ultima Weapon and also other Weapons were created to kill Jenova when jenova landed on the planet - that was the purpose of the Weapons back then. But before Jenova was destroyed by the Weapons, a few of the surviving members of the Cetra, or the Ancients, if you must, have managed to defeat Jenova. The Weapons then went to "sleep", and the planet would eventually awaken the Weapons if it is threatened again. And it was threatened - both by the Mako reactors and Jenova.

Well, I guess this answers your questions ^_^
By the way, your idea of the ending is pretty good, as I said in my previos post. I like the order of the battles, and I like the fusion idea with Sephiroth and Jenova. ^_^

Lunatic HighVII
11-07-2004, 12:06 AM
I think the end was supposed to be more emotional, instead of having to fight powerful enemies. I think that just the fact of killing Sephiroth was supposed to be enough. Plus, they may have not expected you to be at a high level when you complete the game. I was looking through the walkthrough, and at the end when the party is fighting Sephiroth, their HP was at 3,000, or so. It's a lot more challenging, if you aren't at a high level.

11-07-2004, 12:18 AM
Dont you people know that they make the final bosses easier to kill then those super optional bosses. The reason why is because not all people are super game dorks that have the ability to beat the games easily. If the last boss was really hard, newbies would just give up on trying to beat the game because they couldn't win the fight.

11-07-2004, 01:20 AM
Dont you people know that they make the final bosses easier to kill then those super optional bosses. The reason why is because not all people are super game dorks that have the ability to beat the games easily. If the last boss was really hard, newbies would just give up on trying to beat the game because they couldn't win the fight.

Thanks for the compliments.

11-07-2004, 01:27 AM

If enjoying CRPGs and wanting to finish them 100%, and discuss CRPGs with others = "Game Dork"

Then where do I sign up?!!!

11-07-2004, 01:29 AM
Right on, Xaos. haha...

Landlord of Sector 7
11-07-2004, 04:28 AM
Any way or reason that the WEAPON's are there it still doesn't explain why you are supposed to fight those weapons because aren't you trying to save the planet too?

Cloud 9
11-07-2004, 10:39 AM
Any way or reason that the WEAPON's are there it still doesn't explain why you are supposed to fight those weapons because aren't you trying to save the planet too?

You kill the weapons because you want to live when the planet is saved. The Weapon method is to kill everyone and start over.

Even though I know why they make endings easy, I'd still like an alternate/optional challenging ending with an enemy harder than Emerald Weapon but still fair (none of that stealing members of your party BS).

11-07-2004, 03:29 PM
You kill the weapons because you want to live when the planet is saved. The Weapon method is to kill everyone and start over.

Even though I know why they make endings easy, I'd still like an alternate/optional challenging ending with an enemy harder than Emerald Weapon but still fair (none of that stealing members of your party BS).

Cloud 9 is right, Landlord of S.7, you can kill the weapons and live on, but you can leave them alone and then they will kill everyone and life will start all over again. Thus, if you kill the weapons, the people of the planet will continue with their lives, if you don't kill them, they will eradicate the whole world in order to give the planet the energy to heal itself after meteor crashes. You see, wheter the people survive or not is up to you.

11-07-2004, 04:40 PM
I don't think beating ruby or emerald has any impact on the ending whatsoever, though. After you beat Seph, everyone lives happily ever after (At least for a few years until advent children that is).

Landlord of Sector 7
11-07-2004, 09:01 PM
Cloud 9 is right, Landlord of S.7, you can kill the weapons and live on, but you can leave them alone and then they will kill everyone and life will start all over again. Thus, if you kill the weapons, the people of the planet will continue with their lives, if you don't kill them, they will eradicate the whole world in order to give the planet the energy to heal itself after meteor crashes. You see, wheter the people survive or not is up to you.

Well, let's see here.

1.) Meteor doesn't crash, it just destroys Midgar which is a good thing.

2.) If you don't fight the WEAPON's, it doesn't impact the storyline whatsoever (hence they are optional).

3.) I doubt any of the new FFVII's will have anything to do with the WEAPON's either because of the sole fact that the FFVII storyline has too many flaws and contradicts itself and now you guys don't make sense. :(

11-07-2004, 10:59 PM
As for the weapons, I BELIEVE that they would destroy the people of the planet so that the planet gains the energy for healing. At the time when the weapons are released, no one knows if meteor will crash into the planet or not, so the planet is just taking precautions for that case. I also never said that meteor crashes, I was just talking about what would happen if it were to crash. Maybe I didn't express myself as I wanted in the previous post, guess I used the wrong tense. Sorry about that. As for the story, you're right, it has a few flaws, but what can you do. ^_^

But, as you could read earlier, the method of the Weapons is to kill everything, so that life starts over again, and so that the planet has enough energy for healing the wound that meteor would inflict (but the planet doesn't know that meteor won't crash, so it's taking precautions, as I stated above). This is why I believe that it's of great importance to kill the weapons.

But I don't say that all this is correct, this is just what I believe, so don't flame me for that. ^_^

Landlord of Sector 7
11-08-2004, 09:47 PM
Prove it. :-)

11-08-2004, 10:52 PM
How can u say that the weapons did not know dat d meteor was coming.To me, dats one of d main reasons why they came out in da first place.Not because of Mako energy sucking reactors but to be prepared for the coming of meteor.I think da weapons wanted to stop the meteor from hitting earth if it was that it was midgar dat cuased it then why didnt they come throughout those 33yrs now prove dat to me.The weapons were threatened by the coming of the meteor so the wanted to make da planet stronger so it could protect itself if the meteor hit thats why it wanted to kill people.

11-08-2004, 11:13 PM
Prove it. :-)

I just said that I BELIEVE that it's important to kill them, I never said that you HAVE to kill them. This was just my opinion, and I didn't say it was correct. I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm just saying what I think about this. I never said my statements are correct. As I said in my previous post, this is just my opinion about the whole thing, so don't flame me for it.

As for you Dotman12, You're right about the weapons, They came out because of meteor. But why the planet didn't release them 33 years ago is also a mystery to me. The mako reactors were sucking mako from the planet and destroying it. The planet should have reacted and should have released the weapons. Why it didn't do that, I don't know. As for your last sentence, that's just what I said in my previous post.

11-13-2004, 08:17 PM
The Weapons were created because of the Original 'Crisis from the Sky' ( JENOVA) 2000 years ago, however because of the Cetra ( Ancients) the Weapons were never used, and so remained dormant in the planet.

The Weapons only became active because Sephiroth recieved and used the Black materia, the Planet knew it had to prepare for the collision with the meteor Seph had summoned. Weapons jopb was to destroy as much life as possible so that the planet had enough Energy (lifestream) to heal itself after the impact ( like it was at Northern Cave)

Yeah I found Sephiroth Pitiful, he didn't even get a chance to cast Super Nova on me :( however i dont think the 1 on 1 should be first, i see that battle more as a Cloud finally ridding himself of Sephiroths influence and fully becoming a person in his own right) but the Idea of a Jenova - Sephiroth would have been excellent

11-13-2004, 11:09 PM
The Weapons were created because of the Original 'Crisis from the Sky' ( JENOVA) 2000 years ago, however because of the Cetra ( Ancients) the Weapons were never used, and so remained dormant in the planet.

The Weapons only became active because Sephiroth recieved and used the Black materia, the Planet knew it had to prepare for the collision with the meteor Seph had summoned. Weapons jopb was to destroy as much life as possible so that the planet had enough Energy (lifestream) to heal itself after the impact ( like it was at Northern Cave)

Yeah I found Sephiroth Pitiful, he didn't even get a chance to cast Super Nova on me :( however i dont think the 1 on 1 should be first, i see that battle more as a Cloud finally ridding himself of Sephiroths influence and fully becoming a person in his own right) but the Idea of a Jenova - Sephiroth would have been excellent

Exactly!! Just what I said. Looks like you and me are gonna become good friends ^_^

11-14-2004, 01:24 PM
meh, wot everyone else said

11-15-2004, 11:49 AM
WAHOO i like good mates :-D

there was one other point, Ruby and emerald weapons were only optional fights included in the American and International release, the official weapons are Diamond, Sapphire and Ultimate.

Saphire is cut down by the sister ray in Junon, Diamond is cut down by the sister ray in Midgar. however Ultimate weapon is just left flying around.

now everyone has an opinion about the weapons and mine goes thus:

the WEAPONS were summoned by the planet, so its reasonalble to say that the planet has some control over them, therefore i dont think its unreasonable to say that the planet could recall them when the crisis was over, just incase another crisis arose

By the way what did happen to the Black materia?....

11-15-2004, 10:34 PM
I believe the black materia kinda dissapeared when Sephiroth summoned Meteor, but I don't know if this is correct. Don't take my word for it.

11-16-2004, 06:43 AM
Sapphire Weapon? Where is that one. Square's official FF7 site only lists Ultima, Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald.

11-16-2004, 06:57 AM
Sapphire Weapon? Where is that one. Square's official FF7 site only lists Ultima, Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald.

well lets use simple math to figure it out

ultima-flys around, you kill it for cloud's sword
diamond-gets blasted while attacking midgar
ruby-hangs by gold saucer

so which one of them attacks junon then?

11-16-2004, 08:22 PM
well lets use simple math to figure it out

ultima-flys around, you kill it for cloud's sword
diamond-gets blasted while attacking midgar
ruby-hangs by gold saucer

so which one of them attacks junon then?

Diamond gets his when he tries to blow up Junon, not Midgar. I rememember, cause I didn't know how big he was and I went "This can't be happening to me. I'm not ready!!"

No Weapon ever makes it as far as Midgar.

11-16-2004, 11:58 PM
Diamond gets his when he tries to blow up Junon, not Midgar. I rememember, cause I didn't know how big he was and I went "This can't be happening to me. I'm not ready!!"

No Weapon ever makes it as far as Midgar.

no diamond gets his trying to blow up midgar. this isn't hard stuff to remember. Diamond was going towards midgar. they fire sister ray at sephiroth, take out dimaond as well.

11-17-2004, 03:49 PM
Diamond gets his when he tries to blow up Junon, not Midgar. I rememember, cause I didn't know how big he was and I went "This can't be happening to me. I'm not ready!!"

No Weapon ever makes it as far as Midgar.

not quite...

the Wepon i called 'saphire', is a unnammed weapon which is destroyed after it cuts a section out of Junon.

Ruby just sits in the ground waiting

Emerald hides underwater

Ultimate Weapon flys around

Diamond weapon is the weapon you encounter before parachuting into Midgar(after the cannon has been moved, before you fight Proud Clod and Hojo)

11-18-2004, 06:46 AM
*anime sweatdrop* oh.....and all this time I though Diamond was the one on the coast. Now I remember!!

thanks a ton, it's been a while.

11-18-2004, 06:52 PM
I thought i had already replied to this but.....

1 weapon DOES reach Midgar, Diamond Weapon, hes the big grey badass who wont take damage from physical attacks ( none of mine hurt him anyway) just before the Proud Clod/Hojo fights