Shugo Takahashi
12-07-2014, 08:22 AM
A compilation of songs ripped from actual Game Boy hardware. Please read the info below!

FLAC Download (!O0pxGLrC!FaFfmSGrxGsm7mqz-bgIsXNUvFiiT-xUuJWCzlvevwg) (MEGA)
MP3 320kbps Download (!Dwhi0SRD!I_XTx0tRnj8s6sc2HHnzSVgImroxzis7wUTe1dv mp0Y) (MEGA)

I've been getting tired of finding Game Boy music rips that were clearly done via emulator or GBS player. I understand that it's easier and often cleaner than doing it from the real thing, but more often than not they're full of inaccuracies compared to the real hardware. So I've started ripping songs from my real DMG-01 Game Boy system that I've been lucky enough to find with a beautiful, low-noise, bassy sound chip. I listen to music on this thing all the time, and now I want to share it.

But before I blow tons of time ripping entire soundtracks, I want some feedback! Please let me know what you think of the rip quality and if you would be interested in seeing more rips like this, namely full game soundtracks. This compilation album is a test run to check for interest and see if my current recording method sounds good to people other than myself. Compare these rips to other versions floating around and tell me what you think!

Here's the full track list:
01 - Game Boy
02 - Title - Game & Watch Gallery 3
03 - Type-A - Tetris
04 - Type-B - Tetris
05 - Birabuto Kingdom - Super Mario Land
06 - Easton Kingdom - Super Mario Land
07 - Fever - Dr. Mario
08 - Chill - Dr. Mario
09 - Surface of SR388 - Metroid II: Return of Samus
10 - Float Islands - Kirby's Dream Land
11 - Star Maze - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
12 - Overworld - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
13 - The S.S. Anne - Pok�mon
14 - Pok�mon Mansion - Pok�mon
15 - Vs. Bowser - Tetris Attack
16 - Octopus - Game & Watch Gallery
17 - Oil Panic - Game & Watch Gallery
18 - Helmet - Game & Watch Gallery 2
19 - Chef - Game & Watch Gallery 2
20 - Ronald's Theme - Pok�mon Trading Card Game
21 - Duel! Club Leader - Pok�mon Trading Card Game
22 - Catch 'Em & Evolution (Blue Field) - Pok�mon Pinball
23 - Mario Bros. - Game & Watch Gallery 3
24 - Goldenrod Game Corner - Pok�mon Gold & Silver Versions
25 - National Park - Pok�mon Gold & Silver Versions
26 - Battle! (Trainer Battle - Kanto Version) - Pok�mon Gold & Silver Versions
27 - Out of the Woods (Day) - Wario Land 3
28 - Mission Start ~ Theme of Tara (VR Training, Sneaking Mode) - Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
29 - Danger! (Vs. Lance) - Pok�mon Puzzle Challenge
30 - Duel! King Biruritchi - Pok�mon Trading Card Game 2: Here Comes Team GR!
31 - Credits - Pok�mon Trading Card Game 2: Here Comes Team GR!

Credits for the art assets used in the cover art are in the included text file.

Play It Loud!

12-07-2014, 10:12 AM
Thanks a lot!

Masta Moai
12-08-2014, 12:18 AM
Thank you so much! I have to say that this album sounds amazing. The tracks sounded full and clear, a lot better than most of the GB rips I've heard. You should definitely do more! I'd love to hear Dragon Quest Monsters ripped in this quality. :)

Shugo Takahashi
12-08-2014, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the input! If I move on to ripping whole games, I'll definitely keep Dragon Quest Monsters in mind.

Cyber MSX
12-08-2014, 04:08 PM
I love the music/sound of a game ripped directly from the original hardware. Totally full and clear!

12-09-2014, 02:12 AM
Thanks! This seems such an interesting project, gonna give it a listen!

12-09-2014, 02:56 AM
Woah, this is some seriously good quality. If you ever plan on making full rips, I'd totally recommend you do the rest of the Pok�mon TCG and Puzzle League games.

12-09-2014, 10:05 AM
Good stuff man, I've been dying for more accurate sounding GB rips. Are there anymore game music rips posted here that are from original hardware besides GOATrips?

Shugo Takahashi
12-09-2014, 10:20 AM
Thanks for the input, everyone! This is just what I wanted to hear. Once I have more time, I'll start doing some actual soundtrack rips and probably make a thread where I post all my work.

Woah, this is some seriously good quality. If you ever plan on making full rips, I'd totally recommend you do the rest of the Pok�mon TCG and Puzzle League games.

TCG is actually my most favorite GB soundtrack! It'll likely be one of the first ones that I do. Nothing but the real hardware does the Club Leader duel track justice. The credits theme to TCG2 is absolutely beautiful, too. There's no way I wasn't going to put those in this album.

12-09-2014, 12:19 PM
What's your process for making these rips Shugo?

12-09-2014, 02:36 PM
Gotta tell you, after taking a good listen, your work it's fantastic! I WANT MOOOAAR!!

Shugo Takahashi
12-09-2014, 08:17 PM
What's your process for making these rips Shugo?

There's an obscure homebrew program out there called GBS2GB that can turn GBS (Game Boy Sound) rips into bootable ROMs with a simple music player interface attached. I create ROMs out of the GBS soundtracks that I want to rip, put them on my Everdrive-GB flashcart, and record on my computer via a standard 3.5mm audio cable.

Before the Everdrive, this wasn't really possible since no available flashcart at the time could run the GBS2GB stuff correctly. They all used really hacky methods to get multiple ROMs on one cart, which broke a lot of games. Then along came Everdrive, which is SO much better. Almost all of my GBS ROMs work on it.

Game Boys themselves often have big differences in sound quality, even between two units of the same model. The one I happen to have sounds really good, though. (deep bass, very low hiss/whine) It's about as good as they come; perfect for a project like this.

12-09-2014, 09:19 PM
That's a really good explanation, didn't know there was that much of a difference between GameBoys.

Shugo Takahashi
12-09-2014, 10:10 PM
That's a really good explanation, didn't know there was that much of a difference between GameBoys.

Oh yeah, there definitely is, especially when you compare the subsequent models that came after the DMG, like the Pocket and Color and so on. It's in my opinion that they actually get progressively worse with each new version since they cheaped out on production more and more. The smaller systems like Pocket and Color have a lot of interference noise too due to the all the hardware being packed closer together. That's gonna be one of the great parts of these rips; Color-only games getting the DMG-quality treatment. I really should've put a Shantae track in this album; it sounds so great on a DMG.

If you wanna read more about all this nerd stuff and hear some examples, this page has some great comparisons:

12-09-2014, 10:38 PM
Thanks, that's the kind of articles I love to read. I've seen some rips from a real NES with stereo effect done by splitting the channels that Iron Goat made and the sound is amazing, but he hasn't updated in quite a while and I'm planning to get the hardware to do my own, but lack the knowledge of the tools to do so.

Shugo Takahashi
12-09-2014, 10:57 PM
Thanks, that's the kind of articles I love to read. I've seen some rips from a real NES with stereo effect done by splitting the channels that Iron Goat made and the sound is amazing, but he hasn't updated in quite a while and I'm planning to get the hardware to do my own, but lack the knowledge of the tools to do so.

I don't know much about NES hardware, but I'd definitely be interested in hardware rips. I've listened to my own NES and Famicom with headphones before but there was a lot of buzzy interference. It probably takes some special modding to get clear sound out of NES.

12-09-2014, 11:07 PM
You should try listening to Iron Goat's releases VS the stereo, emu-plugin ones that have been done. It's truly a world of difference. I've become addicted to this kind of chiptunes, it amazes me how much diversity and work was put on creating music with such limited hardware.

12-14-2014, 11:55 AM
Gotta say I hate you and hope you never find love in life for not having the town theme from Legend of the River King 2 in there, but other than that, excellent work! I look forward to seeing future projects by you.

02-13-2015, 09:23 AM
I too prefer the sound of a REAL GameBoy over the emulators.
I hope you decide to do another volume, and I look forward to it!

Shugo Takahashi
02-13-2015, 09:32 AM
I too prefer the sound of a REAL GameBoy over the emulators.
I hope you decide to do another volume, and I look forward to it!

Oh hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah actually, I've been working on-and-off ripping full game soundtracks. Once I have enough of them compiled, I'm gonna make a new thread!

02-13-2015, 03:09 PM
It sounds great! and that's even listening to the MP3 version, keep up the good work!
Thanks from Australia :)

02-13-2015, 08:17 PM
This is amazing. Something that's sorely missing the video game music world IMO; Game Boy music recordings from real hardware. These easily replace the GBS files to my ears. Looking forward to what you have in store!