12-04-2014, 07:31 PM
Now. Before we begin, I would like to say...

These are original extracted files from the PSN Ps3 version of the game.

Here:!qgZgFLiL!UhnQlbwSo9_LVOUcEzNykPR1y1xOU4bc8G241Ma DKDE

However, before you shoot me down for the shitty bitrate you need to know one thing.

The original files in the game ARE FUCKING MP3s with this here shitty bitrate.
I can't make this up. I don't know if this is true only for the PSN version... or if it's the same for the disc one but... holy shit.
I mean I can live with this, but can you?

Jesus, ArcSys... what the fuck.

It should include all BGM files from the game, except the reuses from previous games such as GG2 and GG XX.

If you can't find a song you've found in the game here, it means it must be from one of the previous games.

Welp, that's about it.
Hopefully it can keep some of you at least in check, until official soundtrack is released.

12-04-2014, 07:43 PM
Thanks a lot! Maybe they put them in as MP3s to promote sales of the OST when they start selling it, rather than everyone just downloading the game rip.
Edit: Holy crap, is that really the quality in the original game? Some of these are 32kbps. That's disgusting. Hope it's better in the physical or PS4 versions.

12-04-2014, 08:05 PM
Sorry guy, but this quality is shit ....I hope in a flac version

12-04-2014, 08:10 PM
Sorry guy, but this quality is shit ....I hope in a flac version

It's not my fault. Besdies, it's pointless to say it's shit, when I already made it clear in my post that it is.
And good luck with that FLAC. You'll have to wait for the official soundtrack release.

I'll wait to see if the disc release is bigger in size than PSN version. If it is, I'll attempt to rip again... if it's not. WELP.

12-04-2014, 08:19 PM
Oh, I don't see Ride the Fire anywhere in here. Did you miss it? Also, Slayer's theme from XX (Haven't You Got Eyes in Your Head) is in there as well.

12-04-2014, 08:33 PM
You sure this isn't a Youtube rip? I mean, I don't want to make false allegations (even though I probably am by just asking to begin with), but that Leo theme...

Someone I talked to on Dustloop says it has to be a fake because it doesn't have an inch of Ishiwatari's style. Yet the instrumentation on the damned thing tells me otherwise. Especially since you got both Sin & Elphelt's themes, which to my knowledge have not been A)uploaded to Youtube in full glory, or B)been struck down by the A.S.C. if A is actually true.

I mean, if that legit IS Leo's theme.... some very specific GG fans will scream bloody murder (and just to get this out of the way, I do not belong to said group of zealous GG fanbois).

12-04-2014, 08:46 PM
You sure this isn't a Youtube rip? I mean, I don't want to make false allegations (even though I probably am by just asking to begin with), but that Leo theme...

Someone I talked to on Dustloop says it has to be a fake because it doesn't have an inch of Ishiwatari's style. Yet the instrumentation on the damned thing tells me otherwise. Especially since you got both Sin & Elphelt's themes, which to my knowledge have not been A)uploaded to Youtube in full glory, or B)been struck down by the A.S.C. if A is actually true.

I mean, if that legit IS Leo's theme.... some very specific GG fans will scream bloody murder (and just to get this out of the way, I do not belong to said group of zealous GG fanbois).

It's real alright. I mean, I know the quality might make you doubt me (I understand as much) but it's definitely real. Because I extracted it, and whoever uploaded it to youtube... probably did the same.
Or did some other magic trick, like perhaps SOMEHOW unlocking it in the game and then recording.

I can also upload the original unreal engine .xxx packages from which the music was extracted. The only thing I did to the music upon extracting is CHANGE the extension from SoundNodeWave to mp3 and name them.

And I'll look in the game folder again for Ride the Fire. Dunno how I missed it.

12-04-2014, 08:51 PM
It's real alright. I mean, I know the quality might make you doubt me (I understand as much) but it's definitely real. Because I extracted it, and whoever uploaded it to youtube... probably did the same.
Or did some other magic trick, like perhaps SOMEHOW unlocking it in the game and then recording.

I can also upload the original unreal engine .xxx packages from which the music was extracted. The only thing I did to the music upon extracting is CHANGE the extension from SoundNodeWave to mp3 and name them.

And I'll look in the game folder again for Ride the Fire. Dunno how I missed it.

I don't doubt you. I mean, I can't tell FLAC quality from MP3 quality because my hearing's gone to shit (although I CAN tell phone quality music from CD quality, although anyone could do that I imagine), but I've heard fan mixes of Sin/Elphelt's themes, and... how do I put this... the instrumentation is totally different.

Like, you can notice a certain degree of professionalism, not just with the instruments, but in how they're operated (fan mixes tend to take artistic liberties, and their instrumentation can become obvious as hell if you listen to amateur covers enough).

Regardless, I thank you. I was stalking Youtube for Sin/Elphelt, and got the rest of the package as a nice bonus for coming here.

12-04-2014, 11:32 PM
This is seriously a fucking cock block if I've ever seen one. Holy fuck ArcSys if YOU WANT MY MONEY PUT THE OST ON FUCKING AMAZON LIKE THE VOCAL TRACKS ALREADY

Thanks for the upload regardless

12-05-2014, 12:44 AM
Thank you for this! The quality may not be perfect but at least I can listen to Sin's theme whenever I want.

12-05-2014, 01:56 AM
Thanks for the upload.

12-05-2014, 02:07 AM
Thanks for the upload.

I can honestly assume two possibilities for why the songs sound so muffled.

1. ArcSys is learning, and are using dummy files with shitty quality while the actual data is stored somewhere else.
2. The bitrate really is that bad, and ArcSys actually dropped the ball.

12-05-2014, 04:09 AM
Does the music sound this way in-game? Anyway, thanks for uploading!

12-05-2014, 04:31 AM
It's real alright. I mean, I know the quality might make you doubt me (I understand as much) but it's definitely real. Because I extracted it, and whoever uploaded it to youtube... probably did the same.
Or did some other magic trick, like perhaps SOMEHOW unlocking it in the game and then recording.

I can also upload the original unreal engine .xxx packages from which the music was extracted. The only thing I did to the music upon extracting is CHANGE the extension from SoundNodeWave to mp3 and name them.

And I'll look in the game folder again for Ride the Fire. Dunno how I missed it.
Man I know this is asking a lot but could you upload the .xxx packages?

12-05-2014, 04:49 AM
Jesus, ArcSys... what the fuck.

You have no idea how appropriate your avatar is right now. :V

12-05-2014, 05:22 AM
I get what they're doing.


Meh. The in-game stuff doesnt sound like this so whatever and I pick up all of Ishiwatari's work so I'll live with these until I get the physical disc.

12-05-2014, 06:24 AM
It does sound better in game? These must be dummy files or something then. Oh well, it's good enough until the OST is released.

12-05-2014, 09:11 AM
These have to be dummy files, the music in-game sounds a LOT better than this. Though I can see why they did this.

1. To prevent a gamerip from being as good a quality as an OST rip, Falcom has done the same thing with their games it's a method to make people buy the OST
2. It's a fighting game, to save up space. I'm sure the music for Brawl and Smash 4 are also low quality, but they don't care because the fighting and voices will overlap over any bad quality.

But from what I've heard in game it's not this bad. (Of course this may be applying to 2))

12-05-2014, 09:31 AM
Thanks for this, even with the low quality, is a joy to listen.

12-05-2014, 09:32 AM
Falcom has done it before? Then that's probably the case this time. I didn't know it had been done before. I doubt space is the issue; even high quality mp3s wouldn't take up too much space on a disc and it seems they went out of their way to put crappy 80kbps ones in there.

12-05-2014, 09:52 AM
Falcom has done it before? Then that's probably the case this time. I didn't know it had been done before. I doubt space is the issue; even high quality mp3s wouldn't take up too much space on a disc and it seems they went out of their way to put crappy 80kbps ones in there.

Falcom did it with Sen no Kiseki I & II, when I did a line-in recording of II and compared it to the "files" that were in a "bgm" folder. There was a pretty clear quality difference. They've only done it with Sen I & II though. So it's a recent thing on their half. I'm sure it's because just like Arcsys they know someone will make a BGM rip it's inevitable so this is one way to counter it.

Edit: The other proof Arcsys is WELL aware of the scene is when they released the Xrd demo on PS4 only as well, more than sounds if they released a PS3 demo of the same equivalent people would have probably hacked the other characters to be playable because the entire cast '(asidefrom chipp) appears in the demo to fight you.

12-05-2014, 10:01 AM
elphelt theme is like crack, so gotdayum good

12-05-2014, 10:19 AM
Honestly, not surprised at the bitrate being 32khz. Seems like standard ArcSysWrks audio practice for their games. Their last several titles have been like this as well dating back several years now.

Edit: I compared it to the arcade rip. The arcade rip is higher quality lol. Also noticed that Sin vs Ky is actually from GG2.

12-05-2014, 10:30 PM
Has anyone tried checking the files on a GGXrd PS3/PS4 disc?

12-06-2014, 02:55 AM
Thanks for the share. Even in low quality I still enjoy it.
It reminds me on GG XX reloaded and Isuka when I ripped the game on my original xbox and looked at the file directory,
all of the music files were in mp3's but higher quality than this tho.

12-06-2014, 04:05 PM
Has anyone tried checking the files on a GGXrd PS3/PS4 disc?

I did. The ps3 retail disc version.
Because you know, you can't check PS4.

And guess what? Same shit. I also looked all over the filesystem for the so called "true music files" but haven't seen shit. Which means that maybe, just maybe, it's just the ps3 version quality.

What I would not try with these files, they are friggin' low quality crap.
Oh, and actually the files I've uploaded here are all, you know, .msf files. But they play as mp3 because they are pretty much mpeg audio. Yeah.

I'll try couple more things, and I'm giving up. Best bet is to wait for the official soundtrack release. There.

12-07-2014, 12:23 AM
thanks for the upload! but the quality sucks... i know is not your fault. Stupid Aksys.

12-07-2014, 03:13 AM
Yeah, the best suggestion i could give you would be to find a way to line-in record a song off of your TV and compare to see if there are any shenanigans going on. But, I understand your frustration.

I'm sure Ishiwatari is at his desk stroking a cat and laughing somewhere. lol

12-07-2014, 03:40 AM
Yeah I think an Inline recording would have to be used to check on the waveform's quality. Arcade rip is far above better than the PS3 rip right now, but PS3 rip has all the songs, including the elusive Attraction music.

12-07-2014, 04:10 AM
I suggeest asking that of someone who has the PS4 version.

12-07-2014, 06:34 AM
thanks for the upload! but the quality sucks... i know is not your fault. Stupid Aksys.
*cough* Aksys Games =/= Arc System Works. :V

12-08-2014, 10:14 PM - (

Have some Elphelt narration voice clips I uploaded.
Because why not.
It's the english one, btw.

12-09-2014, 12:15 PM
Guilty Gear X Blazblue Live 2014...check! Guilty Gear Xrd Vocal Collection..check! Now the way only one we are missing is the game rip of GGXrd..sad that it seems it won't be coming soon..on top of no announcement made yet for the release of this official soundtrack..:-(

12-09-2014, 01:39 PM
The official soundtrack will be released in January

12-09-2014, 03:47 PM
Now the way only one we are missing is the game rip of GGXrd
Do you want me to cut you, m8?
This is a gamerip, no matter how shitty it is, the sad fact of reality is that it's exactly what you're describing.

And yes, I believe it was announced on Bururaji that the OST comes somewhere in January.

12-10-2014, 03:03 AM
The gamerip is legit. Leo track is indeed real. It's called Slotz. Proof:

12-10-2014, 11:24 AM
I believe that says "Stolz," not "Slotz." Anyway, nice to have a name now.

12-10-2014, 11:43 AM
Hey, Kharax, your package doesn't include the character select theme. Is there a chance you could upload that separately?

Also, your version of the title theme sounds a lot cleaner than the ones I see on Youtube. Though maybe because it was a recording, not a rip. I dunno.

12-11-2014, 01:44 PM
I bought the PS4 version, pirated the PS3 version to play Leo early, and ripped the OST myself and I can confirm that both versions sound exactly the same and yes they are this bad, these are not dummy files. If you think the game sounds better, I implore you to turn the voice and SE volume off and listen with some good speakers. Game just sounds bad, harder to tell when there's a bunch of crap going on to cover it up. My guess is they did it to keep file sizes down.

12-11-2014, 02:16 PM
I bought the PS4 version, pirated the PS3 version to play Leo early, and ripped the OST myself and I can confirm that both versions sound exactly the same and yes they are this bad, these are not dummy files. If you think the game sounds better, I implore you to turn the voice and SE volume off and listen with some good speakers. Game just sounds bad, harder to tell when there's a bunch of crap going on to cover it up. My guess is they did it to keep file sizes down.

Thank you for this.

I neglected to mention though, that some of the music files repeat in .xxx packages in the game's files. Mostly in those related to arcade/story mode. It's mostly the story mode bgm, and they are as shit quality as the actual music.

Let's just wait for the official release.

12-12-2014, 12:40 AM
I guess that means the game itself either decompresses them or plays them in a higher bitrate than they actually are.

12-12-2014, 06:34 AM
I guess that means the game itself either decompresses them or plays them in a higher bitrate than they actually are.
That's a stupid thing to say, considering JohnGrimm confirmed they sound this bad in game too. Besides, such a thing is impossible. It's fucking shit mpeg audio.

Jesus Christ, face it. ArcSys did this to either save space, or most likely to piss off those who would want to rip the music. I think its both, personally. I mean, they fucking take down on sight all videos of story mode on youtube (or wherever) for BlazBlue and Guilty Gear (and apparently any other of their games). The same goes for music uploads.
ArcSys are fucking ctazy paranoid, and while I can understand removing music, the shit they pull with story modes is retarded. I now have to turn on the game (say BlazBlue CP or Extend or Trigger) if I want to find a snippet of story mode. It means I'm fucked if I want to show my friend over the internet a certain scene.

That's all.

12-12-2014, 07:28 AM
Gonna leave this here.

Direct feed without sound effects and voices :

Ripped version :

12-12-2014, 07:36 AM
Yeah, that sounds way better in-game. There's definitely something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about.

12-12-2014, 07:47 AM
Gonna leave this here.

Direct feed without sound effects and voices :

Ripped version :

I don't know what's what anymore.
It seems I need to go to hcs64 or xentax with these files, because I just... don't know.

12-12-2014, 01:20 PM
Hijacking (with permission lol) this thread! Thanks Kharaxel.

Elph, Sin, Title and character select themes recorded with the PS4s share button function :!xF5mETpL!qAE0TnDxf_fHHajMxIRsaf0b9VUeL1tHoD3T6E7 aC_Q

Hey, Kharax, your package doesn't include the character select theme. Is there a chance you could upload that separately?

Also, your version of the title theme sounds a lot cleaner than the ones I see on Youtube. Though maybe because it was a recording, not a rip. I dunno.

I'm fairly certain the arcade version uses (or used) a different version of the title music that doesn't use real instruments and sounds a lot like GGX's ost.

Found it, it IS different.
Arcade :
Console :

12-12-2014, 02:57 PM
There do indeed seem to be shenanigans happening somewhere along the line. I don't know anything about how these types of files and such are encoded for games however.

12-13-2014, 05:20 AM
Hijacking (with permission lol) this thread! Thanks Kharaxel.

Elph, Sin, Title and character select themes recorded with the PS4s share button function :!xF5mETpL!qAE0TnDxf_fHHajMxIRsaf0b9VUeL1tHoD3T6E7 aC_Q

I'm fairly certain the arcade version uses (or used) a different version of the title music that doesn't use real instruments and sounds a lot like GGX's ost.

Found it, it IS different.
Arcade :
Console :
Pretty sure it's just a different soundfont being used for AC instead of the CS version being played with real instruments as far as my ears are telling me. Mostly due to how Youtube processes audio.

Comparison of Elphelt's theme between PS3 rip and PS4 share button.

On the left is the PS3 rip, the right is the PS4 share button rip. The difference is MASSIVE.

12-13-2014, 07:37 PM
I can record on my PC. Sol's theme sounded marginally better than the PS3 RIP, so unless there's a better version out already, I'll start to record the rest of the songs. I won't have time to do all of them at once, so any requested themes take priority.

I rarely upload things, so site recommendations are welcomed.

12-13-2014, 07:54 PM
Sol Badguys theme, Zato-1, Bedman, Ramlethal, I-no, Venom. Please....

12-13-2014, 09:19 PM
My computer wasn't really helpful with all of it's freezes, so it took quite a while.
Sol theme and Sol Vs Ky theme is up so far. The rest are coming as soon as they are done.
Edit: All requested ones are up and 1-2 others as well, it took quite a while so the rest comes on monday.

12-14-2014, 05:41 AM
wow thanks i waiting too long for character select theme

12-14-2014, 10:15 AM
Thanks dude.

12-15-2014, 10:17 AM
I bought the PS4 version, pirated the PS3 version to play Leo early, and ripped the OST myself and I can confirm that both versions sound exactly the same and yes they are this bad, these are not dummy files. If you think the game sounds better, I implore you to turn the voice and SE volume off and listen with some good speakers. Game just sounds bad, harder to tell when there's a bunch of crap going on to cover it up. My guess is they did it to keep file sizes down.
Was this the PS4 digital version? Because the songs that lonewolfterry ripped from the PS4 share videos sound fine. It might mean that the PS4 disc version is better quality than PS4 digital. But, I dunno why the PS3 disc version would be so terrible as there would be no need to save space on a Blu-Ray disc...

12-15-2014, 05:27 PM
Was this the PS4 digital version? Because the songs that lonewolfterry ripped from the PS4 share videos sound fine. It might mean that the PS4 disc version is better quality than PS4 digital. But, I dunno why the PS3 disc version would be so terrible as there would be no need to save space on a Blu-Ray disc...

There must be something weird going on. I recorded from a PS3 digital version and they are clearly better than the straight rips.

12-15-2014, 05:28 PM
Was this the PS4 digital version? Because the songs that lonewolfterry ripped from the PS4 share videos sound fine. It might mean that the PS4 disc version is better quality than PS4 digital. But, I dunno why the PS3 disc version would be so terrible as there would be no need to save space on a Blu-Ray disc...

My copy is digital.

12-16-2014, 08:39 AM
There must be something weird going on. I recorded from a PS3 digital version and they are clearly better than the straight rips.
Are you sure about that? I too own the digital PS3 version, abd I can clearly hear that's not the case.
Though I suppose some further testing is in order.

12-16-2014, 01:09 PM
My copy is digital.

Wait. Then why did JohnGrimm say that the PS3 and PS4 versions sounded exactly the same? Because that really doesn't seem to be the case from both listening and nanaya's waveform image...

And how would you feel about possibly wasting hours upon hours of time recording all the music from the game using the PS4 share function? lol

12-16-2014, 04:12 PM
Are you sure about that? I too own the digital PS3 version, abd I can clearly hear that's not the case.
Though I suppose some further testing is in order.

Lots of the songs sound so dirty it's hard to tell if there's any difference(Sol's theme I'm looking at you), but with cleaner parts like Ramlethal's intro it's obvious they aren't the same.
My setup isn't anywhere near professional and I had to do a noise removal on every track, so my records are probably still worse than the original output. I used your rips to cut the records to size and the rips always looked like a digitally remastered CD for loudness.

12-16-2014, 11:33 PM
I dont know why you people are having so much trouble. I've had the physical copy of the game since it's street date was broken early, all the songs sound just fine in game even when you turn down the sound effects. I've already recorded a few songs myself and they sound crystal clear than whatever half-ass way you guys are going about this.

Example at 320:

12-17-2014, 01:04 AM
That sounds exactly like the rip of the BGMs I got here. There is no half-assed way. These songs come straight out of the unreal engine containers with 0 encoding done to it. I think what's going on is that the song distorts on higher volumes, which sounds pretty logical. When I play it at -8dB in foobar, it sounds fine. When I crank it up all the way, I can clearly hear the distortions. I guess the game just limits the volume of the song and that's why the distortion isn't really noticeable in-game.

tl;dr Whatever you hear in-game is still 80kbps, no matter how good you record it.

EDIT: Just for the record, I ripped the BGMs myself from a physical copy of the game. There is no size difference between digital/physical versions or PS3/PS4. It's just how it is.

12-17-2014, 03:57 AM
From what I've gathered, the sound quality is worse in the PS3 version, and that's the problem we have here.

12-17-2014, 10:07 AM
Gonna leave this here.

Direct feed without sound effects and voices :

Ripped version :

Listen to both. Notice anything with the volume? Let me spell it out. Direct feed's audio is low volume, ripped is considerably higher. Now, go and take the game rip, play it at half-volume and tell me it doesn't sound the exact same as the "magically improved" in-game quality.

No "dummy files."
No "decompressing."

The only in-game shenanigans that happen is that the volume is lower, thus distortions are not really noticeable. That is all. Just wait for the official soundtrack.

12-17-2014, 12:21 PM
Now, go and take the game rip, play it at half-volume and tell me it doesn't sound the exact same as the "magically improved" in-game quality.
I did that. I doesn't sound the same. It's still clearly more muddled. I'll be the first one to tell you I don't have a good ear for audio quality, but even this is clearly different to me.
The difference might be that one is taken from the PS3 and the other recorded from the PS4.

12-17-2014, 12:38 PM
Listen to both. Notice anything with the volume? Let me spell it out. Direct feed's audio is low volume, ripped is considerably higher. Now, go and take the game rip, play it at half-volume and tell me it doesn't sound the exact same as the "magically improved" in-game quality.

No "dummy files."
No "decompressing."

The only in-game shenanigans that happen is that the volume is lower, thus distortions are not really noticeable. That is all. Just wait for the official soundtrack.

Check the normalized MP3s a few posts earlier mate :) and I normally have the music in game volume options at 60%. Realized this after capturing the vids so i just increased the volume using Audacity, if they distort at higher volume like you said they should sound like the rip files but they don't. And at this point it isn't about waiting for the OST or not but about figuring out what the hell is REALLY going on.

12-17-2014, 03:08 PM
I'd also like to note the reason I picked Elphelt's theme for the comparison. The difference in the introductory sequence is audibly different in quality, so it was a no brainer.

I dont know why you people are having so much trouble. I've had the physical copy of the game since it's street date was broken early, all the songs sound just fine in game even when you turn down the sound effects. I've already recorded a few songs myself and they sound crystal clear than whatever half-ass way you guys are going about this.

Example at 320:
Lily of Steel ( this a direct feed rip? I can still tell there's not exactly a high end due how to cymbals sound. Same muddy texture as the datamine files. Putting it at 320 doesn't help either, that in fact actually makes it sound worse than it is. But due to volume of it some people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Like tsukasa said, 80kbps is the bitrate and no matter how good you record it, is still going to be 80kbps since that's what's encoded. This one in fact, annoys me even more than the actual rip :/

It's like I said previously guys, it's been standard practice for ArcSys putting lower audio bitrate in their games for several years now or more, maybe a little more than a decade now if you look at the quality of XX's rips in comparison to the album. Even though there is clearly no need to, they seem to still be doing it.

12-27-2014, 09:20 AM
Is it just me or they did fix the BGM quality for PS3? It sounds a lot better after the latest patch.

Well, still not that good though.

12-28-2014, 06:33 AM
I just bought the PS3 version, and can confirm that the sound quality actually IS that low. There are also some visual effects during certain scenes in Arcade and Story involving artwork and graphics that are noticeably weaker than the PS4 version.

Dai Tian
12-28-2014, 08:27 PM
You've gotta be fackin... Does anyone know how sound quality is on the PS4 version?

12-29-2014, 12:35 AM
Thank you my friend

12-29-2014, 01:50 AM
You've gotta be fackin... Does anyone know how sound quality is on the PS4 version?

Sound quality for the PS4 version is much better. OST quality, does not sound super-compressed like the PS3 version

Dai Tian
12-29-2014, 12:46 PM
Sound quality for the PS4 version is much better. OST quality, does not sound super-compressed like the PS3 version

Thanks. That decides which version I'm going with then.

And thanks for the efforts in this thread, better than nothing right? It'll do for now.

12-29-2014, 11:54 PM

01-03-2015, 11:03 AM
Does anyone have the link to the supposed January release of the OST? Been searching for it and have yet to come across an official announcement for the soundtrack.

01-03-2015, 06:20 PM
I can live with this. My question is this: what software did you use to rip the audio? I've been looking for something like that for ages lol

also, High Voltage sounds like a Tekken song lol

01-09-2015, 05:19 PM
Psssst. Maybe you guys could use this. You didn't get this from me...

This is a direct rip from the PS4 version of the game using the PS4's share feature. 128kbps. I dunno if that's what the actual music is in-game, but that's what the Share function encodes audio at. Not CD quality or anything, but it definitely sounds better than the PS3 version at 80kbps. I personally guarantee it (despite whatever arguments happened in this thread).

I anticipate the official soundtrack being released some point soon (estimates on this month), but this was more for my own personal experiment than anything else. Might as well spread the love. I'm happy with the result. Don't mind the file name for the download. It's not malware or anything.

Click here. (

HEAVY DAY [Arcade Opening]
Title Screen
Character Select
Give me a break [Sol Badguy]
Ride the Fire! [Sol Badguy -Dragon Install-]
Magnolia �clair [Ky Kiske]
Holy Orders [Ky Kiske -Serious-]
Starry Story [May]
The Lily of steel [Millia Rage]
Black Blank blah-blah-blah [Zato-ONE]
Engage [Potemkin]
Flash Hider [Chipp Zanuff]
Destructive Goodwill [Faust]
A Slow Waker [Axl Low]
Call Shot [Venom]
Jack-a-Dandy [Slayer]
Dirty Drive [I-No]
Does the sheep count the sheep? [Bedman]
Diva of Despair [Ramlethal Valentine]
Just do it [Sin Kiske]
Marionette [Elphelt Valentine]
Stolz [Leo Whitefang]
Reunion [Sol vs. Ky]
Communication [Ky vs. Sin]
The Spider's Thread (Do you know?) [Millia vs. Zato]
When Life Comes [Assassins]
Bump [Same Character]
You Only Have To Decide It [M.O.M.]
Instant Kill
Lily [Arcade Ending]
Game Over
Big Blast Sonic [Console Opening]
High Voltage [Practice]
Replay Theater
Elegance [Gallery]
Introduction [Library]
Peacetime [Story]
Dice [Story Insert]
SHOTGUN&HEAD [Story Insert]
Birthday Train [Story Insert]
Storyteller [Story Insert]
Coming Home [Story Insert]
Icarus [Console Ending]

Some things to note.

Many of the story tracks are missing because A. PS4 recording is blocked during Story Mode, and B. I didn't feel like parsing through whether or not the select songs heard in random character's arcade modes actual ran through a full loop. The ones that are included were used for menu themes.
The end of the Victory jingle is weird because the game immediately crossfades into the Results music. Not a lot that I could do. Same for the Instant Kill, which I just used as a lead into the full Results track.
I fudged the end of the Game Over jingle with reverb because the game cuts it off just slightly no matter what.
I threw in all of the Vocal Collection tracks (encoded at 128 for consistency). I don't think Dice and Shotgun&Head aren't actually used in the story, but whatever. I might be misremembering it.
I didn't include the classic tracks because...I couldn't be bothered (lol). They can be found via other previous soundtracks. Holy Orders, Communication, and You Only Have To Decide It are actually from Guilty Gear 2 Overture (if you didn't already know), but since those are "main" songs, I threw those in.
To my ears, the EQ maybe doesn't sound quite as good as it could. But, it's what's in the game and I'm not about to decide for anybody what the "right" equalization is. I just sell shrimp out the back of a van.

Enjoy. And thanks to Kharaxel for the PS3 rip (I swiped some of the story track names).

Dai Tian
01-23-2015, 06:35 PM
Yoooooooo, that PS4 rip. Thanks so much for that upload dood.

01-23-2015, 07:06 PM
Whatever did happen to the Bururaji announced January release of the OST?

01-23-2015, 11:16 PM
I've been wondering the same thing. Wasn't the OST supposed to be released this month?

01-27-2015, 01:15 AM
I'm curious if the game itself has its own equalizer, reverb, and other plugins to make it sound better compared to the raw .msf files.

01-27-2015, 10:08 AM
I'm curious if the game itself has its own equalizer, reverb, and other plugins to make it sound better compared to the raw .msf files.

The PS3 version music sucks ass, the PS4 is better in that regard.
There's no magical equalizer or reverb in game that makes them sound better.
Merely a retarded decision on ArcSys' part.

01-27-2015, 05:54 PM
The PS3 version music sucks ass, the PS4 is better in that regard.
There's no magical equalizer or reverb in game that makes them sound better.
Merely a retarded decision on ArcSys' part.

Well then, audio technicians at its finest :P

It also has awkwardly timed loops for certain bgms (victory bgm, etc.).

Slayer's GGXX theme also had 2 odd tracks, one low quality track like other songs, and another that was even altered to make it sound like an higher frequency via compression, but very poorly.

It's funny how some of the things XRD had problems with also happened for P4U2 (not surprised, ArcSys works on both). At first, they both had very few songs that had pitch issues that lasts for a second in the beginning of their respective bgms. Of course it got fixed later via DLC, but it's still questionable how they even made a mistake like that in the first place.

Also, the .MSF format that was used isn't necessarily bad. Games like UNiEL and DBFC did it perfectly. They did used MP3 encoding, and the level of quality as a whole was not even close to the level of errors XRD and P4U2 went through.

01-30-2015, 12:51 PM
Any word on the release date of the official ost at all?

02-02-2015, 01:00 PM
Are we still ever going to have the OST?

02-19-2015, 06:46 PM
here Guilty Gear xrd -SIGN- Original Soundtrack (