12-02-2014, 11:17 PM
Tangerine Dream - Mala Kunia (2014)


Tangerine Dream's During working Australian concerts in Mid-November we start Shipping Will the first compositional work of the new line-up comprising Edgar Froese, Ulrich Schnauss, Thorsten Quaeschning and Hoshiko Yamane. It is the format of a so-called Cupdisc (EP) with a running time of nearly 55 minutes and the first product out of "The Quantum Years" series starting on 16th November 2014 with the MMW Festival concert in Melbourne. This cupdisc is named "MALA KUNIA" - the name of two Aboriginal tribes - according to Aboriginal mythology - living ages ago around Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, whereas the Mala tribe lived on the sunny side and the Kunia on the shady side of the rock.
01. Shadow And Sun - 7:54
02. Madagaskunia - 6:51
03. Madagasmala - 7:04
04. Beyond Uluru - 7:49
05. Vision Of The Blue Birds - 8:39
06. Snake Men's Dance At Dawn - 5:51
07. Power Of The Rainbow Serpent - 8:03!qth2hSgR!6U4w0L8220oqSZX960LgjoMEWvktyBI8ShV8PJU imPQ

10-24-2016, 08:03 PM