11-02-2004, 01:42 PM
Has anyone evr played suikoden 1 or two before

as i think they are such coool games

11-04-2004, 03:25 PM
I've played Suikoden 2 and 3. Plan on getting 4 and played a little of 1. It sucks that it's not more well known since i prefer it more than the FF series, but that okay since there's a dedicated fanbase that keeps the series going.

11-06-2004, 05:33 PM
Ive only played Suikoden 2, it kept me on it for ages. It was class. The last boss was too easy, great gameplay though

11-06-2004, 07:43 PM
I have

11-14-2004, 09:04 PM
i cant' find any of the suikoden games anywhere around where i live

12-27-2004, 04:42 PM
I�ve played suikoden 1 and 2 like to play also the next suikodne games but they�re still not out here in germany. i really love suikoden the many char. the special story of them and the time switches at every game :D
i really love luc the is just great.
any of the guys here has ever read the suikoden manga or played suikoden gaiden? i just heared of it but really sounds great anyone here knows when there�ll be a eu version of suikoden 3?

Darth Revan
12-27-2004, 06:43 PM
I have both of the first two Suikoden games, and thoroughly enjoy them. I'm annoyed that Suikoden III will never be getting a PAL release, however I have heard rumours of a Suikoden anime, loosely based on the third instalment (even a manga is available, apparently), which may, repeat MAY, be coming to Suikoden fans in PAL territories.

I've seen some screenshots and some footage of Suikoden IV (Thanks to X-Play and Cinematech. Which I thank Foxtel (Pay-TV) for.), which looks interesting, but I will reserve judgement, Until I can actually play it for myself.

12-28-2004, 02:52 PM
I�ve found a good suikoden page with some infos about suikoden 4 etc.

01-05-2005, 09:33 PM
I've played Suikoden 2, and am now looking for all 4 of them :)

Seifer Almasy
01-19-2005, 02:37 AM
Oh yeah, selphie I'm glad this thread exists because I was about to start it, Suikoden is one of my favourite RPG''s of all time and put simply I think its unique battle system along eith gripping storyline make it on of the heavyweights of the RPG world but you just gotta love those adorable 2d graphics as well.

1 was good, 2 was great, and I have'nt played 3 due to release problems but I'll be sure to nab a copy from ebay!

Oh by the way Suikosource is a fantastic fansite with a decent forum, so be sure to join.

01-19-2005, 01:26 PM
well i have been researching and the anime suikoden is about the closest thing we will get to 3

01-20-2005, 05:28 AM
Since this topic is here I ask my question here. Has anyone here played Suikoden IV. I've been hearing on some RPG message boards that Suiko4 is a good but short game. Just wanted to know what others here thought about it.

01-20-2005, 06:01 AM
That's pretty accurate.

It's excellent, but so far to me, it seems like it's going to be very, very short. Oh well.

01-21-2005, 01:31 AM
I have III but havent started it yet.....

01-21-2005, 06:32 AM
I would like to announce that suikoden 2 has always been my favorite game ever. NOt even final fantasy 10 or ocarina of time has amazed me this much(not meaning final fantasy 10 and ocarina of time sucks). I was totaly wiped out when playing this game, but whatever you like never likes going your way. I was playing suikoden 2 one day at my house when suddenly my baby brother game in and accidently sat on the game. It broked. Never ment for me to play again, never again such happiness would come to me. Anyway, i've been looking for that game ever since. Funny thing is...... I still haven't found a new copy of the game and i don't think they will ever remake this game again. Oh how i dream, how i dream that one day i sit and play it once more. To relive my days of happiness. Such golden times are priceless and they don't stay forever. Nostalgia makes the heart feeble and the nostalgia of that day brings me nightmares. It haunts me, troubles me, bringing me restless sleep.

01-21-2005, 07:44 AM
I'm sure you could get it from ebay for a few hundred dollars.

01-21-2005, 12:44 PM
Suikoden is great.

But Suikoden 4 looks terrible, imo.

01-21-2005, 07:46 PM
suikoden 1 looked kinda....lame to me, II however, i still need to pick up a copy from ebay.

01-22-2005, 11:06 AM
i think suikoden 1 and 2 is out of print so it will be difficult to get a copy without paieng to much money.
i wanted to play suikoden 3 but there was never released a german version so i need a chip or something for my ps2 still i heared suikoden 3 isn�t as good as suikoden 4 or the others suikodne parts because there is no worldmap you can walk on as you want. still i have to play it because i love suikoden and because it�s a part of the story :O)
here suikoden 4 will come out soon and i�ve seen the trailer jet it looks nice to me and im too exited.

Cid Highwind
01-22-2005, 07:05 PM
I think I have.

01-25-2005, 02:34 PM
suikoden is coming out in germany omg you need to let me know when cause i will order a copy i can understand german luckly enough hehe

01-25-2005, 02:48 PM
I have both games yes I played them both

02-10-2005, 08:40 AM
Yes, I've played Suikoden I & II religiously. I adore them. But they were sold from my video store a long time ago, and they're impossible to find so it sucks. Suikoden III never made a PAL release, IV is supposed to apparently. Fingers crossed!

02-13-2005, 07:32 AM
Suikoden I+II are two of my most favourite games ever, but I can't play them anymore because I can't find them anywhere ;_;

Oh well, eBay will come to my rescue sooner or later.

Darth Revan
03-18-2005, 08:19 PM
I just got Suikoden IV the other day, and I'm almost at the end of the game already... I think. The battle system is pretty much similar to the first Suikoden games (Alright, I'm only guessing about Suikoden III, because it never came here! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! (Yes, that's a sore topic with me.)), and plays alright.


There are a few things about it which are bugging me... like only two of the 108 Stars of Destiny (From the first two Suikoden games) are in it, as well as the return of my favourite and beloved rune, the Soul Eater. But what's up with the return of a character from the first Suikoden game, who died and was never a part of the original 108 Stars of Destiny (Who's soul was absorbed by the Soul Eater initally... I think. It could've been that other one... Not McDohl's father of course.), now being one of them?

Still, apart from those things as well as my own insanity affecting the way I play games, it's not a bad game.

Only short...


Bahamut ZERO
03-18-2005, 11:39 PM
I was in a games store last week buying MGS3 and GT4 and pondering about purchasing Suikoden IV, and I ended up chatting to the sales person. Pleasant gentleman whom was willing to listen to me, unlike most people in Game. Anyway, I was saying to the guy how I was annoyed that Suikoden III was never released in Europe and asked him if he thought there was ever a chance of it coming out over here.

"No chance," he replied quickly.
"How so?" I enquired, intrigued to the travesty of justice.
"Well, the main reason is that the voice acting is so closely coded into the graphical interface that doing the translations into French and German and all will be too much work for them to do. It literally meant they would need to re-code the whole game," he replied.
"Seems a bit dumb," I said to myself.

Of course, chipping PS2s is illegal now in the UK, and I wouldn't know where to go to get it done anyways. Not really much of an engineer, am I.

To cut a long story short... I didn't buy Suikoden IV. I'm still bitter. 1 and 2 keep me going though.

03-24-2005, 12:58 AM

I rented Suikoden 4 last friday. I beat it yesterday. Now, this may contain some spoilers. I have been a suikoden fan for awhile now. Suikoden 1 was the first RPG I ever played. I have 2 and 3, and want to buy 4 and 1. I liked Suikoden 4, as I like the rest, but some things confuse me. Making Luc the main bad guy in Suikoden 3 surprised me. Through out half of the game, I was thinking "maybe they'll run into the hero and then you get to play as him instead of all 3 of these losers?" But no. That's not what happened. And it disssapointed me a bit. The whole 'playing 3 characters' thing was a downfall in my opinion. But the game was still fun and I enjoyed it. Suikoden 4 was like Suikoden 1, but it was lacking something that the others had. There weren't too many places. It was mostly going back and forth between towns. The idea of having the ship as their base wasn't a bad idea. It made it much easier. The traveling around stuff was what got on my nerves. It was so slow, and you got into battle every 2 seconds. The relationship between the characters and the hero weren't defined as well as they were in the previous ones. And one more thing. The voices for half those characters was annoying. I couldn't bare it. I think they should just stick to the silent reading way. My least favorite character was Snowe. He was horrible. I hated him. He kept feeling sorry for himself. He's one of those whiney characters you want to put to death. But the thing is, with this game, you CAN'T lop off his head. You have to have him to complete your 108 stars of destiny. -.-.

Darth Revan
04-09-2005, 05:29 PM
Well... I've finished Suikoden IV twice (First time I missed out on two of the Stars of Destiny... Damn Gunter!), and I'm disappointed with this one. I think, repeat think it's set 150 yrs before the first Suikoden, judging by what is said about Ted at the end of the game.

I can understand how random battles are important, but come on, the random encounter rate in Suikoden IV is crazy. Almost immediately after finishing a encounter, you end in another one!

There are some other things about this game which bug me, but all in all, I was looking forward to something good.... and get something which was rather mediocre. Suikoden 1 was good, and Suikoden 2 was even better. Suikoden 3 never came to Australia, but from what I've heard from people who imported it, it's pretty bad... I'm gonna get the manga version of it instead. And Suikoden Iv...

Well, let's just hope that if Konami makes a Suikoden V (Which I hope they do), it's better than 4.

04-22-2005, 02:21 PM
Ima huge fan of the Suikoden series, but the latest one really did dissapoint me!
I didnt feel anything for any of the characters and I didnt like the idea of seeing ocean for god knows how many hours, so I traded it on for Shadow Hearts Covenant!

I mean I was a level 30 and my HP was 345?! Daft! Random battles on the ship were every 45 seconds, yes I counted! It was a HUGE dissapointment cause I loved the others! I have 3, but need to chip my PS2 to play it!

04-22-2005, 03:48 PM
I am a huge fan of suikoden i got 4 but i dont really like it.

But i heard luc was the main enemy in suikoden and that made me think.
Strange obviously leknaat was well linked in to it then as well.

Nanaki Muyo
04-30-2005, 06:13 AM

But what's up with the return of a character from the first Suikoden game, who died and was never a part of the original 108 Stars of Destiny (Who's soul was absorbed by the Soul Eater initally... I think. It could've been that other one... Not McDohl's father of course.), now being one of them?

Simple. This game takes place before Suikoden 1.

Darth Revan
04-30-2005, 06:08 PM
Simple. This game takes place before Suikoden 1.

Yeah, it takes place 150 years before Suikoden 1 (At least according to Ted's ending).

05-07-2005, 05:55 AM
i absolutly loved the game and i liked how jowy becomes king (even the methods he used)but you cant get himback:( weep

05-07-2005, 09:19 AM
Nah I hated jowy from th word go and I am actually really glad that he leaves your team so early on.

05-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Suikoden 4 is really good than 3

05-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Nah I hated jowy from th word go and I am actually really glad that he leaves your team so early on.

Really? I thought Jowy was one of the best characters in the Suikoden series.

But add me on the Suikoden4 dissapointment bandwagon. I thought the battles were simple enough, but they were too many of them on the sea. The story sucked (it was'nt even a real war) and was the weakest out of the 4 installments, 98% of the characters sucked (except for Kika,Jeane,Viki, and Ted),towns were too small and lame. cutscenes took to much time to load and in usually ended up with just one person saying a snetence and it would load again. And finally the damn world map pissed me off, that was the first time I actually wished for a point-and click map.

05-07-2005, 05:55 PM
Really? I thought Jowy was one of the best characters in the Suikoden series.

I really never liked him. He was a lame character in battle and he also has an annoying personality.
I was actually glad when he ran away and betrayed me.
I didnt even care that I lost the black sword rune

05-08-2005, 03:50 AM
suikoden is a really good game but they messed up on 3 the manga was good but the game really sucks the camera angle sucks

05-11-2005, 03:51 AM
suikoden is a really good game but they messed up on 3 the manga was good but the game really sucks the camera angle sucks

I liked Suikoden 3 alot (the intro anime kicked ass!), but I do agree that the manga told the story aroun Suiko3 much better.

Final Heaven
05-12-2005, 03:26 PM
Suikoden games are awesome! i finished suikoden I and II for the PSX! should be getting Suikoden IV soon though! is it any good or does it let the series down at all?

Darth Revan
05-13-2005, 03:46 PM
Well Final Heaven, in my opinion, Suikoden IV is the worse of the Suikoden games. No sooner had I finished the game (After almost beating myself unconcious with a cricket bat, because of the endless ocean and stuff), I traded mine in for Kessen III.

Some people like it, but I don't. but that's just the ramblings of a demented, insane person... namely ME!

05-13-2005, 04:29 PM
Oh has kessen three come out.

Time to say good bye to my copy of suikoden 4 then

05-15-2005, 11:03 PM
Just bought it at half price. Probably not a good omen.

I haven't seen such an abortion of a battle system in a long time. I'm not sure exactly why it's so bad, since in essence it's fairly similar to 2's (the only other outing of the series I have had the chance to play, thus far). They do seem to have made it just about the dullest thing ever, though. Enemies beaten with too much ease, you level up far too often, it moves at a glacial pace, your attacks are boring, and the encounter rate is a bit extreme. some of that doesn't seem much different from 2, either, but all in all, the battles are just dull.

The ship's controls are poorly implemented, too. There's no sense of any bond between the main character and his closest allies, either. The more incidental characters are fairly interesting, and the plot is compelling. In fact, the plot is the only reason I am playing, at this point.

It feels rushed.