12-02-2014, 12:47 AM
Hello friends.

I've recently been looking to expand my library of endless video game music. It would help me out if you could list your top ten favourite video game soundtracks so that I may play said games and then obtain their respective musicssssssssssssss for my own personal benefit.

Personally, my top ten favourites are:

1. Portal 2
2. Banjo Kazooie
3. The Last of Us
4. Super Mario World
5. Halo 2
6. Skyrim
7. Half-Life 2
8. Twilight Princess
9. Star Fox Assault
10. Assassin's Creed Revelations

12-06-2014, 03:37 AM
1. Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2
2. Mario Kart 8 (simply amazing)
3. Pok�mon X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
4. Super Mario 3D World
5. Pok�mon Battle Revolution (the music is so much better than the gameplay and it was even composed by Tsukasa Tawada, who also composed the music for Pok�mon Colosseum and Pok�mon XD: Gale of Darkness)
6. Pok�mon Ruby and Sapphire
7. Mario Kart: Double Dash!
8. Super Smash Bros. Melee
9. Pok�mon Colosseum/XD: Gale of Darkness
10. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Even tho i never played the game, the music is still awesome)

12-07-2014, 11:20 AM
Mine are not in any particular order:

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mass Effect
Dragon Age: Origins
Halo: Combat Evolved
Half-Life 2
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Game and Expansion Set)
Metroid Prime
World of Warcraft
Mega Man X

Honorable mentions to:

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario 3
Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Majora's Mask

12-07-2014, 04:05 PM
[cheat code enabled]

Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross / Front Mission: Gun Hazard
Suikoden / Suikoden II / Super Mario RPG / Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy VI / Final Fantasy IV / Final Fantasy VIII / Lost Odyssey
Shadow of the Colossus / The Dig
Mega Man 2 / Contra / Tower of Heaven / Orange Box
New Tetris
Fez / Dustforce
Total Distortion
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

12-08-2014, 04:26 AM
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
Shenmue Orchestra Version
Mechwarrior 2
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy VII (but the Advent Children version)
Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile Sound Track

12-14-2014, 11:46 AM
Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns
Final Fantasy X
Asura's Wrath
Drakengard 3/ Drag-on Dragoon 3
Katamari Fortissimo Damacy (plus the other soundtracks that came after this one)
Lost Odyssey
NieR Gestalt & NieR Replicant
Kingdom Hearts (well, just mainly 光(Hikari) and all it's variations)
Ragnarok 2

07-11-2015, 05:21 AM
Mine Would be:

1.Dissidia Final Fantasy
2.Etrian Odyssey (All Of Them)
3.Pok�mon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
4.Digimon World 3
5.Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
6.God Of War (the entire saga in general)
7.Proffesor Layton (the entire saga too)
8.Pok�mon Black & White/Black2 & White2
9.Halo (the entire saga)
10. I'd close with the old Tony Hawk, Need For Speed and Burnout Games that have those awesome music selection, the thread doesn't say it must be original sountracks

06-15-2018, 01:52 AM
1. Stardew Valley

2. (Most Sonic Titles) It's hard to pick a single one. The games may not have the best reputation, but man are the soundtracks usually good! :P My favs include 1-3, Adventures 1 &2, Heroes and Sonic R. I love them at equal measures!!!

3. Zelda (Again hard to pick a single one) My choices would be Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Majora's Mask, Windwaker, Zelda II, and Twilight Princess.

4. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (The music was so energetic and alive! It made me happy to play the game. Diamond and Pearl on the other hand... 😐 Put me to sleep. -____- 😧 BW, RBGY, XY and SM also had some good music. I listen to DP to help me go to sleep.) :P

5. Kirby (This is another one that's hard to pick a single one because most of the games have good music.)

6. Megaman X1, X3 & Megaman 8 (The other ones have good music, too, but these are my absolute favorite! ☺💕

7. Donkey Kong Country 1-3 (1 being the best).

8. Banjo Kazooie & Tooie

9. Mario (Hard to choose because, again, it's a franchise whose games consists of mostly good osts[Spinoffs included].)

10. Sims (The music makes it easy to spend hours on the games).

Almost Made It list:
Dark Cloud 2
Cavestory 3D

There's some game apps and indie titles, too that also have great music, yet are mostly unappreciated. But These Are the cream of the crop for me. :D

06-20-2018, 04:06 AM
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy Lightning Returns
Final Fantasy X
Sonic Unleashed
Saga Frontier 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Persona 3
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep