Renzokuken Trigger
11-02-2004, 05:06 AM
Can someone tell me where you get Cloud's Omnislash, Tifa's final Limit and Vincent's Final Limit? Thanks.

11-02-2004, 06:22 AM
Can someone tell me where you get Cloud's Omnislash, Tifa's final Limit and Vincent's Final Limit? Thanks.

win clouds at the gold soucer battle ground. Tifa's, play the piano at her house, you have to play her theme i dont know the exact buttons. vincent's is in Lucrecia's cave, you have to go through some underwater caves in the sub to get there. you talk to her, then come back after so many fights and you get death penalty and chaos

Furious Rose
11-02-2004, 06:26 AM
All right except for the Vicent one. You must go to the caves in the sub during disk 2 then return during disk 3.

11-02-2004, 09:17 AM
you can find Cloud's omnislash at your local Wal Mart, in the Magic/Arcane Pariphenallia section.

tifa's will be in the black lace section at Victoria's Secret.

Vincent's is on the ground in front of you. Get it! Quick. Too slow. sorry. and now that you've wasted all this time, they sold out at wal mart and Victoria's Secret. Guess you're screwed.

my sympathies.


P.S. i don't know where they are, i just felt like rambling, it's late.

Aerith Gainsborough
11-02-2004, 12:41 PM
All right except for the Vicent one. You must go to the caves in the sub during disk 2 then return during disk 3.

No, you can do all on disc 3 if you want. And you can go there with your Chocobo, too. No need to go there on the second disc with your sub. ;)

11-02-2004, 01:41 PM
yeah but i used to know the theme for tifa if i remeber it i will post it on

11-02-2004, 02:52 PM
If you want to get Omnislash, go to the Gold
Saucer battle arena and win 56,000 BP. Then, you can buy Omnislash.
Very simple.

Later in the game, go to Tifa's house and play the piano. You have to play a melody. To do so, press the buttons in the following order: X, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1/TRIANGLE, R1/SQUARE, X, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1/X, CIRCLE, X, SQUARE, TRIANGLE. Then, you will receive Final Heaven. This is done on disc2 if i remeber, but I think you can even receive it near the end of disc1. I'm not sure, but you can check this out easily.

On disc 2, you can use the submarine to go to the waterfall cave where
Lucrecia resides. You can get there easily - use the submarine to go
to Costa Del Sol. Then dive in the water and you will find an entrance
where you can enter. After entering, get out of the water and enter
the waterfall cave. There, you will see Lucrecia. After you talk to
her, go somewhere you can fight and fight about 10 times. Then, you
can return to the waterfall cave and you will receive the Chaos manual.
You will also receive his ultimate weapon, the Death Penalty

Well, hope I helped you. There you are - served on asilver plate. Enjoy the Limits.

11-02-2004, 05:03 PM
32,000BP if I remember correct for Omnislash. I found Yuffie+Conformer great to use there.

Vivi FF
11-02-2004, 06:54 PM
I believe it's 64,000 BP on Disk 1; 32,000 BP on later disks.

I also believe you can only get Tifa's anytime in Disk 2 and beyond, not in Disk 1. I recall heading over to the paino every so often in Disk 1 to try and get it, but failed. But I think you can get it if you backtrack from your location at the start of Disk 2, but I'm not sure.

Edit: Omnislash is 56,000 BP on Disk 1; I just checked.

11-02-2004, 09:13 PM
I don't know about the correct price for Omnislash, guys, but I bought Omnislash several times (not sure if I bought it on disc 1 or 2), and the price was always 56,000 BP. I don't know this is, but I remeber this very well. But maybe I'm mistaken, I don't know. I'm currently playing FFVII so I guess I'll find out, but as far as I know, it always cost me 56,000 BP. I don't know...
Maybe my memory doesn't serve me very well...But I'm sure it costs 56,000 BP. Well, we'll see...

Yeah, Tifa's Limit is found on disc 2.

11-02-2004, 11:08 PM
All right except for the Vicent one. You must go to the caves in the sub during disk 2 then return during disk 3.

no u can get it on disk 3. I talked to her, then went to the crashed sub underwater and got the stuff there, then went back and got his stuff, on disk 2

Renzokuken Trigger
11-06-2004, 03:22 AM
K thanks guys.