Infernus Animositas
11-29-2014, 04:27 PM

Track list1. Alt Ending Baked (4:05)
2. Alt Overworld M01 (1:59)
3. Boss Final M01 (2:15)
4. Boss M01 (1:48)
5. Cave M01 (1:02)
6. Convo M01 (0:55)
7. Credits M01 (3:03)
8. Dungeon 1 M01 (2:43)
9. Dungeon 2 M01 (2:25)
10. Dungeon 3 M01 (2:28)
11. Dungeon 4 M01 (2:25)
12. Ending M01 (0:57)
13. Fanfare M01 (0:10)
14. Mini Game Format 2 (1:16)
15. Overworld M01 (2:04)
16. Princess M01 (1:21)
17. Rave Cave M01 (2:20)
18. Shop M01 (0:59)
19. Swamp M01 (1:48)
20. Title Full M01 (2:00)
21. Tutorial Full M01 (1:44)
22. WayForward Logo (0:05)

Total time: 00:39:52
Music was converted directly from the .XMA files.

Thanks goes out to Aluigi for FSBExt and Aezay for FSB Extractor.

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Password is:


[url=!yc0AFLDD!yq2ddy-efGhGF5PgQCnXoNx4CUtoCSESkGen6WGMcXg]Part 1 (]Sacred Kingdom[/url)
Part 2 (!jAd2kKJT!34cbgPnW_hdCWTwPxdYgxtwmt2yxf35hq8l4e-fxRIU)

11-29-2014, 11:25 PM
Thanks :)

11-30-2014, 01:13 PM
Many thanks

05-21-2017, 08:10 PM
thank you