11-27-2014, 11:11 PM

This thread is meant to be a database for surround sound files to film trailers; most of them are in AC3 format, in English. Higher-quality tracks are in multichannel FLAC. They are all the final mixes for the trailers (with dialogue, sound effects, and music mixed into one audio track). I imagine you have a few questions about what this thread if for, so if you�re one of those people take a quick look at the FAQ below.

I thought we already had some sort of trailer thread.

We do! hack3rman runs a thread (Thread 163015) for trailer audio as well.

So what�s the difference between this thread and that one?

While hack3rman does have a plethora of trailer audio in his own thread, due to limited availability he only has stems for select films from late 2013 to the present.

I must also make clear: this thread is not a stems thread. It is a thread for the multichannel audio used in most (if not all) theatrical trailers.

If I can�t get the music on its own like I can in hack3rman�s thread, then what�s the point?

Because sometimes, with good luck and decent editing skills, you can isolate the music almost entirely. For those of you who don�t believe me, all three ( of ( these ( videos were made straight from their respective surround mixes. I�m not guaranteeing that this is the case for every trailer in this thread, but some people are pickier than others when it comes to sound effects embedded in their music.

If you have a surround sound setup, you can also mux these surround files with an encode of the trailer to give it a shiny new surround mix.

Can I post my trailer music (Two Steps From Hell, Immediate Music, Audiomachine, etc.) here?

Nope. This is meant only for audio ripped straight from the trailers.

Where do you get all these? How can I contribute?
Scroll down and I�ll tell ya.

The Catalog o� Audio Files

Across the Universe (!p58hmQBY!YNcyRYsGmRBwYmaf4ArtoEsXeAHwYPAdE7fllk9-5XQ)
The Amazing Spider-Man*: 1 (!aFdWzI5S!uCGrCoS2tyXt8QNx67znv0sT3x6sBn5gVlreunI QmTQ) | 2 (!yYtz2Cwb!VrXOizNQkNMe1QJ5D7JQDdL4wY_ndNd4kPIPcqL c-OI)
The Avengers: 1 (!VtUHUK4b!42ShUVPqnBhcsxw2CYAFhfbkXi53pT_aRwHzmk9 _5QU) | 2 (!VtUHUK4b!42ShUVPqnBhcsxw2CYAFhfbkXi53pT_aRwHzmk9 _5QU)
The Avengers: Age of Ultron: 1 (!Ew9U1JLA!ovLhXxeCKOhaYb4hY5OS1xrQ6ZBjsR-4-mPG6Ifhlr0) | SDCC Trailer (!ch9VDSxC!RtKZZyOMB8-HA8LACJXsBzPtfpJClF2MzGOedO2fzGQ)

BIONICLE: Mask of Light (!XEFV3J4b!q5mbUxNXrQmFiNjszqvwCR2IHkOg9v0iwo9SazB DEGs)
BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui (!iYUWjaSY!t2Mpq6Fi8w_HBsL2YP8xw937-pQfjCY8zIuO_ZuVYes)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier: 1 (!8pEDBY4C!b7ccA3-M-dhfbAfP0O57kfQL4WjLwK0eRu6hxcNyGak) | 2 (!BolCiLhB!AHKMCvIKBJvnr3gyxz6N1K7qu282YJgy0UiwVlH U9WA)
Chicken Little (!TJdE0CKY!raIDxudOuAE6lxsa6iqhTyIQm7AGKfMtgE38ugL 48q8)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Ultimate Edition (!g40kHBDQ!dXABHo-LAk3H_5eU5O6OTdTMY2rKEf231EeX9qGXDEA)



Finding Nemo (!rE8gyRyJ!0lmnxQnFcATta-OlasQl6aeaPDFGZKVtIhEJN51-dv4)

Guardians of the Galaxy (!ycVmHLaa!rBRO7C8NvgYl6OdYwtQbJc5LHJijg2ueqeSb9Tv ubxA)*
Ghost Rider (!Qgcjgb4Y!B7uTjCyP_pmDndhlyg99K-74SBFdgpazzVsJXl-hnq4)

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies: 2 (!1kMQUZ5L!699rDwQyEceCNZRMreNoTztc7LQ3uPvSeldL08c-WEQ)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (!iUlxyKoa!eGy76419pqCbqGAs7TxjErcTx9ricdFKAsKbEBF fzho)

Iron Man 3 (!6INVGLKa!KVgNqjD7PpbU1UT3RMX0MjfqrlpD_TYmercebQw HhDI)

The Jane Austen Book Club (!x8liGAgB!SXwxkMNLHIz88LuIHUf8uJa_fdaAKKN46iXQTLh uO1Q)
Jurassic World (!cldhxaoJ!n57d_9gQUCNxRCZeQyr0m1jLpaOBCNV5oY4wWaV ZnZI)

Kronk's New Groove (!fEEnGSSS!KskFjoXL2RVJo_7rZPdGQ61X-IR79JyBOuQVINcU3lA)

The Lion King 1 1/2 (!PJkixQBb!D1c8JPWoEgXkVMRhD0RS9fmOnz9Q6IwunLbt5K-g1T4)

Meet the Robinsons (!SQE2EQQR!XXTI4uumUcDL2McwtjqDU2qqrwYYmoMFWON-C3y9JDY)
Mr. Bean's Holiday (!XANWjKTT!gYnJRvHERMLUMueRiOHikAOmdRLsWH-GfeCm_VuLLzo)



Peter Pan (!fRMlSASL!QNh3TKoytZA3dc5Ia0dfymmUKFpL0Vr9h0nIEyG az48)


Ratatouille (!TBtk0BTK!1oURST3dUUz-cop_w5R_DKDwek68BtLXO0VTt6eMe7M)

Sky High (!OIkTjLhB!h2mZgYhN8udpEtnNr5wHafEcFLZmJX2eH6l76KR P0NQ)
Spider-Man: The Venom Saga (!CEEBjTbL!B81Q5FBtNhdtMqQtm5RDkNn92rTgAYTn-ZZX4lG2QkM)
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens
(!9xVj1LzB!FNhrv-ydXbX2FElDyO3zwzwbjobQc9azPcjNFMVXHMc)Surf's Up (!ttUhxJ7Y!hll59lpk517xd8l13K4xaBauX-kWuZXrzCelcM8FbOQ)

Tarzan: 2-Disc Special Edition (!2U0CUBrJ!h97MbGwRQYm1hMhUJ1Wbn1u42jynCXBXcuqlhts 6jOE)
Thor: The Dark World: 1 (!7VdHXYIY!8PO_RZUAdjKaIWUZS2H7hanQ16XBy03A0Zw3alH wg9w) | 2 (!OZNyTTiD!zn95VReeMthjeB9hNTvdw_WNRlOBs4TkLZ1xXEU 8y6Y)


Vantage Point (!8hsQzaCD!Sj6fMTst4hEVgVG0-fLkHwETSUF4kzblTqHh-lWzMyM)
Vitus (!c8MDSLoB!MGR1vWq5rBNcncS_BFBeEEULI6CcVsfmVHLjBP3 q0cA)

The Water Horse (!R9MFFTrb!LLpYb60EZ-VhE0YZZHHy037hDf1xa7AzvhOju5DSzUY)

X-Men: Days of Future Past: 1 (!ggVBzJgC!QMN6C81-M8EeUWtE0e4Ka6FIJ847ZfSJ53RTN9Kx0nc) | 3 ("]2[/URL] | [URL="!48tU3Jgb!8gRbaAuu02Gn8ZOlHdyloYMEqtjH6tPKCTWz7rM YsqA) | 3 (Alternate) (!V1NhmJhR!lM-2KvMArgQbYH7ctCeO895pxr2hCeVWWwQqcqjiWqo)
X-Men: First Class: 1 (!Uk1WDALL!bAlrPAOx5NTPW3N-b2kfkqgj_uGVZ1JmdVP-zfg_lm4) | 2 (!pg1lDCzI!uPFRZYCgLoPkwNjLob055hoTWNSSCoKav9QXEqC frbk)



*Also available in hack3rman's stems thread

I have something to contribute! How do I? Where can I find trailers in surround sound?

Most DVDs and Blu-rays have trailers in 5.1 surround sound. If you have the right hardware and software you can easily rip the audio from the disc.

There are also a couple websites I frequent that carry trailers with multichannel audio. HD-Trailers (, the Movie-List forum (, and Demo World ( are all lovely little websites with a number of trailers in 5.1.

If you have something to contribute, all you need to do is upload it and post it in this thread! I�ll update this main post with your link with your username attached.

I will only accept files that have multiple channels of audio. No stereo or mono!


As always with these types of threads, there are certainly going to be people asking for the audio to some specific film trailer. I�m fine with that. But be warned: there is absolutely no guarantee that these requests will be fulfilled. Your request may just sit here until the end of time, or even longer.

If you do make a request, make sure to specify the movie, the trailer number (if applicable), and if you want to increase chances of getting your request fulfilled, it�d be super helpful if you mentioned a certain DVD or Blu-ray the trailer can be found on.

The Hall of Requests

No requests yet!

More audio files will be coming soon! Please remember to say thanks, like, or rep! :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-27-2014, 11:21 PM
Should note also that these would be "Final_mix" audio tracks.

Music, dialogue, sfx all in one, as if a film_mix.

You should also mention that while these are multichannel, they are most likely AC3 audio (lossy).
As most blurays (and especially DVD's), don't provide lossless audio for trailer promotions on disc.
This was probably a studio decision to save space for the actual movie, or that most people typically wouldn't care as much for the trailers.

Some special cases will have the trailer in PCM or even DTS core (lossy; not the HD Master Audio extension).
But those are extremely rare and without explaination. Why they did that? Perhaps it was a special remastered, collector's set from an unknown, rare distributor.
Very rare and unknown, not to mean that all remastered blurays will have lossless audio for their trailers.

There's literally no predictability or "feelings" about this nature. Not like you guys have with your Holy Grails getting leaked.

11-28-2014, 12:28 AM
On movie-list(.com) you can get a lot of these trailers with surround (lossless dts-hd & pcm) and high bitrate video, some even as soon as they start playing in cinemas. I think the members get these via digital cinema packages and put them up for download as mkv files. With a small subscription you get access to all these trailers (That's where hd-trailers get's them and converts them to smaller files with AC3 audio).

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-28-2014, 12:33 AM
$5 for 3 month subscription.

Even the trailers from blurays (.m2ts) are in the premium section.
There's quite a few nice ones, even in bluray format.
Only about 2-5 are in PCM audio. Circumstances are unknown though, why they're available in PCM while others are AC3.

I've actually been thinking of uploading some trailers over there from the bluray department, seeing as how I have nealy 200 BD's. Something's bound to not be there already.

11-28-2014, 03:29 AM
Should note also that these would be "Final_mix" audio tracks.

Good point.

I'm pretty certain that stuff from Movie-List trickles to HD-Trailers in the same or similar quality (at least in regards to audio) which is why I never really spent much time perusing their forums. Most of HD-Trailers' more recent stuff is 640kbps, which I think is a generous bitrate when it could easily be VBR or 448kbps, so I'm not too concerned about some drastic loss in quality.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-28-2014, 03:36 AM
The premium section over there have lossless audio, which beats the AC3@640.

HD-Trailers gets all theirs from linking to already-existing links. They're just a hotspot of hotlinking.
Youtube, Yahoo, Apple, the usual places to find trailers.

For other stuff that's more juicy like the multichannel trailers, they go directly to movie-list.

Encoders with media access like hack3rman encode and upload for Premium users in the best quality they could do.

HD-Trailers will take their high end encodes (first generation encodes) and then re-encode to smaller size to accomodate their low-end customers (mobile, portable, tv players, etc).
So most of their stuff becaomes second-generation, the video at least.
The audio is first generation since their audio went from lossless to lossless to lossy.

I keep paying every 3 months because I look forward to their HD trailers from DCP, ProRes, etc.

11-28-2014, 03:40 AM
Huh. You've piqued my interest. In that case I'll think about buying the premium over there, then.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-28-2014, 03:43 AM
Five dollars.


11-29-2014, 01:28 AM
Went ahead and paid the premium; they have a lot more material there than I'd thought. I was even able to nab the surround mixes to The Avengers trailers, which is something I've been interested in for a couple years.

One thing I'm wondering is whether it's wise to upload DTS files (considering their size). I have no problem uploading them, but I suspect some downloaders aren't interested in such large files.

So as you can see, I'm still trying to figure out how this thread is going to work, or whether anyone will even find it useful.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
12-02-2014, 12:21 AM
One thing I'm wondering is whether it's wise to upload DTS files (considering their size). I have no problem uploading them, but I suspect some downloaders aren't interested in such large files.

Just use eac3to+arcsoft to transcode to FLAC.
No one will know what to do with DTS.
Anything free doesn't support lossless DTS extensions. VLC doesn't support lossless DTS extension, just the DTS core inside the lossless DTSHDMA.

12-03-2014, 01:23 AM
Added links for Vitus, Vantage Point, Surf's Up, The Water Horse, Jurassic World, The Jane Austen Book Club, Across the Universe, Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Ultimate Edition, the second trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, and Ghost Rider, as well as new lossless links for both trailers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

12-11-2014, 01:16 AM
Added links for Star Wars: Episode VII, both trailers for The Avengers, and both trailers for X-Men: First Class.

01-03-2015, 04:43 PM
Added links for The Avengers: Age of Ultron and new lossless links for X-Men: Days of Future Past.