tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-26-2014, 09:11 AM
So Scott is not going to direct the bastardization of the first film.
But Harrison Ford IS returning as Rich Deckard.

Ridley Scott Will Not Direct Blade Runner Sequel, Shares Story Details - ComingSoon.net (http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/386733-ridley-scott-will-not-direct-blade-runner-sequel-shares-story-details)

�We talked at length about what it could be,� Scott tells the trade of the sequel�s story, �and came up with a pretty strong three-act storyline.�

�Harrison is very much part of this one,� Scott continues, �But it�s really about finding him. He comes in in the third act.�

So, Deckard, presumably a replicant, did he find the cure to their accelerated decrepitude?
Did it work and Rachael just died of natural causes, ala Pixar's Up?
Did it work but with severe side effects, as they would be about the first ones to try out any such solution?
Did it work only on him as a side effect, that it may not work on all replicants?

What did happen in the years inbetween?
Surely, Ford will play a key factor into the Riddle of the Electronic-Sphinx.

They better not make Ford look younger, ala Terminator Salvation.
He better be as old looking as he is in real life to pull this off.

I'm also dying to hear how they solved the replicant failsafe genetic timebomb.

What do you make of all this?
How's your origami skills?
What have you lost in the rain?

11-26-2014, 09:37 AM
but he is involved, which is good.
who will direct, that remains to be seen?

i am still very much torn, if this is a good idea, although i partly love the idea.

(i am origami and i lost myself in the rain)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-26-2014, 09:41 AM
:laugh: I'll probably hate it until I finally watch it and then rave about it like it was my original idea.

I'd love to know who's directing and who's composing this.
If it's going to be Junkie XL, I'm so out.