11-25-2014, 04:56 AM

18 tracks; 56MB; Uploaded and Ripped by (Last 3 tracks are ripped by YT user Shunt666) the rest I have no idea.
MP3 (!EUZgGZya!0k9675O8L6MFKd0KK4LZ95JgrD1_L9xbEn7QbaJ ucQQ)

* All tracks except Kamui, Erika and Kinako were made for Revolve so I assume it was made by Eiichiro Yanagi (Frontier Aja known for Koumajou Densetsu ( The others were made for -1st impression- (NRF) so the composers are not exact.

* Devil Daigo's theme is performed by MintJam
- Enjoy

11-25-2014, 08:38 AM
Thanks. By the way, no official OST releases were made, right? I tend to have a preference towards official releases when available.

11-25-2014, 10:41 PM
There is no official OST. It would have been on VGMDB or Frontier Aja's site.