11-16-2014, 04:30 AM
I’ve downloaded some MKV videos of 2.35 aspect ratio movies for which I’ve stored them in a flash drive. I am playing these videos on my LG Blu Ray player, BD690 and I wanted to use the player’s Zoom function to eliminate the black borders sandwiching the image of the movie.

I’ve downloaded MP4 videos of movie trailers of the said frame format and played them on the said LG model and the player’s zoom function worked well. However, when I used the zoom function for the MKV videos, the image does magnify, but not the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen—they do not decrease in height and the position remains the same. The film's aspect ratio isn't decreasing in width, but the image inside the frame is. So, not only am I losing the image on the left and right of the movie (which I can accept), but also the image’s the top and bottom.

Is there a way to fix it?


11-24-2014, 04:06 AM
It seems that this said problem has extended to .ts and .m2ts files—even when I mux it.

Here are some photos that I’ve taken to illustrate the problem.

Notice the CNN rectangular sign disappearing with each notch of magnification.

It’s as if the LG player has created the black borders and placed them over the existing black borders of the video and when I use the zoom function, the entire video image is magnified but the LG generated black borders remain in place with no magnification.

To your knowledge, is there a firmware for the BD690 or BD590 models that would correct this problem—to have the LG player not create the black borders?
