10-30-2004, 09:14 PM
Well, hi all. I'm new to the forum. The name's Monk and I'm happy to be a part of this forum. Well, I have started writing a FAQ/guide/walthrough for FFVII. Do any of you have any ideas about which things I should include into the guide to make it a perfect guide for FFVII.

10-30-2004, 09:25 PM
Not to disrespect your idea or anything but i'm failing to see a point to you creating a walkthrough for a game that has been out for so many years. There are thousands of these walkthroughs already in circulation.

Unless this is going to be an extremely good piece of work I doubt you'll have many people interested in reading it. But if it's what you want to do don't let me dissuade you. I'd be happy to give you my opinion on it if/when it's finished

10-31-2004, 09:23 AM
Well, I know I'm late BIG TIME, but I want the guide to cover everything about FFVII, including FFVII-AC. I know this may sound stupid because there are already so many guides for FFVII, as you said. But this guide will probably be HUGE. It's gonna have at least 1,500 KB of text and info - it's gonna cover everything about FFVII, everything you need to know.

Terra Fire
10-31-2004, 02:09 PM
gd idea i mite take a look when its done and r u using your own website or sumthing?

10-31-2004, 02:36 PM
No, I'm not using my own web site. I'll submit my guide to when it's finished. But I'll need a lot of time to finish it, it's only about 10% complete. It's gonna be huge and I don't really have a lot of time. I still go to school and I train martial arts a lot, so my time is kinda short, but every spare minute I have is used for the writing of this guide. I'll tell you when it's finished. It'll take a pretty long time, but I'll do my best to write it as soon as I can, I promise.

Terra Fire
10-31-2004, 09:54 PM
gd gd u do that and make sure you tell me