10-30-2004, 07:38 PM
I am just havin my comments on FF10 since i bought it on wednesday and just feel like reviewing it lol.

First off, i dont think it was the best FF when it came out, i heard alot of people were saying it was. One thing that really brings this game down is the lack of exploration, there isnt any world map and the game is very linear. I'm not particularly fond of the sphere grid system either, its too time consuming and if you dont plan it out properly beforehand you can be left retracing alot of steps and can take ages. Also i dont like the way the aeons are used, as they can only fight on their own and everyone else has to stand back. I dont even like the blitzball game, lol, the game is too stiff and wooden to play, it would have been better if you could move around more freely and you could control the players more realisticly. The voice acting in the game is really good though, the voices suit the characters, apart from Tidus, cuz sometimes his voice just goes too high and he sounds all gay and girly. The graphics are amazing; the cut scenes, even the ones that use the in-game engine, are stunning to watch. The turn based battle system works well, and the fact that you can change characters during battle is also a great feature. The story is made extremely well. The characters dont show much emotion though, even with the facial emotion system thing and the voice acting. Its not like in other FF's when you could feel sorry for the characters' situation, like Vivi in FF9, and in FF10 all of the main characters are human (Apart from Kimahri, but he hardly says anything at all anyway lol).

But, all in all, and even though I'm nowhere near the end of the game, its very enjoyable to play and i would recommend it to any gamer whether they like RPG's or not.

I think I've covered everything, but dont get at me if theres anything wrong with this cuz ive only had it since wednesday and ive not done many long reviews for games lol.