11-11-2014, 04:13 PM
It's out today on iTunes

Thank you in advance

11-12-2014, 05:52 AM
Quite shitty hosts but it's there. (

11-13-2014, 05:59 PM
Thank you so much!

For those who've beaten the Seekers of Adoulin expansion pack:

does the NA version of SoA feature an English version of Forever Today? I saw official English lyrics for it here (, so...

What's the battle theme for final boss's second, final battle? I'm assuming The Price, but I haven't been able to find any video footage to confirm this (the only footage I've found has the BGM muted)

11-13-2014, 06:33 PM
Thank you so much!

For those who've beaten the Seekers of Adoulin expansion pack:

does the NA version of SoA feature an English version of Forever Today? I saw official English lyrics for it here (, so...

What's the battle theme for final boss's second, final battle? I'm assuming The Price, but I haven't been able to find any video footage to confirm this (the only footage I've found has the BGM muted)

It is, actually. To give you a rough idea of where each BGM plays:

The Price - Final Battle Theme
Serpentine Labyrinth - Ra'Kaznar
The Divine - Kamihr Drifts
Monstrosity - Self-explanatory; basically battle theme for when you become a monster

Worlds Away I have no idea where that one plays, but Clouds Over Ulbuka was the second bad guy theme song ("Hades" was simply the tension - or perhaps it was the other way around); given the way it sounds though, it could be a first form battle theme for the final boss (considering he has a human form).

11-13-2014, 08:20 PM
Worlds Away plays in the cutscenes with the special artwork. Usually a historical retelling of some sort.

Hmmm. Have you beaten the expansion, and just didn't pay attention to the semifinal battle theme? If not, where is your source for The Price (aside from process of elimination)? Is there a video with the BGM not muted that I haven't been able to find? If so, I would really appreciate a link, I've been looking for something like that.

11-14-2014, 12:19 AM
Worlds Away plays in the cutscenes with the special artwork. Usually a historical retelling of some sort.

Hmmm. Have you beaten the expansion, and just didn't pay attention to the semifinal battle theme? If not, where is your source for The Price (aside from process of elimination)? Is there a video with the BGM not muted that I haven't been able to find? If so, I would really appreciate a link, I've been looking for something like that.

I haven't even played XI since early early WotG era (pre-Abyssea, mind), so I can't confirm it in that respect. I know this because a site called wilddragonchase had rips of the music included in the patch with the final boss, and "The Price" was one of the two added to the game this patch (it's music075, in case you're wondering).

Since I'm assuming you'll need a link, here ( As a general rule of thumb, they tend to use music when it's added to the game. And "Clouds Over Ulbuka" was used in a CS where Melvien shot Ygnas (Mission 72, the Lightsland, of which said CS can be seen here ( - though it may constitute spoilers and that's not my Youtube account).

11-14-2014, 02:41 AM
Wow, I only started playing FFXI shortly before Visions of Abyssea came out. I can't confirm anything regarding the latest patch either, also because I don't play anymore (no time or money). Stopped playing a month or two after Adoulin's initial release, IIRC.

And yeah, that's the Youtube channel I've been using to catch up on the story, but they don't seem to have anything related to the latest patch uploaded.

11-17-2014, 08:27 PM
Thanks for pointing out where to find it Dantelectro :)