10-29-2004, 06:22 PM
Has anyone ever compiled a timeline of events that happened prior to FF7? I am curious exactly when the following happened:

1. The Vincent/Lucrecia story (and subsequent birth of Sephiroth)
2. The Gast/Ifalna storyline
3. The Great war (Shinra and Wutai I think) That made Sephiroth Famous.
4. The War in Cosmo Canyon in which Seto died.
5. The Shinra 26 accident with Cid.
6. The Barret/Dyne storyline (The mako reactor)
7. The Nibelheim Operation (Where Sephiroth and Zack investigate the reactor and Seph ends up burning down the town)
8. Ifalna/Aeris(Aerith) arrive at Midgar

If anyone has these dates, I would appreciate any help.


10-31-2004, 10:04 AM
I think I have exactly what you need. Here, I hope this helps.

A race named Cetra arrives on the planet in the search for the Promised
land. The planet contains the Lifestream and thus becomes the perfect
place for the Cetra to settle. There are humans living on the planet at
that time and the Cetra settle among them. This happened about more
than 2,000 years ago.

About 2,000 years ago, Jenova arrives at the planet. Jenova is also
called "The calamity from the skies". Jenova crashes on the north of
the planet and the Cetra go there to see what happened. Jenova appears
as one of them and promises them peace and salvation, but infects them
with some kind of disease that mutates them and destroys them. As
Jenova landed on the planet, it caused a terrible wound to the planet
and the Lifestream gathered there to heal the wound. The planet creates
five Weapons to protect the planet and kill Jenova. But before the
Weapons can kill Jenova, a few surviving Ancients manage to defeat
Jenova and seal her. Jenova is now in female form. It is not actually
known if Jenova is male or female. The few of the Cetra that survived
continue to live among human tribes.

Over the next 2,000 years, the people of the planet develop some kind
of degree of technology and build towns all over the world. The biggest
city on the planet is Midgar, the center of the Shinra, a weapon
manufacturing company. As they grow in power, Shinra take control over
the city of Midgar and keep a mayor to convince everyone that there is
still some kind of law present. Midgar is a place of wealth but also a
place of struggle for the life, particularly for the people beneath the

Vincent Valentine is born about 57 years ago. At a point in his future
he joins the Turks, an organization of killers and spies that work for
the Shinra.

Then, about 48 years ago, Nanaki(RedXIII) is born in Cosmo Canyon.
Cosmo Canyon is attacked by a tribe named Gi and Nanaki's mother dies.
His father sacrifices himself to save Cosmo Canyon. Nanaki grows up
believing that his father left and that he is a coward. Nanaki is never
told that his father actually saved Cosmo Canyon. At some point later,
Nanaki is taken away from Cosmo Canyon to Shinra HQ and is used for
experiments. The Shinra probably wanted him because his species is very

Barret is born in Corel about 33 years ago. Corel is a coal mining
town, but the town needs a better life, and so they accept Shinra's
offer to use Mako energy instead of coal as their source of fuel. At
some point later, Shinra destroys Corel and burns it down to ashes.

Cid Highwind is born just a year after Barret, 32 years ago. Cid's
dream was to become a pilot and the first man in space. At some point
later he is very close to fulfilling his dream, but the Shinra cancel
the space project.

About 31 years ago, things start to get interesting. Professor Gast
finds Jenova in a 2,000-year old geological stratum. He takes Jenova
to Nibelheim and starts his research about Jenova. He belives that
Jenova is an Ancient and Shinra become very interested in his research.
They offer him financial help so that he can go on with his research.

A year after, the Jenova project is started. The Jenova project was
Shinra's attempt to create peole with the powers of the Ancients. Gast
probably did not know about this. Shinra sent a scientist called Hojo
to assist professor Gast. A female scientist called Lucrecia is also
there as well as Vincent, who is now a member of the Turks. Vincent
falls in love with Lucrecia and asks her to be his wife, but she turns
him down. She is in love with Hojo and soon the two are about to have
a baby. Since Hojo had no luck with the clones, he decided to use his
unborn child for his twisted experiments and infects the child and
Lucrecia with Jenova cells. Lucrecia is turned into a monster and
cannot be cured. Vincent confronts Hojo, and Hojo infects him with
Jenova cells as well, making him a monster. Hojo stores Jenova in the
pod in the Mako reactor in the Nibel mountains and takes his newborn
child to Midgar, to Shinra HQ so that he can be observed as he grows
up. The boy is named Sephiroth and he is never told who his parents
are. Professor Gast leaves the experiment because he found out that
Shinra were using live people for their twisted experiments. Gast did
not want to partake and fled. Vincent sees that Lucrecia is gone and
seals himself up in a coffin for about the next 30 years or so.
Lucrecia, having inherited some powers due to the Jenova cells, goes
into a waterfall cave and stays there for a long time.

In the next 6 years, professor Gast travels the planet and tries to
find out as much as he can about the Ancients/Cetra. At some point
during his travels he meets Bugenhagen. He then meets Ifalna, one of
the last surviving Ancients. Professor Gast takes her to the Icicle
lodge at the north. They fall in love and have a baby. The baby is a
girl and they name her Aeris.

About 22 years ago, soon after Aeris is born, Hojo finds professor
Gast. He tries to capture them and Gast resists. He is killed and
Ifalna and Aeris are captured.

21 years ago, Cloud is born in Nibelheim. Cloud is lonely and isolated,
and he is never allowed into the group where he wanted to belong.

A year later Tifa is born in Nibelheim. She and Cloud are almost the
same age, but they don't spend much time together.

About 16 years ago, Shinra engage into a war with Wutai. Wutai, a far
away village, loses the war, but becomes just a resort town and is
forced to live like that and survive. At that time Ifalna somehow
manages to escape from the Shinra and gets to sector 7. She is gravely
wounded and dies, but before she dies, she asks Elmyra to take care of
Aeris. Elmyra takes care of Aeris like she were her own child and loves
her vary much. As she grows up, Aeris starts to show some strange
powers that are probably intuitive. She also has an affinity for plants
and nature. She carries a white materia with her, the only thing that
she has left to remind her of her mother. She does not know that this
is Holy, the ultimate white magic. The Shinra kept chasing after Aeris,
but she managed to escape each time. At some point during this time,
Yuffie Kisaragi is born in Wutai.

About 12 years ago, Tifa's mother dies. Tifa is confused and upset.
She thinks that her mother went to Nibel mountains and goes there to
find her. Cloud goes with her to make sure she stays safe, but Tifa is
injured in a fall and Tifa's father blames Cloud for that. Cloud was
being wrongly accused. But Cloud was angry at himself for being unable
to save Tifa and so he decided that one day he would become as strong
as the Great Sephiroth. He decides to join SOLDIER when he is old
enough. After Tifa's recovery, she and Cloud become closer. Cloud tells
her of his plans to join SOLDIER. Tifa asks him to promise her that he
would come and save her when she was in trouble. Cloud promises.

Three years have passed. At that time, Zack leaves Gongaga village to
join SOLDIER. He easily makes it and gets to serve under Sephiroth.

About 7 years ago, Zack meets Aeris and they fall in love. Zack is her
first boyfriend. Cloud leaves Nibelheim at that time but he fails to
get into SOLDIER. Cloud is so ashamed that he failed again that he
breaks all contact with his hometown.

Then, 5 years ago, Zack and Cloud are sent to Nibelheim to investigate
some strange rumors about monsters near the reactor in the Nibel
mountains. When they reach Nibelheim, Cloud hides under his Shinra
helmet and does not tell anyone who he is. So ashamed is he of himself.
The next morning Tifa takes Sephiroth, Cloud(whom she does not
recognize) and Zack to the reactor. There, Sephiroth sees all the
clones and begins to wonder if he was created the same way. In his fury
he slashes around with his sword like crazy. He returns to the Shinra
mansion in Nibelheim and finds out about the Jenova project and the
Ancients. As Zack returns later to see Sephiroth, Sephiroth calls him
a traitor. He believes that he is an Ancient and refers to Jenova as
"Mother". He does not see that Jenova is not an Ancient. Sephiroth
goes outside the mansion and destroys the whole village of Nibelheim.
Everything is burning, and people are either dead or they are about to
die. Cloud tries to save his dying mother, but he cannot save her. She
dies. Sephiroth advances through the Nibel mountains and reaches the
reactor, followed by Zack and Tifa. Cloud is behind Zack and Tifa and
follows Sephiroth as well. There are also several townsfolk that are
chasing him. When they reach the reactor, Tifa finds her father, he was
killed by Sephiroth. Zack tries to stop sephiroth but he is defeated
and is not able to stop him. Tifa picks up Sephiroth's sword and tries
to avenge her father's death. But Sephiroth takes the sword away from
and injures her badly. Cloud then reaches the reactor and finds Tifa
inured. He moves her to a more comfortable position. Sephiroth opens
the pod where Jenova was placed and tells her that he has come to claim
the planet for her. Cloud picks up Zack's sword and stabs Sephiroth,
then returns to tend to Tifa. Sephiroth is injured and can take only
the head of Jenova with him. He walks past Cloud and ignores him,
proceeding to the bridge. Cloud goes after him, but Sephiroth stabs
Cloud with a backthrust and raises him into the air. Cloud manages to
get a hold of the sword and uses it to flip Sephiroth into the
Lifestream beneath the bridge. Sephiroth falls into the Lifestream and
everyone thinks he is dead. Cloud is wounded and passes out because of
the injury. Immediately after that, Zangan, Tifa's martial arts master
comes and saves Tifa. He takes her to Midgar. When she recovers, Tifa
opens a bar called "Tifa's 7th heaven" in sector 7 slums in Midgar.
Cloud, Zack and the other people who survived are used by Hojo to
create clones of Sephiroth because Hojo belives Sephiroth to be dead.
Shinra covers up the incident by placing Shinra staff into the town and
the experiments continue in the mansion. Jenova is brought to Shinra

After about 5 years of experimenting on Cloud and Zack, Zack decides to
escape and helps Cloud escape. They eventually reach Midgar and Zack
dies defending Cloud. Cloud is left alive because the Shinra soldiers
thought that he would die anyway. But Cloud didn't die. He picked up
Zack's sword and reached sector 7 slums in Midgar, where Tifa found
him. Cloud decided to help Barret blow up the reactors - for a price.
Cloud believed himself to be a mercenary because he was confused
because of all the Mako and Jenova treatment. And this is where our
story begins.

Here, this is the complete storyline, hope you enjoyed reading it ^_^

10-31-2004, 10:49 PM

That was Good!

10-31-2004, 10:53 PM
He never wrote it himself he got it off gamefaqs.com

10-31-2004, 11:13 PM
Still, That's Good.

Gene Starwind
10-31-2004, 11:38 PM
It must have taken him a long time to write though

11-01-2004, 02:02 AM
Thanx for the info.

I found it here:

11-01-2004, 09:18 AM
Yeah, Gizmaluke's right. It's from a FAQ - MY FAQ. I copy-pasted it from my FAQ, not someone else's. I take offence to that Gizmaluke. I don't steal other people's work, I know enough about FFVII to write such things myself. This is from my guide(which is not yet finished). It's my work.

11-01-2004, 03:14 PM
Just thought I share that with you , Gizmaluke.

11-02-2004, 10:40 PM
Where are you, Gizmaluke. You know, I expect an apology. You made me look like I steal other people's work to make myself look good. I know you didn't mean to do this, but still, I expect an apology. You can't say such things without even asking me where I got all the info from - it's all from MY guide to FFVII, not someone else's.

11-02-2004, 10:45 PM
Cool it, amigo. He's probably gone, never to return.

11-03-2004, 10:00 AM
Damn it... well, no big deal, I guess.