Giga Man
11-04-2014, 08:25 AM

Back when 4kids had dubbing rights to the show, this game was released as the English equivalent to the original Japanese game, One Piece: Grand Battle! Rush, but with a few missing characters and stages.
Today, I bring to you the game's soundtrack ripped straight from the game disc.

Here is the track list:

01 Title Screen
02 Main Menu
03 Character Select
04 Grand Tourney
05 Mini-Games Menu
06 Davy Back Fight
07 Treasure Menu
08 Options
09 Story Event 1
10 Story Event 2
11 Story Navy Event
12 Story Boss Event
13 Story Straw Hat Event
14 Unknown
15 Fushia Village
16 Baratie
17 Arlong Park
18 Loguetown
19 Drum Castle
20 Mariejois
21 Alabasta Kingdom
22 Boss Battle
23 Continue
24 Break Time
25 Staff Credits

If anyone knows what the "Unknown" track is, please, by all means, tell me. I tagged all these myself, so I labeled #14 as unknown because I couldn't remember or find where it's from. It's in the position it's in now because I'm convinced it's another story event theme. I just can't pinpoint when it occurs.

Anyway, here is the download link. All tracks are MP3.!JsshyATS!8HOUjtC7X43CTvuF7zm7rLoY0Swk6WxDu31GwhB qJaw
