11-04-2014, 02:13 AM

Not kidding, it's the real deal! It's the 4.32 Gigabyte collection!
I have the whole thing on back up now! Who has done it too?

[MEGA]?????? Complete Music Box + Digital Trip 1800 Series ?????? CDX15+1 [Lossless](? 1) - ???? - ???? - Game Comic Forum - Powered by Discuz! Archiver (http://gcfly.org/archiver/?tid-14675.html)

11-04-2014, 12:32 PM
That box has been available via torrents since forever, though.

UY has tons of music that isn't in that box, remixes and stuff, I thought you found those. Sadly, no.

11-04-2014, 12:49 PM
The only torrent you can find takes a life to download because it's practically dead!

Not even a "thank you" for giving you some reliable and fast source to download the musics from.

11-04-2014, 01:02 PM
I looking for many Urusei Yatsura CD,LP And Drama tracks but many is unfoundable anywhere. Many CD contains a remix song or song sing by Fumi Hirano (Seiyu of Lamu). I have a little collection with unfoundable CD of UY if you want i upload it ^^ !

11-04-2014, 01:12 PM
It's not for me, it's for everyone.

11-04-2014, 03:43 PM
Thank you.

11-04-2014, 03:53 PM
Hmm, yes, "forever" indeed. The one in BakaBT (uploaded in 2009 by the way... in both lossless and lossy) is at least well-seeded since eons.

About thanks or the lack of them: I don't need the box, I already have it, secondly, you haven't even uploaded it by yourself, all you did was copy-paste the link.

However, because I am pretty nice person, I give some thanks in behalf of others, so Thank you :)

11-04-2014, 09:47 PM
About the torrent: I tried it myself and sorry but there are only 2 available seeds. NO THANKS.

About you: Why didn't you share the collection on the website if you had it? At least to give it more visibility?

Don't you know how many people would like to listen to quality music and songs and not the overrated, overpriced and lewd junk of today?

About me: Reversal-psychology doesn't work on me, I make it work on my favor, and I type this: I have given (a link, but nevertheless a required one), you have talked (you gave nothing to this community).

Ciao piteco capra.

11-07-2014, 07:02 AM
Thank you for putting the links to this up. If you have downloaded this yourself, perhaps you could help me with a minor problem.
4 of the 376 or so tracks came out as corrupt, and therefore could not unpack. Did this happen with you as well? If not could you send them to me?
The tracks are:
Vol. 1, Track 23, M-5
Vol. 11, Track 49, Begin the Kirei
Vol. 14, Track 1, Space Wagon
Vol. 15, Track 3, Disco B

Looking forward to you reply,

11-11-2014, 05:16 AM
Sorry for late reply. They are corrupted? I had the same problem actually but I didn't really care... Well I am sure there must be some file corrector around, it's only a matter of looking for it.

11-14-2014, 06:37 PM
I just checked this for "fun" and... oh man oh man oh man, you seriously going to start with me? Well, don't say I didn't warn you. First of all, the torrent in BBT had over ten seeds when I checked it, and it took only a while to dl - like most torrents in BBT. I think this box has been shared many times before, in several places. What is this overpriced, overrated and lewd junk you are talking about? Music has always been overpriced, overrated maybe and lewd... well that is just your opinion. Also, it is pretty cheeky to answer to someone's question in a way you did, "...I didn't really care... Well I am sure there must be some file corrector around, it's only a matter of looking for it." Sounds like you brushed off JonC's polite question. That, my friend, doesn't work here or in society. I have earlier desperately tried to find UY music, and I am kind of tired of this box already, so when you came tooting your horn about finding the music, I was sure it was something other than this box - that's why I was kinda disappointed and answered like that. However, what you again brushed off as "reverse psychology" (no, wait, "reversal") was an honest thought of mine, I seriously was that gullible I gave a thanks for others. I wasn't psyching anything. Maybe I haven't given anything _in this thread_ but had you done your homework, you would have seen I have shared quite a lot here. I do not share stuff for reputation of fame or recognition or money, or etc., but simply for the reason I think this "junk" I am sharing is worth sharing. Also, I happen to share quite rare stuff, salvaged from the depths of internet or whatnot. I also do rips, correct tags, translate.. and so on. I couldn't share anything earlier, because my connection was sucky as heck, but nowadays I have a very fast connection and also a passion for music, so I have begun sharing stuff. Hope that was a satisfying answer.

I am NOT going to continue this useless bickering, because I have better things to do and I truly dislike debates like this in internet.

JonC: I can upload those tracks if you want, here:

https://mega.co.nz/#!HYoxWIZB!ZHScdU6mYBLzAgegxX1aOEH4UEolCLWYmGpncYi 20Nw

11-15-2014, 02:42 AM
Thank you.

11-27-2014, 12:00 AM
Those tracks are already in the album I published. Fail.

11-27-2014, 01:35 AM
Thank you share!