11-03-2014, 11:26 PM
Hans Zimmer will be working on Superman's music, while he asked his friend, Tom Holkenborg (Junkie XL) to work on Batman..so no new Hans Batman theme...kind of disappointed..what do you guys think?

Despite scoring the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, composer Hans Zimmer is steering clear of Gotham City.

In an interview with Spinoff Online, Zimmer revealed that he is hard at work composing Zack Snyder�s next installment of the DC Cinematic Universe. And while he has no problems revisiting the score he developed for Superman in Man of Steel, The Dark Knight posed a much larger problem.

Zimmer shares a long history with Batman, defining the character�s audial motif with James Newton Howard for Christopher Nolan�s Dark Knight trilogy. Going back to the character, who is now completely reimagined for DC�s new universe, was too much of a bear for Zimmer to tackle.

�I have agonized over it,� Zimmer told the website. �I agonized over it, so much so that finally, I went, I don�t want to betray what Chris, James Newton Howard and I did.�

Zimmer�s solution was to phone a friend. Now, composer XL Junkie will score the Dark Knight�s moments throughout Batman V. Superman, including the character�s theme music. XL Junkie is no stranger to genre projects, having scored Mad Max: Fury Road, 300: Rise of an Empire, and Divergent.

�I said to him, �You take care of Batman. I�ll do the other guy,� Zimmer elaborated. �And Zack loved that idea. It�s a way out.�

Zimmer's latest Chris Nolan collaboration, Interstellar, hits theaters this Friday, while Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives on March 25, 2016.

A Fire Will Rise
11-03-2014, 11:35 PM
i read about this, it'll be interesting to see what Junkie brings to the table with Batman's new theme! i have high hopes it'll be epic!

11-04-2014, 12:17 AM
Interesting. At the first place I am more hopeful that what ever will come out of this should really satisfy great movie elements first and probably music will simultaneously follow. A lot into my mind about how the psychology of Batman and Superman can be mixed! It really has some great potentials. I mean I can dwell on the fact that Batman seems to be sometimes so jealous from Superman super natural power. In the end, Batman is the only member on the justice league who DOES NOT posses supernatural powers of any sort. At the end of the spectrum, time will tell that Batman always got into his mind that despite the current alliance with Superman. Superman, may one day be a risk if the table to turn..

Wait what did I just said xD Sigh whatever :)

11-04-2014, 01:25 AM
This movie is going to suck rocks. The music will suck even bigger rocks. I can tell you right now it is a waste of time and breath to even think about seeing this film, preferably with speakers disabled so as to not develop a secondary case of bleeding ear syndrome from a Zimmer monstrosity of a score.


Seriously now though.....ah no, that sums it up. I honestly have abysmal thoughts on this movie and score.

11-04-2014, 02:15 AM
This movie is going to suck rocks. The music will suck even bigger rocks. I can tell you right now it is a waste of time and breath to even think about seeing this film, preferably with speakers disabled so as to not develop a secondary case of bleeding ear syndrome from a Zimmer monstrosity of a score.
Interesting to know..

11-04-2014, 05:53 AM
This movie is going to suck rocks. The music will suck even bigger rocks. I can tell you right now it is a waste of time and breath to even think about seeing this film, preferably with speakers disabled so as to not develop a secondary case of bleeding ear syndrome from a Zimmer monstrosity of a score.


Seriously now though.....ah no, that sums it up. I honestly have abysmal thoughts on this movie and score.

Hmmm. Fascinating. Well, since a mind is like a parachute: only works when open, the loud, dull, wet thud we will hear in 2016 is the sound of Amanda's brain slamming into the rocky ground at terminal velocity.

11-04-2014, 06:43 AM
No, I am serious. look, Man of Steel was horrible. As an action flick, just no good and about as far away from Superman as you can get. You're now gonna throw in 2 other iconic characters with no background and what, hope for the best? The Batman/Superman stuff works so well because they are polar opposites of the same coin. These movies will have them much too similar. Look, the Marvel films do it right. Slowly, with deliberation. They use one character, do it right. Then another, then another. THEN mix them. The audience knows the characters from their solo films so the group film does not need any origin crap, so the whole 2 hours gets devoted to a coherent film. In my opinion, The DC films have yet to get Batman or Superman right, let alone coherent. I am not a fan of Dark Knight. They are good enough movies, but not a good representation of the comic version of Batman. For good DC representations, look to their animated films. Until their live action Batman can be written the same way, it's never going to be any good. Wonder Woman is deserving to have her own film first. Throwing her into this movie is stupid. And I will wager not going to be done right. Even Black Willow got a run up in Iron Man 2 before jumping into Avengers. DC is reckless with the characters, and as a result their live action sucks. Marvel's live action rocks, where the Marvel animated pretty well suck. So I say I have no confidence that this film would even get Superman right, let alone the Holy Trinity of DC, dig? It is too big, too ambitious to have done just to keep up with Marvel. The characters deserved better treatment, with more time devoted to them. So, I expect I'll be severely disappointed. I mean, aside from Superman the Movie, and maybe Burton's Batman (mayyyyybe), all the movies were poor. Even the modern takes, Batman Begins and sequels, Superman Returns and Man of Steel were poor films. Dark Knight is only worth seeing for Joker. The Batman portrayed in those films is just a shadow of the detective/tactical genius he should be. I know that is not a popular view around here, but I am not wrong about this.

As for the score, I really despised the MOS score, so getting more of that is never good news. You want a good Supes/Bat score? Go with the animated composers. They never miss the target, ever.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-04-2014, 08:36 AM
I don't like it when Junkie XL does any scoring.
They should stick to rave albums.

Their bonus tracks for TDKR weren't inspiring.
300: ROAE was unflattering.
They're not just movie-material.

Zimmer is always unpredictable in this regard.
Every project has to be different and yet so restricting.
It's like he won't score unless he gives himself a challenge, be it with coworkers or technological delivery.

I didn't read a lot of comics so I don't care how it translate from the millions of comics to screen.
It's not like Twilight or anything. :laugh:

The whole Batman thing is becoming tedious though.

I heard they were talking about possibilities of rebooting Batman yet again if BvS is successful enough.

Which will be stupid. That's way too much live-action Batman.
The audience for animated films/tv is big, but not enough to outweigh the audiences for live-action material.

I literally don't know anyone (personally... a real human being I can see why mine own eyes in front of me) that has watched The Dark Knight Returns animated film(s) (...singular if you watched the deluxe edition or plural if you watched it in volumes... .................................................. ...don't make me sick).
I don't know anyone who's remotely interested in watching it/them either.

I watched it and liked it.
Didn't get the graphic novel though.
I've outgrown Frank Miller like I did Jay and Silent Bob.

Some things I'm glad will never get turned into a live-action "adaptation", like The Man Who Laughs and The Killing Joke.

But, given how crazy fast they are just mashing everything together so quickly, I'd rather see Injustice: Gods Among Us get turned into a Justice League movie then watch another Batman reboot.

If they reboot Spider-man, I'm so not going to give in to that.
They should just quit the movies and make it a live-action series on the CW with Arrow and The Flash.

Quite frankly, I've also been wondering how long Affleck is going to stick around as Batman.
If they DO reboot Batman just so they can replace Affleck in the future JL and other Batman films, then it's all for shit.
Just another commercial gimmick like the ULTIMATE SUPER DUPER DIRECTOR'S SECRET CUT for Watchmen.
So much of the ultimate cut was complete garbage. The comic story was the worst part.
I had to watch it in three sittings just to finish it.
That's a gimmick if I ever saw one. No need to slap a "3D" sticker on it, either.

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 PM ----------

Go with the animated composers. They never miss the target, ever.

Christopher Drake gets my vote.

11-04-2014, 08:45 AM
Well, I do not need to see comic adaptations or continuity. For instance I am quite digging The Flash and Gotham atm and both are completely fucked as continuity and I am good with that. I mean the gist of Bats. I mean, basically Captain America is his Marvel counterpart. Bats is wicked, wicked smart. He does not act until he has his ducks in a row. No room for chance. He is an ultra smart detective, like on a Holmes level, and then crazy good athlete and lethal combat skilled. Then add his toys. His live action fight scenes should be on par with what they are doing with Captain America, and thus far they just have not gone that route. Too bad. Bats is the one person in all of DCU who came up with a workable plan for incapacitating the whole of the Justice League. He is scary level conniving and stalky. Just translate THAT into any story and you'll be good. He's not jealous of Superman in any way. He barely respects the man. He knows, things equal, he's better than Supes. Please God do this character right. Done with respect, done right, DC gives Marvel a serious run for it's money in awesomeness, and could maybe even surpass it.As for Spidey, and also X-Men, Marvel needs to reclaim those rights and bring them up to par with the rest of the new movies....

11-04-2014, 11:43 AM
Exactly Amanda!! I was just trying to look for the right word and it is abysmal. The consistent fear that this whole thing may turn only to disappoint with its mediocrity at all aspects. Though it is certain that the movie is going be in the box office when it releases. But I am far away from letting my judgment about anything to be manipulated just because of artificial high ratings. What people say and see in terms of movies, books etc is the last thing for me to care about. On the other hand, it will be really sad knowing how much the psychology elements of both can be really interesting mix. I remember almost one year ago having played the Gods among us game. Although the story itself is not a stellar but its potentials are great. It was really a nice plot. And I wondered what does it take them to do a movie like this. I mean maybe not a click for click plot as in the game but something that take these elements of competition, friendship and beyond between the two Superheroes and come with something really strong that can last in our memories. So yeah maybe I still can say that Batman feels like underdog when being among superheroes. And perhaps if jealously is not the exact terms then it not either total respect that Batman have to Superman. Because Batman wont hesitate a bit to do whats necessary if Batman is to show some evilness. Which perhaps nullify total respect. I am not so sure though. But I know when the movie will release I will be watching these psychology elements very closely and if one element is violated, like many recent Superheroes movies, I will turn-off the T.V whenever the first plot hole will arise.

11-05-2014, 12:05 AM
No, I am serious. look, Man of Steel was horrible. As an action flick, just no good and about as far away from Superman as you can get. You're now gonna throw in 2 other iconic characters with no background and what, hope for the best? The Batman/Superman stuff works so well because they are polar opposites of the same coin. These movies will have them much too similar. Look, the Marvel films do it right. Slowly, with deliberation. They use one character, do it right. Then another, then another. THEN mix them. The audience knows the characters from their solo films so the group film does not need any origin crap, so the whole 2 hours gets devoted to a coherent film. In my opinion, The DC films have yet to get Batman or Superman right, let alone coherent. I am not a fan of Dark Knight. They are good enough movies, but not a good representation of the comic version of Batman. For good DC representations, look to their animated films. Until their live action Batman can be written the same way, it's never going to be any good. Wonder Woman is deserving to have her own film first. Throwing her into this movie is stupid. And I will wager not going to be done right. Even Black Willow got a run up in Iron Man 2 before jumping into Avengers. DC is reckless with the characters, and as a result their live action sucks. Marvel's live action rocks, where the Marvel animated pretty well suck. So I say I have no confidence that this film would even get Superman right, let alone the Holy Trinity of DC, dig? It is too big, too ambitious to have done just to keep up with Marvel. The characters deserved better treatment, with more time devoted to them. So, I expect I'll be severely disappointed. I mean, aside from Superman the Movie, and maybe Burton's Batman (mayyyyybe), all the movies were poor. Even the modern takes, Batman Begins and sequels, Superman Returns and Man of Steel were poor films. Dark Knight is only worth seeing for Joker. The Batman portrayed in those films is just a shadow of the detective/tactical genius he should be. I know that is not a popular view around here, but I am not wrong about this.

As for the score, I really despised the MOS score, so getting more of that is never good news. You want a good Supes/Bat score? Go with the animated composers. They never miss the target, ever.

Scratch lightly, struck raw nerve easily.

You wrote a lot and quite passionately but said nothing more than "it sucks" and "I hate DC." You want your opinion to carry weight, then back it up with specific examples that bolster your criticisms. Explain the failings and what could have been done to correct those mistakes. That's a critique. Your post was a rant.

And you are passing judgment before you've seen one frame of the film, heard one note of the score. And while your Avatar says "Goddess" I doubt that like the Oracle of Delphi you have gift of prognostication. However, prejudging is not a gift. (Although in German gift does mean poison.) And prejudice is poisonous.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-05-2014, 02:05 AM
If Marvel (Disney) reclaimed Spiderman, that would be awesome.
We can have a real Avengers movie.

If Marvel (Disney) reclaimed X-Men, that would be questionable just as ever.
Bryan Singer does to X-Men what Joss Whedon does to Avengers.

Sure, it won't be the last Brett Ratner bomb waiting to go off.
But, at least we'll always have someone to come in and fix the past.

We'll also be able to get the full stories to the characters.
No millions of Quicksilver bs. No taking away their identity and history.

Right now it's like those Chinese specials in restaurants: You either take Combo A and sacrifice the sweet and sour for some nice egg foo yung, or you take Combo C and forsake the egg rolls and get the other things you'd miss out on.

11-05-2014, 08:50 AM
i hate zimmer for not using both elfman's theme, which has become THE batman theme along with the 60's theme, and the superman theme from the previous movies.
the batman "theme" of the nolan trilogy is so forgetable I cant even remember it. and i watch the trilogy at least once a month.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-05-2014, 10:09 AM
The animated franchises had a good theme going too.

Shirley Walker did an awesome job on her work. God rest her.

11-05-2014, 02:37 PM
Scratch lightly, struck raw nerve easily.

You wrote a lot and quite passionately but said nothing more than "it sucks" and "I hate DC." You want your opinion to carry weight, then back it up with specific examples that bolster your criticisms. Explain the failings and what could have been done to correct those mistakes. That's a critique. Your post was a rant.

And you are passing judgment before you've seen one frame of the film, heard one note of the score. And while your Avatar says "Goddess" I doubt that like the Oracle of Delphi you have gift of prognostication. However, prejudging is not a gift. (Although in German gift does mean poison.) And prejudice is poisonous.

It is surprising that you are not new here. Yet you want to confront Amanda, one of the old wolves on the forum xD It is also surprising that through the years, many of the heated discussions around the forums were started and Amanda was on one side or another. Easy man xD Do not be truculent xD (Just kidding, friendly tone, okay? :) The discussion between hard-core fans should be always civilized. Multifaceted points of view and more relaxed thoughts expression. And by the way your passion for German obviously puts you around B1 level on the European scale. Yeah gift is poison. And good luck in learning German unless you are a native speaker of course, amazing high standard tough language.
By the way, there are so many nice books about the psychology of superheros. Check the extreme print of The Psychology of Superheroes: An Unauthorized Exploration Edited by Rosenberg and another nice one called Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul written by William Irwin. Still maybe it is not necessary to read all of these books about Superheroes to have an opinion. For some fans they can also state an opinion based on mere observation. Because some people do feel and live with the character and be part of it if they liked it at an elevated levels. :)
If anyone can support his/her opinion with old movies, previous games, or even piece of comic it is welcomed. But again it is not a must.

11-05-2014, 03:25 PM
i hate zimmer for not using both elfman's theme, which has become THE batman theme along with the 60's theme, and the superman theme from the previous movies.
the batman "theme" of the nolan trilogy is so forgetable I cant even remember it. and i watch the trilogy at least once a month.
You hate a person because of the music he created? Really? Do you understand the power of hatred and the damage it does? Watch out how you use that word. If you're unsure of what hatred looks like, turn on the news and see what ISIS is doing to innocent people in Iraq. The beheadings of civilians. The destruction of century old religious icons.

I take the word hate very seriously because I've seen what it does. Families forced out their homes with only the clothes on their backs, their homes destroyed and the crops they depend on burned to the ground.

Careful of the word hate. You may dislike Zimmer's music but he's creating something that many people find uplifting. It's music, one of mankind's greatest creations. Makes life a little bit better. That's the opposite of hate and that's what we need more of.

11-05-2014, 03:38 PM
i hate zimmer for not using both elfman's theme, which has become THE batman theme along with the 60's theme, and the superman theme from the previous movies.
the batman "theme" of the nolan trilogy is so forgetable I cant even remember it. and i watch the trilogy at least once a month.

that is a douche comment. Do you also blame horner for not using the Lennie Niehaus theme from the 96 version?

11-05-2014, 04:07 PM
I, for one, agree with Amanda on this one - I truly love Batman, he's my favorite hero, but I can't get rid of that uneasy feeling that they're going to...well, for lack of a better word: hurt him and his character in itself with that movie. That it will be bad and Batman as a character will take a blow from it, just like Daredevil or Catwoman (remember those movies?). Probably it won't be another Batman & Robin, but it certainly won't be Burton's Batman either.

11-05-2014, 04:21 PM
I, for one, agree with Amanda on this one - I truly love Batman, he's my favorite hero, but I can't get rid of that uneasy feeling that they're going to...well, for lack of a better word: hurt him and his character in itself with that movie. That it will be bad and Batman as a character will take a blow from it, just like Daredevil or Catwoman (remember those movies?). Probably it won't be another Batman & Robin, but it certainly won't be Burton's Batman either.

So true. Batman it is him. Through my readings Comics, books, movies, Batman games. I am trying to understand Batman even deeper. And what a convoluted personality he has. His idealism along with his desire for justice is what got him into this perfection. A perfection of the body, soul and mind. He knows, at one point, that the creation of a 100% ideal world is far from real. Yet, he did not gave up. And he will never. Rather he decided to build his dark hidden empire and even if he is going live in it alone forever. He wont care. Few writers even suggest that it got his so far. And ironically these psychology writers later stated that can we diagnose Batman with stupidity, psychopathy. Few even assumed that this search for idealism along with painful memory could have had him as evil as say the Joker. But the real puzzle why it did not hurt him and made him a bad villain. And for the same reasons, we like Batman. His motive is totally the opposite of evil guys. Yet the circumstances that made him are identical to the bad ones. However, at the end of the analysis it worth mentioning that Batman, whether you like it or not, finally entered Arkham Asylum, which is the place for psychopaths. Although the reasons behind him going in are different but the essence of going there is one. :)

11-05-2014, 09:37 PM
One thing I've always admired about our Dark Knight is the fact that - aside from being sinfully rich, highly intelligent and trained to the limit - technically, he's still "only" human, just like each one of us. I mean, it's rather easy to be a superhero when you can shoot deadly lasers from your eyes or lift tanks with your little finger like that wimp Superman does and it's even easier when you can be killed only by a rare, cosmic material, right? But in Batman's case, basically one shot to the head could end his crime-fighting career (not that it would ever happen in any comic book or movie, but you know what I mean) - and yet, he's still out there, bringing the righteous terror of justice to those who err.

11-05-2014, 10:13 PM
One thing I've always admired about our Dark Knight is the fact that - aside from being sinfully rich, highly intelligent and trained to the limit - technically, he's still "only" human, just like each one of us. I mean, it's rather easy to be a superhero when you can shoot deadly lasers from your eyes or lift tanks with your little finger like that wimp Superman does and it's even easier when you can be killed only by a rare, cosmic material, right? But in Batman's case, basically one shot to the head could end his crime-fighting career (not that it would ever happen in any comic book or movie, but you know what I mean) - and yet, he's still out there, bringing the righteous terror of justice to those who err.

epic comment dude

11-05-2014, 11:13 PM
epic comment dude

Well, thank you! It's nice of you to say that. As for the upcoming movie, let's just hope it won't be too bad and too big of a blow for Batman's overall character - God knows the Dark Knight has suffered enough because of bad movies...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-06-2014, 12:10 AM
Daredevil or Catwoman (remember those movies?)

When times were tough and hollywood was in shit with everyone going on strike and having to resort to the bottom of the barrel for anything and everything?
Yeah. I remember that decade where just a few gems came out and the rest was just crap.

DareDevil is a much better film if you watch the director's cut.
The theatrical is horrid. The DC version is a completely different film altogether.

Don't forget that movies have changed sifnificantly over the years since those ones started to pave a new road for what we have today.
If they weren't so bold to break away from the comical and outlandish design of Burton's Batman (see where it went with Schumacher? he followed the same comical path), we'd never have gotten to Nolan's Batman trilogy, or Marvel wouldn't have adapted afterward (although Ratner totally ruined the X-Men franchise and Origins didn't help that much either, they are still darker films and gritty in their own sense where it's established a timeline where the fight to be a super hero is very real and not just words or theatrics, but actual threat of death involved).

Catwoman was the worst of those two, especially since it didn't have a redeeming alternate version.

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

basically one shot to the head could end his crime-fighting career (not that it would ever happen in any comic book........................

11-06-2014, 01:16 AM
When times were tough and hollywood was in shit with everyone going on strike and having to resort to the bottom of the barrel for anything and everything?
Yeah. I remember that decade where just a few gems came out and the rest was just crap.

DareDevil is a much better film if you watch the director's cut.
The theatrical is horrid. The DC version is a completely different film altogether.

Don't forget that movies have changed sifnificantly over the years since those ones started to pave a new road for what we have today.
If they weren't so bold to break away from the comical and outlandish design of Burton's Batman (see where it went with Schumacher? he followed the same comical path), we'd never have gotten to Nolan's Batman trilogy, or Marvel wouldn't have adapted afterward (although Ratner totally ruined the X-Men franchise and Origins didn't help that much either, they are still darker films and gritty in their own sense where it's established a timeline where the fight to be a super hero is very real and not just words or theatrics, but actual threat of death involved).

Catwoman was the worst of those two, especially since it didn't have a redeeming alternate version.

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

Which is exactly why the fanboy and girl "arguments" about who would win in a Bats vs. Supes fight could only exist in the fevered imaginations of fandom. The outcome of a Batman vs. Superman battle has all the inevitability of Bambi vs. Godzilla: Bats 0, Supes 1.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-06-2014, 01:50 AM
You didn't have to quote the entire bloody post.

People like you make me the most sick.
Right to an inside out gut fart.

Just quote the picture and now the whole bloody novel! :eye:

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

Although, in all honsety, no idea why who would win is such a topic when we weren't talking about who would win.

And, no, topics don't evolve. People are just too bipolar and schizo to realize they've tapered off into a new topic.

11-06-2014, 02:22 AM
You didn't have to quote the entire bloody post.

People like you make me the most sick.
Right to an inside out gut fart.

Just quote the picture and now the whole bloody novel! :eye:

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

Although, in all honsety, no idea why who would win is such a topic when we weren't talking about who would win.

And, no, topics don't evolve. People are just too bipolar and schizo to realize they've tapered off into a new topic.

In all the ways you could have chosen to respond: polite, instructional, chiding you chose rude. So let me respond in kind:

Hey, I made you sick. My job here is almost done. Since I'm on a roll with you what else can I do to really put your knickers in a twist? You know, that one last thing that will put you over the edge, send you out screaming into the night.

Perhaps red wine with the fish, wear white after Labor Day, oh I know: drink the last cup of coffee and not make a fresh pot!

If a quote is all it takes to make you sick, life must kick your ass from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-06-2014, 02:32 AM
drink the last cup of coffee and not make a fresh pot!

Actually, just not rinsing out the pot is enough to get your whole blood line wiped out from existence.

11-06-2014, 02:44 AM
Oh, I always rinse the carafe. And then make a fresh pot.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-06-2014, 02:47 AM
That sounds like too much coffee in one day. But if no one's drinking it, then it burns and stinks.

A nice glass of water is just as refreshing as a fresh cup of coffee.

11-06-2014, 02:52 AM
True, but lacks B vitamins like niacin. And coffee should never sit longer than 20 minutes on the burner. The aromatic oils breakdown giving it that bitter taste. Best to put coffee in a thermos.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
11-06-2014, 02:57 AM

I think I know how BvS is going to go...
Batman will win.
...Kent Clark's respect.

11-06-2014, 03:09 AM
We will find out in May 2016. The studios have packed the next two years with superhero/science fiction films. (More superhero than SF but I'll take it.)

11-07-2014, 06:45 AM
You hate a person because of the music he created? Really? Do you understand the power of hatred and the damage it does? Watch out how you use that word. If you're unsure of what hatred looks like, turn on the news and see what ISIS is doing to innocent people in Iraq. The beheadings of civilians. The destruction of century old religious icons.

I take the word hate very seriously because I've seen what it does. Families forced out their homes with only the clothes on their backs, their homes destroyed and the crops they depend on burned to the ground.

Careful of the word hate. You may dislike Zimmer's music but he's creating something that many people find uplifting. It's music, one of mankind's greatest creations. Makes life a little bit better. That's the opposite of hate and that's what we need more of.

you seem to take things waaaaay too seriously.
dont. for your own good.
especially on the fucking internet.
and SPECIALLY on forum

11-07-2014, 07:49 AM
It's possible I'm taking it too seriously. But let me ask you, have you stood next to a mass grave, filled with the bodies of boys and old men, murdered because their religion wasn't that of their attackers?

If your answer is "no" then maybe I know just a bit more about the destructiveness of hate than you.

I also know how to correctly spell "possess" and "I'm" and "PhD," which by the way stands for Doctor of Philosophy - what, you kill zombies with quotes from Plato and Socrates? - and "I" and "don't" and when you start a sentence, you capitalize the first letter. Also "because" is a subordinating conjunction which means you use because to join two sentences together. So, strictly speaking, because should not start a sentence.

Several more items: it's "especially" on "this" forum. Use this because this forum is near to you. Also on the effin' Internet (you capitalize Internet because "the" is the definite article and also in North America most style guides recommend capitalizing Internet) writing in all caps is the equivalent of yelling at the reader and is a breach of netiquette.

As for the "life" and "bitch" subordinating clause, I think that someone with a PhD would do better than getting his philosophy of life from a bumper sticker.

You want your criticisms and you taken seriously, then learn how to spell and improve your grammar.

11-08-2014, 07:13 AM
now im conviced youre some form of not-half-assed spambot.
so much serioussness on an internet forum CANNOT be human.

11-08-2014, 05:38 PM
Now not "now."
I'm not "im."
Convinced not "conviced."
You're not "youre."
If I'm not half assed, then am I full assed?
So not "so."
seriousness not "serioussness."
cannot instead of CANNOT. You're yelling again. Manners maketh man.
Ignored instead of "ignored."

If you like I can send you detailed instructions on how to activate spellcheck. And since words give you so much trouble, I can include lots and lots of pretty pictures to help you understand the activation process.

11-09-2014, 06:38 AM
Nitpicking the grammar and spelling of members on a forum is considered to be beyond petty, and simply desperate. Especially when keeping in ind that English is hardly the first language of many of our members. :)

Carry on....

11-09-2014, 05:43 PM
What you call nitpicking, I call education and instruction. The quality of your writing and grammar is how you are viewed on this or any other forum. (Face to face most of the most information we derive about another person is through non-verbal cues, about 80 - 90 percent. It's called paralanguage. In writing only your words represent you and the quality of your thoughts.)

So when you submit a post filled with obvious spelling mistakes, and all PCs come with spell check, it says to the readers that you the writer are either too lazy or sloppy to do a proper job, and it is a job to be undertaken with the appropriate seriousness, of communicating. It shows a lack of respect to your audience. Mistakes also impede communication: you have to decipher what ideas the writer is trying to transmit. You want less noise and more signal.

Bottom line: If you can't do the little things right, then why should your audience take what you say seriously on the larger issues?

As for English not being someone's first language I know what you mean. I speak, read and write German and Spanish (and get by in Japanese) and I was the beginner who made a ton of mistakes. One of the ways my skills improved, besides practice, was having someone correct my mistakes.

Learning another language is not for the faint of heart or the easily discouraged. You have to hitch up your pants and sing like the Duke. (As in John Wayne.)