Bills Fan
10-28-2004, 06:35 PM
I already have the first five chapters done so I will post the first two chapters today and then I will post two more on Sunday to give people time to give comments about them. Any comments are greatly appreciated as they tend to help improve my writing. I am currently writing chapter 6 so that will be done by tomorrow but wont be posted until next wed as I have to post the other chapters first. the first few chapters are pretty good but the later chapters are way better as my writing has been improving with each chapter thanks to the advice I got on

Chapter One

Cloud Strife continues his on trip up a mountain. His spiked blonde hair blows in the harsh, cold wind, fragments of snow sticking to his hair. He wears a tight fitting black long sleeved shirt and tight fitting black pants. A red materia is attached to both sides of his shirt and pants, the warmness of the fire materia spreading through Clouds body. Clouds large sword, Ultima, is sheathed on his back; the black leather wrapped handle sticking up. The weapon has a wide history of being an object used in the killings of many foes. Its sheer power even defeated the great Sephiroth.

Snow pelts Clouds face as well, his eyes protected by a pair of red night vision goggles. The night sky is full of stars that dot the sky like a grid of a map. The full moon casts a mysterious glow on the mountainside. Sharp rocks appear in front of Cloud, placed in an unnatural circle, the points pointing out from the borders as to block anyone who tries to enter.

Cloud has been exploring these mountains for the past three days now. His quest was to find out about the mysteries of the north crater. He has had to climb through the sheer mountains, occasionally taking breaks. Due to the shockwaves cause by the power of Sephiroth a couple of years ago, more mountains formed in this area, making the trip a lot longer.

This place not always like it is today. A few hundred years ago, it was a warm, sunny climate where endless grass plains and deep valleys would stretch for miles. Many deer would be seen running freely through the once abundant green forest. Birds would sing in peace and foxes would try to catch their prey consisting of small mammals. This all changed though when Jenova came.

This all started when the black materia, meteor hit. The result caused a crater so big and large that it would take many hours, sometimes days to reach the bottom. Mountains rose from the impact, blocking out the sun in their presence. Even when Jenova was defeated, the damage could not be fixed. This land would be forever an icy, barren spot on the world.

�Hopefully, the legend of these mountains is true�, says Cloud stopping to lean against a tall rock. �I did not spend this much time looking for nothing, I have to find it. If I don�t, I will never see them again�.

Cloud has been searching this area for a mysterious sphere that is said to bring a person back to life if there is a sacrifice made. Cloud has been searching these mountains for the past two years but each time, he was forced to go back to the Northern town due to lack of food, or in some cases, injuries. The sphere was told to have been created by the ancients who would sometimes sacrifice their lives to bring back a loved one. When they had all died, they had, by legend, left a document saying that the item was hidden in a temple somewhere in these mountains. Cloud, having believed the document, has been tersely searching for it, his only chance to bring back Aeris.

He had met Aeris in the slums one day, after his first mission as a member of Avalanche. He had found the flower girl who was only in her early twenties, selling flowers in the slums. When he first saw her, his mind began to change as well as his strange new feelings he would later get.

Later, Aeris would join the group and they would go on numerous missions. They had saved Fort Condor from an invading force, defeated many Shinra soldiers in the Shinra building, barely escaping in the process as well as many other missions. They had grown close over time and they thought there was an unbreakable bound between them that would last forever. That all changed though when a clone of Sephiroth, made by Jenova, stabbed Aeris while she was praying, the cold steel piercing her stomach. Cloud would still have visions of that event many years later but he was unable to rid himself of the image in his dreams. His eyes have dark spots under them as a result of the lost sleep.

Cloud starts his treck up again, heading for a small cave opening a hundred yards in the distance. His feet crunch on the snow, unaware that he is being followed.

Hidden behind a large snow bank, a predator waits for its chance to strike. It stands on all fours, its dark black skin perfect for night camouflage. Its black fangs drip salvia that drips to the ground, the saliva acting like acid on the snow, melting through it with a low sizzling sound. A large sickle like blade is its tail, the tail extending seven feet in the air. Its eyes glow red like rubies in the night sky, observing the next meal.

Cloud, still unaware, casts a fire spell, the fire lighting up the cold, damp cave. The fire burns in a small lantern Cloud had took out, the light showing the contents of the cave. Icicles hang from the short, rocky ceiling, water dripping on the smooth, and part snow covered floor. The back of the small cave has a picture of people holding spears, fighting off some black four-legged beast. Cloud merely laughs at the crude painting, probably made from a past civilization.

Cloud sits against a smooth stone, his head resting against it, his eyes closed in concentration. His thoughts again drift to Aeris, her beautiful face, and her happy attitude. He wishes that he can just see her face again, hold her again, see her alive. These thoughts keep with him as he starts to fall into a silent sleep.

The creature quietly sneaks up to the entrance of the cave, its red eyes glowing sinisterly. It carefully observes the sleeping Cloud who seems to be thrashing around in his sleep. The creature careful not to wake Cloud raises its tail so it is only inches above Cloud.

Cloud wakes in a sweat to see a blade in front of him. He quickly rolls out of the way to avoid a strike in which the blade strikes into the ground, sending sparks flying. Cloud quickly leaps to his feet, unsheathing his sword in one clean motion.

The creature returns its tail, its eyes full of fear at being sighted. Stealth was always its main weapon, preferring to quietly sneak up on a foe rather than attack head on. Now it faced a dire situation where its life could be in danger.

Cloud charges at the creature, his eyes full of anger. His thoughts are solely on nothing but making sure that the creature dies. It clouds his thoughts as he strikes down with his sword, just missing by inches as the creature leaps to the side with extreme agility to dodge the blow. Cloud follows the attack with a stabbing motion but his sword is knocked out of his hands, cut off guard by the surprise blow from the creatures tail, the sword flying a few feet away, landing in the snow.

The creature, sensing its advantage, drives its tail forward at Cloud, the razor spear like blade on a course straight for Clouds heart.

Cloud, seeing this, quickly leaps towards his sword, a desperate attempt to reclaim his weapon. He just ends up dodging the blade as it goes on, smashing to pieces on the sharp rocks, the whole tail being reduced to a bloody chink of flesh.

The creature howls in pain, the black blood from its body squirting everywhere, burning wholes in the ground, a sizzling sound made. To Clouds shock though, the flesh starts to change. It starts bubbling like something about to explode when finally a new tail emerges, just like the old one.

Cloud quickly picks up his sword and sidesteps a blow meant for his head then cleanly cuts it off with a clean swipe, blood spraying over him, holes starting to appear in his clothing. Cloud, ignoring this, takes the advantage to charge the off guard creature, plunging his sword deep into its back then pulling upwards, cutting cleanly through its flesh, leaving at the head. The left over boy falls to the ground, cleanly split in half, blood and guts spilled on the ground. Cloud quickly wipes the blood off him self, and sheathes his sword. He focuses his mind for a second then cast a cure spell on his burns, which instantly heal, replaced by brand new skin.

�Man, why do these things keep coming for me�, says Cloud with a sigh. �They are defiantly not natural, so I wonder who created them. Hojo couldn�t have made them because he�s dead and he is the only one that has the knowledge to due something like this. I really have to find that temple soon, if I don�t find it in twenty days, the legend says the temple will vanish for another five years�.

Cloud starts his trek again, walking up a steep side of the mountain that is basically strait up. The wind whips at his showing skin, the result of the attack by the monster damaging his shirt and pants, creating many holes. Soon, his arms start to go numb as he checks down to see his fire materia damaged, the red orb cracked down the middle.

�This is great�, says Cloud glancing at the broken materia�s he has. No, I�m in deep. Without those materia, I wont last an hour up here and the bad thing is, I�m about twenty miles from town. I guess I�ll try that last cave up there then I�ll quit. I can�t do this forever, its just plain hopeless�, as Cloud starts to run to a far cave entrance. His footsteps crunch against the snow real loudly as he finally reaches the cave.

�Here it goes�, says Cloud pulling out a flashlight he has, his last result if his magic ran out. Lighting it up, the large beam of light illuminates the large cave. Sharp rocks cover the ground, sticking out at all angles. Large icicles hang on the ceiling, cracked ice on the ground as a result of some of them crashing. A large, golden door appears in the distance, a picture of a golden sun directly dead center on it.

�I guess this is it�, says Cloud, starting to carefully walk over to the door. When he finally reaches the door, he finds it bolted shut.

�You have got to be kidding me�, says Cloud in frustration as he bangs his hand on the door, a loud echoing noise following. An icicle, only a few feet away, falls to the ground from the vibration, crashing to tiny pieces on the floor. Cloud then, out of the corner of his eye, sees a passage inscribed on the wall in what appears to be dark red paint.

Those who wish to enter must pass a test. If they fail, their treasure will be lost and so will there wish. Pass, and your wish will be granted. Be forewarned, anyone who fails will be killed by the keeper of this temple for their failing. Those who pass will still have to die in order to save the one person of their choosing. Now, get ready warrior and when you want to take the test, merely says, now.

�I guess I have no choice�, says Cloud with a sigh, his right hand gripping his Ultima sword. �If I want to revive them, I will have to do this�

Suddenly, Cloud feels a sharp pain in the back of his head as he then falls forward, his world going black.

�Yo, wake up�, says a feminine voice repeating in Clouds ears. �He might be dead�, says another voice, this one sounding masculine.

Cloud slowly opens his eyes, the bright light stunning his eyes. His head feels sore and so does the rest of his body. His shoulder feels like its on fire, as he sits up. Two people, totally unrecognizable appear at his left, both looking at him. �Who are they�, says Cloud in his mind gazing at them before falling unconscious.

�We should try reawaking him�, says the brown haired man in his early twenties, his hair poking out at all angles. He is dressed in a torn white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, which have holes in them at the knees. A scar runs between his eyes, a reminder of a past battle. Numerous cuts and bruises cover his muscular arms, some cuts still bleeding.

�Yeah, I would wake him but I don�t have any curing spells left�, says the girl in her early twenties. She, unlike the man has no comparison in form. She wears a blue cotton dress, which is torn slightly over a black tank top and shorts. Her raven black hair falls to her shoulders, a few streaks of brown hair seen here and there. Her face has an expression of a similar comparison to that of an angel, her face having a smile on it despite her bruises.

�I�ll do it�, says the man shaking Cloud.

�What do you want�, says Cloud in a mumble, his eyes opening up again. He glances at the two figures, his face with a look of, who the heck are you. Wincing in pain, Cloud struggles to his feet, leaning against the stone wall for support. �Who are you�, says Cloud in a low voice, one of his eyes swollen shut with a large black bruise.

�I�m Squall Leonheart�, says the man with a small smile, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the stone wall on the opposite side of the room.

�I�m Rinoa�, says the woman, leaning against Squall for support, her hands clutching her head.

�Nice to meet you�, says Cloud staring hard at them with a cold look in his eyes. �I assume you were the ones who did this to me�, finishes Cloud with a hint of anger in his vice.

�No, it was not us�, says Squall, starting at the cold stone floor. �It was some group with a guy in a white trench coat as a leader. A man in a black tuxedo and black sunglasses were with him along with two lion like creatures with huge sickle like tails�.

�I know who you are talking about�, says Cloud with anger. �They will pay for this�, he finishes, his right hand clenched in a fist.

Suddenly, Rinoa collapses to the floor, her hands clutching her head. Her face has a look of immense pain as she lays face down on the hard floor, gasping.

�Rin, what�s wrong�, says Squall with a look of caring as he kneels in front of her, scooping her in his arms. Her eyes are closed and she seems knocked out. Her breathing has now become shallow and her face is very pall.

�I need to get her to a doctor�, says Squall clutching her body. �But we are stuck in this stupid prison. If I only can get my hands on them they will pay�, finishes Squall with anger.

�What did they do to her�, says Cloud with a look of concern on his face.

�My wife, she�s a sorceress�, says Squall glancing at Cloud, holding Rinoa�s body close to his chest. �We were just experimenting in a time warp in our time and we got stuck back here. Then, these people found us and dispatched of us with a large amount of those creatures. One scientist guy, who had large glasses and jet-black hair, performed some test on Rinoa. He was amazed at her powers and hit her with some ray that has made her unable to use her powers. The bad thing is she has been suffering these collapses regularly as a result of that treatment and I really don�t know how much longer she can last�.

�That scientist must be Hojo�, says Cloud as the large steel bars open up, a man in a black cloak greeting them, a large needle in their hands, the container filled with a acid green liquid.

Chapter Two
The plot

The man launches the substance from the needle, the green stuff sticking to the three heroes like slime. It binds their arms, making them unable to move them.

�Hojo, what are you doing here�, says Squall angrily at the figure, gritting his teeth as he holds Rinoa against his chest. �What have you done to Rinoa, if she dies, you�ll pay in pain and death ten times worse�.

�She won�t die foolish man�, says Hojo removing his hood slowly with his acid green, gnarled hands. His face is full of cuts and scars, and has a dark green shade to it. His glasses are big and round and his dark eyes are constantly gazing at the heroes. �I merely, poisoned her, nothing more�.

�What poison did you use?� says Squall angrily, his face having a look of pure anger.

�Its simple, all it does is keep the person from living a easy life�, says Hojo with an evil laugh, gliding his hand over his jet-black hair. �It makes the subject feel constant head pain and also makes them shake uncontrollably. It is the perfect weapon of torture and I happen to have the antidote too�.

�You�re a monster�, says Squall in a shout. �Once I get out of here, your life will be over. I�ll kill you slowly, make you suffer for what you have done�.

�You are in no position to make demands Squall�, says Hojo with a low, evil yet sickening laugh. �I can easily end all your lives right now if I wish but I would rather use you all in my experiment�.

�You haven�t changed one bit�, says Cloud, glaring at Hojo. �You will always be a sick figure, I hope you rot�.

�My, it looks like my failed experiment has gotten a bad mouth on him�, says Hojo sinisterly. �I guess I will have to make him pay as well�.

�How did you come back to life�, says Cloud angrily, his eyes full of a fiery rage. �We killed you not too long ago. You were killed for the tests you performed on Vincent Valentine. He was the one to finish you with a shot to your head�.

�Foolish ingrate, I did not die as you assume. I had injected myself with a drug that not only would regenerate damaged vital organs but also bring me back with new power. You were too blind to see me crawling away after the fight; you were too worried about saving the planet. The planet would of never died, about 68.7% of life would die, and that�s all. My creation, Sephiroth would have became a god but you had to foil his plans�.

�It is not right to kill off that many lives�, says Cloud, his anger rising. �Your experiment in Sephiroth was a failure as I had killed him off many years before that. It was just a form created by Jenova, who could manipulate itself to make clones�.

�Your very wrong young boy�, says Hojo with a chuckle, scratching his head. �Sephiroth was indeed alive, his Jenova cells kept him like that. That is why he was able to change into so many forms. You really are thick but, hey, you were a failed experiment. Now, I need to finish my research on my new specimen�, finishes Hojo who walks over to the unconscious Rinoa.

�You wont take her�, says Squall who gets flung into a wall by an invisible force.

�I�ll make the rules around here�, says Hojo slinging Rinoa over his back. �Cloud, I have mind powers now as well from the energy taken from this one so I will not be as weak as before�. With those words, Hojo leaves the cell, closing the metal barred door behind him with a loud clang.

�No!� says Squall in a voice full of anger and sadness. Tears sting his eyes as he falls pounds the ground, his arms now movable. He ends up pounding the ground so hard that blood forms on his knuckles.

�That man is a demented freak�, says Cloud solemnly. �He has no end to his goals, he�ll never stop experimenting�

�No, this cant be happening�, says Squall out loud in rage. �How could he, he�ll die. I was suppose to protect her, I failed�, finishes Squall as he falls closes his eyes, a few tears rolling down his face.

�I have a plan�, says Cloud looking at the stricken warrior, a look of familiarity in his eyes. �You�ll have to listen to me though or it won�t work. I do know how you feel; I lost someone that was close to me. It is a pain that never leaves even after all these years so that is why I will help you�.

�Alright then�, says Squall, anger filling his voice. �Once I get out of here, I�ll break that freaks neck. He�ll pay�.

�What time does he come here�, asks Cloud, gazing down the hallway to make sure there are no intruders.

�He comes here every four hours�, says Squall. �He does this to check on us or take samples from us. He has always carried that weapon he uses�.

�What does he do to you guys anyways and how did you two get here�, asks Cloud clueless.

�It�s a long story�, says Squall, scratching his head. �Since we have a few hours though, I�ll tell it. It all started when we were exploring a time warp created by a meteor hitting our world. We were sent by my boss, Cid to go and check for any clues to the strange disappearances. Rinoa, Seifer, and me were given the task of checking it out. When we had arrived, we had found that it was causing many life forms to be sucked in. We had entered the portal to find ourselves trapped in what looked like a black cave; an image was being flashed on what looked like a TV screen. It showed a man with long silver hair training, killing members of some organization, a man in a red cloak searching for something, and finally the long silver haired man being slain by you. Our curiosity had gotten the better of us and when we had entered the screen, we found ourselves here�.

�Then, where is Seifer�, says Cloud. �I mean, you said there was someone else with you, so what happened to them.

�He was killed by Hojo�, says Squall. �He had found us exploring this badly damaged city and attacked us, probably thinking we were new specimens to be researched. The city looked abandoned so that is why he probably attacked us, probably desperate to continue his research the sick bastard. Well, Seifer, being the usual cocky self he is attacked him head on first. He put up a good fight too but a creature with a long bladed tail snuck up on him during the fight and pierced him through the back. I had managed to kill that thing but many more came. Rinoa was able to use her sorceress powers to kill off many of them with powerful ice, fire, and lightning spells but was easily overcome by a silence spell. As a result, she was put to sleep by a sleep spell cast from Hojo who apparently knew her potential. I soon fell afterwards as I was stun by Hojo while killing off my fourth creature�.

�That sucks�, says Cloud, leaning against the stone wall. �You were just exploring a portal and now find yourselves here. How long have you been here anyways�?

�We have been here for a month now�, says Squall grimly. �One long month of horrible torture. We have had many tests done on us since we have arrived here and it doesn�t look like it will stop�.

�Man, I felt the same way�, says Cloud. �I was once a guinea pig for him but I escaped. I had endured three long years of torture though that I remember clearly. We were inserted with Jenova cells, taken from an alien. It was supposed to make us stronger, but it had a bad side effect. Sephiroth could easily take over my mind, make me do things I didn�t want to do. I did fight it but there would be times where I would forget what I was doing�.

�That is weird�, says Squall, crossing his arms over his chest. �The worst that has happened to me was being injected with some reddish substance. I don�t remember feeling any pain or having any thing strange happen to me from it. Rinoa got the bad end�.

�The red substance is Jenova cells�, says Cloud. �He probably did it to make you a killing machine. He is just probably more interested in Rinoa who apparently has the special trait of using magic without the aid of materia�.

�Well, then�, says Squall looking at the exit. �We should plan now, if we don�t, we will most likely fail. I can�t accept failure, it will be too much�.

�Okay, then, we have to come up with an idea�, says Cloud. �I have been in this laboratory before, there is only one exit. That is located on the top floor, which we are on now. That means we just have to go down this hall and we should be out�.

�Yeah, but first, I have to find where he is keeping Rinoa�, says Squall, getting up to look down the dark hallway that seems to go on forever.

�She would probably be kept down in the lowest floor�, says Cloud. �I was kept in there for many years in a test tube. It is a heavily guarded place and there are a lot of his personal creations in there. His creations will not be afraid to help their creator as he has made them 100% obedient to him�.

�So, we will have to fight more of those weird spiked tail creatures�, says Squall stretching his shoulder, wincing in pain from his bruises. �I know where our weapons would be kept, we will defiantly need them�.

�Okay, you�ll take me to the weapons then we will go to the basement to free Rinoa�, says Cloud who slowly walks to the window, glancing out it. �I�ll distract Hojo, it wont be hard. You will go free Rinoa and get out of here. Don�t come back for me, I�ll be fine�.

�Are you sure you will do that�, says Squall.

�Yeah, I don�t have much to live for anyways. �Go south from this city and you will find the town of Braz. Look for two people named Tifa and Barrett there. They are my friends and will help you two out. I really do hope you make it back to your time�.

The two men sit in the room for another hour before Hojo reappears.

�Now, you fools, its your turn to be treated�, says Hojo evilly, opening the door.

On pure instinct, Cloud swiftly moves and kicks the needle gun from Hojo�s hands, the container shattering on the ground, and the green liquid sinking into the ground on impact. Cloud then follows up with a punch to Hojo�s gut then finishes with an upper kick, sending the Hojo into the wall.

Using the distraction, Squall runs down the hall, heading for a pair of now lit up stairs. He quickly disappears from sight as he leaps down them, four steps at a time at his quick pace.

�You two will not succeed with your plans�, says Hojo with a low chuckle, getting up. �I have heard your whole conversation by my hidden spy recorder. You must be an idiot to think I would have the room unwired. Now, you will die, but don�t worry Cloud, it will be slow�.

�Thanks but no thanks�, says Cloud who all of sudden feels a tight sensation in his stomach. A feeling of hot daggers erupts in his stomach, the pain unimaginable. He then is flung up in the air and sent flying into a wall. He then is picked up again and slammed to the ground, Hojo laughing evilly through the whole event as Cloud lies on the ground, his left arm twisted in a un normal way.

�You are too weak to beat my mind powers�, says Hojo, laughing hysterically as Cloud once again gets up.

�I�ll never give up as long as you are alive�, says Cloud who is again flung into a wall. �You are a freak to keep your research projects up. They always fail�, says Cloud again, blood coming from his mouth as he is flung against another wall.

�You are determined, I give you that�, says Hojo who is laughing even louder now. �I really have underestimated your traits as he flings Cloud into another wall, a loud scream of pain emitting from Cloud.

Unnoticed by Hojo though, Squall sneaks up behind him. Without Hojo noticing before it is too late, Squall plunges his gunblade through Hojo�s chest, blood leaking from the wound.

�You, you, how�, says Hojo in pain as he falls down, dying just in the same manner as Aeris had died.

�Thanks�, says Cloud, blood flowing form his mouth. �Lets get out of here, we will talk later�, as Cloud struggles up in immense pain, resulted from many broken bones.

�Good idea�, says Squall who has Rinoa propped on his back, her eyes closed. He quickly pulls out the gunblade, wipes the blood off it and sheathes it in his sheath.

�Did you heal Rinoa?� asks Cloud as the two run towards the exit.

�Yes, I found the antidote and gave it to her�, says Squall as he runs. �She will probably be asleep for a while. The torture really took a toll on her. She will be find though, I thank you for your distraction, I deeply owe you�.

�Its fine�, says Cloud glancing at his broken arm and bruises.

The two burst through the door and find something that brings terror to their eyes.

The Good Names Were Taken
10-31-2004, 01:23 PM
Interesting, i like the way that each chapter ends in a cliff hanger, I was also a fan of the way that you gave a bit of history behind squall and cloud in case people hadn't played the games.

The only bit that confused me was this:-
"Cloud quickly picks up his sword and sidesteps a blow meant for his head then cleanly cuts it off with a clean swipe, blood spraying over him, holes starting to appear in his clothing. Cloud, ignoring this, takes the advantage to charge the off guard creature, plunging his sword deep into its back then pulling upwards..."

I was unsure who is cutting what off at the end of the first line, also using the word clean or cleanly twice in the space of seven words might make the story repetitive, but you've only done this once and all in all it's much better than anything I could write and I hope to see the rest soon, because if your comment of the latter chapters are better is anything to go by then i'm in a for a treat.

Bills Fan
10-31-2004, 03:43 PM
Currently, I am writing a prequel for this fanfic based in the FF8 world. I feel that I need to do alot of explaining so I plan on writing a prequel that deals with the whole FF8 world. It will be called, Past Ties and chapter One should be completed in a week or so. It will be alot better than this as I can get the FF8 personalities right better than the FF7 ones.

10-31-2004, 10:34 PM
This is an awsome stroy you wrote

Bills Fan
11-02-2004, 04:11 AM
You can expect the first chapter of FF8 Past Ties to be here Sunday. I am currently going to put this fanfic on hold for a while as I have to write a prequel to this in order for it to work. I also have some fixing to do with Trilogy as I have read over the later chapters and I feel that some of the dialogue is a little cheesy so I have decided to do a rewrite of it when I finish Past Ties which wont be for some time. Thanks for all who have taken the time to read this, it was greatly apreciated and I look forward to your comments when I post the fanfic, FF8 Past Ties which should be the best piece of work as I have been working on the first chapter for quite awhile and will most definatly be better than this.