10-28-2004, 05:38 AM
Complaints. Made by all. Given by all. Sadly replied to by complaint. Now ive dropped to complaining about the complaining. Very sad.
Response first given by a noob when first playing ANY ff= WOW. Its pretty looking, depth and a great battle system!!
Response again given by an easily accomplished veteran=great...another crashed hope...
Response on ffshrine BEFORE the game is released=1. gay 2. shabby looking 3. All girls??
Again, ive got to say sad...
Depressing isnt it?? Ok, to the point. We all have opinions, personallities, fetishes, desires, hopes and dreams. Again sadly all of them will never be satisfyed, but if your truely a """"hardcore""" ff fan is it really deemingly that necessary?? I mean yeah, its nice to have voices, hot girls (for the guys), a quick paced battle system but by (fill in the blank with your own word), it gets down to this. Choose ONE. Just 1. Thats all....Choose one thing to keep in the ff series for at least ONE year and DONT complain. Be satisfyed. So here's the overall point, out of ALL of the ff games what should always be kept. This is entirely free range from having guns for weapons, gay looking guys, big boobs, to keeping bahamut as one of the grand badass.
Just choose One.

ps to all who wish to diss:This is my dream but its sure to crash....but save me the (fill in the blank) and i plan to possibly work this out into a rumble, maybe

10-31-2004, 11:30 PM
Complaints. Made by all. Given by all. Sadly replied to by complaint. Now ive dropped to complaining about the complaining. Very sad.
Response first given by a noob when first playing ANY ff= WOW. Its pretty looking, depth and a great battle system!!
Response again given by an easily accomplished veteran=great...another crashed hope...
Response on ffshrine BEFORE the game is released=1. gay 2. shabby looking 3. All girls??
Again, ive got to say sad...
Depressing isnt it?? Ok, to the point. We all have opinions, personallities, fetishes, desires, hopes and dreams. Again sadly all of them will never be satisfyed, but if your truely a """"hardcore""" ff fan is it really deemingly that necessary?? I mean yeah, its nice to have voices, hot girls (for the guys), a quick paced battle system but by (fill in the blank with your own word), it gets down to this. Choose ONE. Just 1. Thats all....Choose one thing to keep in the ff series for at least ONE year and DONT complain. Be satisfyed. So here's the overall point, out of ALL of the ff games what should always be kept. This is entirely free range from having guns for weapons, gay looking guys, big boobs, to keeping bahamut as one of the grand badass.
Just choose One.

ps to all who wish to diss:This is my dream but its sure to crash....but save me the (fill in the blank) and i plan to possibly work this out into a rumble, maybe
sheesh must have took you awhile to type all those without getting bored

12-02-2004, 07:13 PM
Chocobos (maybe at second if there could be such a thing = Kupo or what they are named)

12-02-2004, 10:50 PM
I don't care what they keep but Square-Enix really needs to stop pumping out FF games as fast as a 19th century Irish-Catholic women pumps out babies.

Seriously, work on 1 FF game at a time, not the 4 or 5 at a time they've been doing these past few years. You know what that would mean? They would put out one quality FF game every few years and with all the free resources they'd have from those other 3-4 FF projects they could focus on making quality games that don't have anything to do with FF. I know they can do it, they've done it before with Vagrant Story and the Chrono Games.

I don't count Kingdom hearts as a non FF game since they just thought to stick disney characters in with FF characters. I used to think it impossible, but I really am getting sick of FF. And please, no more direct sequels to FF games, or prequels.

12-02-2004, 11:09 PM
I second the no sequels -prequels motion.

The one thing I keep for future FF's would be Bahamut , cuz he's the KING of dragons and one of the best summons in the entire series.

01-06-2005, 06:20 AM
Where would FF be with out having Cid in every game? Probably about the same as before. But seriously the most important would probably be the Aeons/GFs/Summons/Eidolons/etc.