10-17-2014, 06:52 AM
If I may, I'd like to know if anybody at all knows anything about the release date of Akame ga Kill. I'm going to go ahead and assume that it may release 1-2 months after the airing, maybe even secretly during the last few episodes as per usual habit. I searched CDjapan, nipponsei, and every other music related sites with any hint or release date offerings. Nothing to make note of. A handful of Reddit users, and myself, want to know if anybody else knows anything. I guess there's really no information seeing as how everything has been quite secretive since the Aldnoah.Zero OST leak and the cancellation of Tokyo Ghoul, probably over A/Z's leak causing them to do things more covertly in the background.

Akame ga kill soundtrack? : anime (

That's the thread there asking the same question I am. I guess I'm going to have to assume that whoever leaked the Aldnoah.Zero OST early caused Tokyo Ghoul to be cancelled while being hush-hush over every other related soundtrack. Hope it doesn't hold back the soundtracks that haven't been released along with those airing this autumn 2014 season. Even hoping that it'll sound awesome to Jormungand, Noragami, Witch Hunter Robin's and other OSTs by the same composer for the wait that we may have to endure.

I can wait, just not sure how long :P.

10-26-2014, 09:01 PM
I really don't think the Aldnoah leak had anything to do with it. In fact I think people are overacting about that. It's not uncommon for REALLY popular composers to have their soundtracks posted as early as Saturday like Aldnoah's was. This regularly happens with Madoka enclosure soundtracks. Soundtracks have been canceled and released in alternative forms as well (example: Toriko).

Plus Tokyo Ghoul and Aldnoah were made by two separate companies. It would be one thing if they were at least connected in some way but I still find the deal about Tokyo Ghoul's cancellation over the Aldnoah leak to be pretty bogus. As for Akame ga Kill it would be safe to just wait until the series is over. It's Taku we are talking about here. He's way to big not to have his music released. Even if it isn't complete an OST is likely to come. I believe the show itself is pretty popular too. So just chill dude.

10-26-2014, 09:29 PM
Well, was a thought to consider at the very least. If it had nothing to do with it then that's great. I know it may have made me look like an idiot but wanted to at least consider it so I could properly throw that thought to the side.

And yes, I of course shall wait it out until the show finishes airing and such. Did mention it in the main posting there that I was curious of a release date while also waiting it out once the show ends and a few months after such. Soundtracks that Taku make and others obviously takes time, I'm aware of that.

And don't worry, I'm quite 'chill'. I was simply curious while also hyped up once the OP & EDs were changed hoping at least some vague information was released. I have a nice collection of soundtracks to listen to anyways. Mahouka OST 2 also something nice to listen to while also waiting for Trinity Seven and Gundam Build Fighters Try OSTs to release. I'm happy, just simply curious. Back to waiting it out then.

02-18-2015, 07:35 PM
Anything already? It has been released....

02-20-2015, 04:45 AM
Nothing yet. I'm finding loads of rips from episodes and people pretending to be 'cute' by uploading fake AgK tracks on Youtube.