10-25-2004, 08:31 PM
Have any of you noticed how a bunch of the things in ffxii are the same as tactics such as th opening lineabout the sword and the stone..and ivalice...and the star fruits are the same as kh. I think enix if really messing up squaresoft or something is wrong...hopefully they havent run out of ideas.

10-25-2004, 08:54 PM
Have you tried reading other threads before pointing out the old.

This is a well known fact by anyone. Ivalice is spelt different and from what is seen, besides the name they are pretty different.

11-15-2004, 05:42 PM
Ivharis is the Japanese spelling for Ivalice. In the first FFT and in FFTA it was called Ivharix in the Japanese version. The reason a lot of things in Final Fantasy XII are a lot like FFT and FFTA, is the fact that Final Fantasy XII is set in Ivalice. Which is the same place they set FFT. Get the picture. Peeps have been hounding Square-Enix since before it was Square-Enix to give them an FFT sequal. When they got FFTA they pleased their fans very much, but the people who were badgering Square/Square-Enix for a Sequal to FFT despite liking FFTA... It seems the FFT fans wanted the REAL Ivalice, and not the story-book Ivalice that was the figment of some 11 year old's imagination... Lo and behold meanwhile, people were, God forbid, complaining that FFXI was too sux, 'cause it was online and it didn't allow PK, and they wanted another Real Final Fantasy. Now there are two lynch mobs at the door step, one wanting a new "real" Final Fantasy game, the other one wanting a "real" continuation of the Zociac Braves story. FFXII, or FFTII? Hmm.... How about FFXII, telling the Zodiac Brave story. C'mon, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that... Possibly a sociologist though. lol.

11-17-2004, 06:20 PM
What asre u guys talking about. FF is cooool no matter what!!!

11-18-2004, 09:25 AM
Ivharis is the Japanese spelling for Ivalice. In the first FFT and in FFTA it was called Ivharix in the Japanese version.

If anything, the Japanese spelling would be Aibarisu, o.O

The reason a lot of things in Final Fantasy XII are a lot like FFT and FFTA, is the fact that Final Fantasy XII is set in Ivalice. Which is the same place they set FFT.

FFXII is set in FFT:A's Ivalice. Or have you not noticed the characters whose race coaligns with races that are present in T:A, but not T?

Silver Wolf
11-23-2004, 12:11 AM
I have not played TA, but damn, what is wrong with a story that takes place in Ivalice? I too wouldn't mind an up to date sequal, but I would preffer a direct sequal to FFVII, not Dirge of Cereberus either, but one that is about Cloud and those chars.

I am a HUGE FF fan since FFVII and I think no matter what I will always love FF. I loved FFX, and FFX-2, and something tells me FFXII will rock just as well!

11-23-2004, 01:00 AM
FFTA's Ivalice is the figment of a little boy's imagination. . . So it isn't exactly the Ivalice of FFTA. FFTA is the Ivalice of a book, that was written based on Ivalice. As for the Ivalice of FFXII looking at the world and characters, the Ivalice of FFXII is most likely soem mixture of FFT and FFTA. The different races from FFTA are races that walked the world of Ivalice, but were extinct by the time of FFT. In the history, if there is a continual history, it is likely that FFXII will connect to FFT, but FFTA is more like Legend of Mana, in the respect that it isn't really set in a point in history, but rather in the Imagined story of the world. So there were Elements from the earlier and later Eras. It's Possible that the Ivalice from FFXII isn't linked to either FFT or FFTA. There's no knowing until next Christmas... Unless you're Japanese, then for you it comes out around Spring. If they don't change it again.

11-24-2004, 10:03 AM
This was from a Tips and Tricks magazine. Not to sure which issue, the cover is missing.

Q: I am surpirsed this world is Ivalice. Is it the same one we saw in other games?

Mr. Minaba If you ask me, the world of Ivalice is only in the directors mind. I'd say it's a smaller version of what you've seen.


And it also mentioned that it was being Directed and produced by Yasumi Matsuno, who worked on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

12-19-2004, 09:51 AM
This was from a Tips and Tricks magazine. Not to sure which issue, the cover is missing.

Q: I am surpirsed this world is Ivalice. Is it the same one we saw in other games?

Mr. Minaba If you ask me, the world of Ivalice is only in the directors mind. I'd say it's a smaller version of what you've seen.


And it also mentioned that it was being Directed and produced by Yasumi Matsuno, who worked on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Matsuno also worked on the Original PSX Tactics...