10-24-2004, 11:26 PM
here is one to start you off

squall:hey zell i think i just grew emotions quick let me have ur shoulder to cry on.

10-24-2004, 11:30 PM
Squall: I want a carebear
Seifer: Squall! Buddy! How's it goin'???
(this should be in the FF8 forum...

Neo Xzhan
10-24-2004, 11:31 PM
How about wrong forums? =p

10-24-2004, 11:33 PM

10-24-2004, 11:35 PM
start putting in things they wouldn't say and that's all you have to do.

grn apple tree
10-24-2004, 11:49 PM
selphie: i need a cigarrete
rinoa: here you go

irvine: zells cute...

Dot Centaur
10-25-2004, 03:39 AM
Squall: Oh Seifer! I love you so!
Rinoa: The demon is my #1 symbol!
Zell: I need to control my emotions little!
Selphie: Parties are for kids! I'm too old for stupid kiddie parties!
Quistis:I never want to join SeeD. I'm staying as an instructor!
Irvine:I'm not interested in a girlfriend.
Laguna:Writing bore's me like hell.
Seifer:Oh Squall! I love you so!
Fujin: i'm going to start talking soft.
Raijin:I'm really stupid.

10-25-2004, 05:16 AM
Cid: Lady luck don't fail me now! Captain? I'm the captain!

10-27-2004, 01:22 PM
squall : i hate this gun blade here u go zell
zell : nah i hate fighting im guna be a loyer

11-01-2004, 09:07 PM
*Squall leans so riona is in his view*
Squall: BITCH, get me a beer...

Helen Gurley Brown
11-02-2004, 01:36 AM
Squall: Quistis, wanna talk?
Irvine: I think I'm gay.
Selphie: Trains are so tedious. Let's just rent a car.

11-02-2004, 02:05 AM
Squall: Riona I love you, well umm maybe... I kind of love Zell more

Furious Rose
11-02-2004, 02:18 AM
Rinoa:Beer please!

Quistis:Beer please!

Selphie:No beer please!

11-02-2004, 05:02 AM
Seifer: Someone hand me a pocket pus*y
Zell: I have Baby hands and my knuckles hurt like hell
Rinoa and Selphie: Someone hand over a dildo right now!!!!
Irvine: i flunked the army cause of my girly hair (didnt wanna cut it)
Squal: I dont feel like pickin Rinoa up from the cliff.....(yawning....)
Seifer: Zell lets play in the sand and build a sand tower
Selphie: Im not blond but im still stupid...even zell has more brain than i do

11-02-2004, 05:22 AM
You know, I'd be interested in seeing more people submit some stuff that's a bit more clever, instead of just dirty...

11-02-2004, 09:35 AM
Squall: Look, a monster! It's cute. Lets pet it instead of slaughtering it and taking the gold it's carrying. Why is it carrying gold? What are levels and why do i care about them so much? Hey! Its a little kid! kids are cute. i want some someday. After i marry Rinoa...that might be awhile though. I'll just take this one. Oop. here comes the mom....
*squall runs away holding he little girl, giggling and bouncing in his arms*

The child's mother who happens to be Shiva:
Give me back my daughter or i'll smite you!

squall: screw that! *squall then junction's Shiva, thus rendering her offenseless*

squall: now that that's taken care of, i think i'll skin this kid and make some soup, then tend to my political meetings and discuss why mercenaries are such a detriment to society. Then i'll make macaroni pictures.

yay. kid soup and macaroni pictures.

Child: *screams*

squall: oh look! there's menchi! that'd make a great appetizer!

Excel: hey! that's my emergency food supply!


ok. there you go, hehee.


11-02-2004, 07:13 PM
Yes, I know this thread subject has been done, but it hasn't been done for 8!

Here's Mine:

Squall: "Selphie! Wait up! Selphie, can you teach me to be like you? I want to be happy, and spread joy, not to mention flowers, all around the world!"

Zell: "Seifer, I've been meaning to say this for a long time... your my hero."

Irvine: "Girls!? Who cares about DUMB chicks!? I hate girls! I'm goin' homosexual from now on!"

Quistis: *very fast and rapidly* "Oh my gosh! Selphie, Rinoa; we're going to the MALL! I'm gonna get my nails done, my hair done, my ears pierced, I'm gonna get a new wardrobe, I'm gonna get make up, and we're gona have F-U-N, FUN!"

Rinoa: "Where's Seifer!? Ooh... that asshole! How'd he EVER convince me to be his girlfriend!? I mean, Zell is DEFINITELY the right guy for me!"

Selphie: *smoking a cigarrette* "Hey, Quistis; wanna go to the Gothic shop with me? I need to get some white face paint and some wrist bands with skulls on them."

Seifer: "I'm sorry for calling you a chicken-shit, Zell. And..... your MY hero."

Edea: "Ciddy-poo! Come here, you! Your my big cuddly-wuddly hubby, and I love you to BITS!"

they're kinda dumb. I tried, I really did!

these are hilarious, i read them some time ago in another thread.

Angelic Aeris
11-02-2004, 10:28 PM
Squall: i'm so much lower than seifer and i really don't like rinoa, i hate her! Hey Zell! come over here you cutie! *goes running aftter Zell*
Rinoa: i hate squall, he's stupid and ugly i'll kill myself for all i care, he can go with edea, i'll be staying with Irvine here.

never ever would they say that no?

11-09-2004, 01:58 AM
Laguna: "Our destination os exactly 38 degrees west of this exact spot."

Squall:" (jumps out at Ranoa from around the corner and shouts boo!)
*abnoxiuos laugh*I scared you!(and runs off)"

Selphie: "No! A party? Pa-lease, there's a special on historical bridges of our
time on tonight! I can't miss that!"

Seifer: "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!"
Zell: "(puts arm on Seifers shoulders) With a great big hug and a kiss from
me to you! Won't you say you love me to?"

Raijin: "LOVE!"

Quistis: "It's time to BOOGIE-WOOGIE BABBBBYYY!"

Irvine: "Guess what day it is!? National Tree Hugging day! YAY!"

Kiros: "Here comes Julia, Laguna."
Laguna: "So, it's just the piano lady."

11-10-2004, 06:23 AM
*Squall leans so riona is in his view*
Squall: BITCH, get me a beer...



grn apple tree
11-12-2004, 04:15 AM
irvine: damn gun i hate guns...

squall: (rinoa is in trouble) dammit that girl is always getting into trouble

rinoa: dammit where's my beer!? and where is the cigarettes i told you to get?
squall: umm selphie stole them...

selphie: *belches* good beer

cid: i need to lose some weight...