10-03-2014, 02:34 AM
The Asian release came with a 40 track soundtrack as a preorder bonus. Here it is. I tagged it as well as I could with my memory from most of the game. All the untagged tracks are cutscenes that I can't place. The OFFICIAL tracklist is all in some weird runes which clearly aren't a real language anyway and I don't have a scanner or any useful means of providing those meaningless runes for internet scholars to figure out. I'm an amateur and I just want the MP3s and I just got to learn how to use EAC. Here are those MP3s.

And don't expect reuploads. Maybe I will but I've been shepherding that VJ:RHR soundtrack for years. I can't take on any more.!58gySbaD!2sK46RGJoes6fjFVY8bcoeLsI0XJBdfB4CMdCVB 7BGM

10-03-2014, 04:26 AM
Thanks (: gonna give this a listen thanks for your hard work (: also cant wait to try this game and see if its fun XD

10-03-2014, 04:36 AM
It's a funky soundtrack and a funky game and I think it's a good fit for anyone who likes charming otaku culture stuff. If you played Way of the Samurai and/or Gladiator Begins or some of Acquire's other games, you can see their design style pretty clearly.

10-03-2014, 09:32 AM

Freezing Alone
10-03-2014, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the share, this game really does have a great soundtrack. It's weird how the songs on the official soundtrack end so abruptly though, like it starts to loop but then stops a couple seconds in. I don't think I've ever heard that on an official soundtrack before, especially without any kind of fade.

10-03-2014, 11:58 PM
That's how it is on the official CD, only with a two second-ish gap at the end of each track to boot after that sudden cut off. I've listened to too many vidya soundtracks to say with certainty I've never heard that sort of cut before but it is awkward.

And for what it's worth the official booklet is not worth anything either. It has one nice picture of Touko in a towel in a hot tub with a hungry looking girl I don't recognize wearing a Flandre hat leaping at her from behind with apparent intent to yuri and everything else is a manga that has absolutely nothing to do with AT2 that I can tell. Of course, I can't read this made-up language it's written in either.

11-07-2014, 10:51 PM
Thank you ;)

08-11-2015, 04:45 AM
I'm not gonna steal someone else's rip and upload it here. Not my style.

But I will say a unified soundtrack with proper two loop fades has been released. It's called Akiba's Trip 1 and 2 Sound Strip and I think sonix has it uploaded.

It is missing the vocals in the Akiba's Trip 1 last battle but it has stuff like the vocaloid tunes you only hear snippets of in Akihabara background noise in AT2 and I can't find the AT2 title screen theme but aside from that seems a solid release. There's 3 CDs of rune titled MP3s though so I haven't yet hit them all exhaustively.

Kati and Shion's themes of course, even with two loops, still don't last a minute.