09-26-2014, 01:00 PM!RdIBzAaL!vAH_GihkBrOPq90uIoXNQmpIa7tUgahUvJgo7Ww 7AZo!MZwXySAS!NJ89jBQHiiImnBCdlP2OWOJCvUKXSmiz3P6j8bS WE4o

ATLUSxP5's lost fan-made Persona 5 album garnered quite a bit of hype when it came out and in typical 'me' fashion, I was months late to catch up on it. Literally the only reason I know it is because it's referenced in the mash-up song "Touch My Coffee" on YouTube.

Anyway, that first link there is FatalChoice's reupload of 40 of the songs. So yeah, it's a YouTube rip. Quality isn't bad, though. Consider it a heavy sample though, because what's behind link #2 is where the good stuff is.

The second link contains 82 tracks, which from what I can tell is the full P5 fan package. I got lucky and found a link in the YouTube comments and this is my mirror of it. 68 ''OST'' tracks, 11 remixes of the "OST" and 3 radio remix medleys from P2, 3 and 4.

As for why I uploaded both, I put the first one there after batch-downloading the videos with MediaHuman's YouTube downloader a few days back (free, highly recommended for downloading a playlist) and then just after starting to make this post I did some digging and accidentally upon an entire link the second.

Anyway, that's it. The music itself is remixed from some J-Pop bands, including but not limited to Copter4016882. It sounds, for the most part, very relatable to P3 and P4's styles of music and I really recommend trying it out if you liked that or if you like J-Pop.

TL;DR free J-Pop Persona-ish style


Edit: the ''sample'' link actually has like 15 songs that the OST link doesn't have, including '"MARIE,'' a version of Nana Mizuki's ''Discotheque.''

09-26-2014, 05:05 PM
Sounds interesting. This had completely fallen under my radar though, so thanks for letting me (and maybe others) know about this.

09-26-2014, 05:57 PM
pretty awesome, ill give it a listen to when i can.

09-26-2014, 08:08 PM
Neato, I didn't know this was a thing. Thanks.

09-27-2014, 03:18 AM
I'm on the fence about this. Personally, it's a bit too heavy on vocals. I would've preferred more tracks that were just melody-based. Although I did like the arrange of Aria of the Soul at least.

09-27-2014, 08:06 AM
I'm on the fence about this. Personally, it's a bit too heavy on vocals. I would've preferred more tracks that were just melody-based. Although I did like the arrange of Aria of the Soul at least.

Understandable. I like it, but maybe the arranger chose this approach because maybe their musical prowess isn't primarily in coming up with melodies. Or maybe they just found some bands they thought sounded kind of like Persona's vocal songs.

09-27-2014, 02:00 PM
I dunno, it just feels lackluster considering I prefer having some variety in my OSTs. Hopefully the actual P5 OST will be much better. Then again, this is coming from somebody who actually liked the Persona PSP Remake OST which also had quite a few vocal themes.

However, the sheer amount of vocal tracks in this Fan OST reminds me of how much Final Fantasy XIII-2 had too many of them, and a lot of them to me felt unfitting for that game. Guess I'm just spoiled on other games having more varied soundtracks.

09-27-2014, 04:21 PM
As far as being spoiled on VGM...yeah, this site'll do that to ya. Same here.

09-29-2014, 09:49 AM
i think i have this but it was a gargled mess of album art and tracks, basically someone who just scooped up everything they could find on this. how in order is all this? like named and tagged and that kind of thing?

09-30-2014, 03:45 AM
i think i have this but it was a gargled mess of album art and tracks, basically someone who just scooped up everything they could find on this. how in order is all this? like named and tagged and that kind of thing?

Everything's all good in here, tags and all.

09-30-2014, 11:26 AM
Thank You.

Masta Moai
10-12-2014, 06:09 AM
Thanks for sharing :) I'm really liking the way this sounds. I definitely hear the influence of Yasutaka Nakata in "Awakening."

04-13-2016, 02:51 PM
I've been trying to find the itunes rip of this album i had it but i lost it.