09-19-2014, 09:06 AM
MGM's "The Band Wagon" has been released by Rhino, but only in mono. A stereo soundtrack *was* remastered, however used only for the DVD release. Here's the quite fascinating story about how they were able to reconstruct a stereo soundtrack, as quoted by a DVD reviewer (don't remember where, probably on Amazon):

"The film was shot with an experimental 3-channel stereo soundtrack, but it was not used because of the lack of reproducing equipment in theatres. Unfortunately the stereo soundtrack does not survive. The surround remix here was developed from a composite of two slightly different mono soundtracks, which [when] put together created something like a stereo soundtrack. Whatever the origin of the surround mix, it is surprisingly good. It actually does sound like an early stereo film soundtrack. Voices are obviously positioned solidly in the centre channel, but instruments sound as if they are spread across the front channels, creating something that approximates a stereo soundstage, without losing any focus."

Since I love this movie's lush Conrad Salinger orchestrations even more in stereo, I created this extended soundtrack, using mainly the DVD's stereo audio, however filling in missing tracks and bits from my CD, sometimes making several cuts in one track (to eliminate dialogue).
Sensitive souls may want to replace the rather 'noisy' "Penny Arcade" instrumental with the mono version from the Rhino CD, but the rest of of this collection is quite listenable, without too much dialogue.

Cast: Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse (dubbed by India Adams), Nanette Fabray, Oscar Levant, James Mitchell

29 tracks

Send a mail and I'll respond with a link asap

09-19-2014, 11:35 AM
Thanks Charlie. The Salinger arrangements (in stereo) are 'delicious'.

09-19-2014, 02:06 PM
It sounds like one Hell of a remastering and splicing job by you,Charlie. I applaud your effort. PM sent.

09-19-2014, 05:07 PM
The REAL stereo tracks were destroyed in the sixties :

The 5.1 soundtrack for the DVD was created by combining the mixed down mono session music with the separate foley, dialogue and effects tracks. It sounds like the CD is from a 2 channel mix of this. If you listen carefully, you will probably notice that the music component is a mono spread and not true stereo..

Stereo "The Band Wagon" - DVD - Home Theater Forum (

So, please give me an explanation why you started a thread using "fake" stereo tracks, thank you.

09-19-2014, 05:41 PM
Link received,and most appreciate for your efforts,Charlie!

To me,this sounds like they added a light stereo reverb to the tracks,on some of them it is noticeable to me and I like it. On some of the tracks the difference is very hard to tell. According to George Feltenstein from the Rhino release liner notes,many of the songs were recorded in stereo. We are left to surmise that not all of them were. By the time of this recording,I'm not sure how experimental the 3 track recording process was,as it may well have been on it's way to being perfected.

By the point of the release of The Band Wagon,I've found at least 8 other prior M-G-M films that were mostly recorded in 1952 in 3 track stereo for 1952 release,and few for a 1953 release. The soundtracks were also later transferred to 1/4 inch mono tape for archive in the early 1960's and the original stereo recordings destroyed, tragically lost forever. Probably most of these movies too were released in mono in the majority of the movie theaters:

The Prisoner of Zenda
Pat and Mike
The Girl in White
The Naked Spur
Young Bess
The Story of Three Loves

09-19-2014, 06:27 PM
(...) So, please give me an explanation why you started a thread using "fake" stereo tracks, thank you.
Because it isn't fake stereo. It is not "a mono spread", but *two* distinct mono mixes of music (each apparently putting a different section of the orchestra in the foreground) blended together. I.o.w. there *was*, according to Feltenstein, an actual, factual separation between those two channels (which was, admittedly, then enhanced by a soundmixer at Rhino or WB). This is actually written on the Home Theater Forum site that you mention.
I don't believe Rhino/Feltenstein made such a story up, considering their professionalism and love for sound fidelity. But even if I didn't believe them, I always believe my well-trained ears who tell me that this is definitely not merely "added reverb" or "stereo effect" (which I can't stand).

09-19-2014, 06:32 PM
I'm on my second go around listening to this one and definitely disagree with the Amazon review that this sounds like an early stereo film recording. A 1947 Fox mono recording such as The Captain from Castille was what Alfred Newman called recorded in "fat mono",a composite of various stem microphone placements in,around,behind and in front of the orchestra. Modern digital remastering can pull these microphone placements apart and can create a true stereo soundtrack. Not a hi-fi stereo soundtrack as we know it from the ones that survive from 1953 and beyond,but that is what I'd call a true early stereo soundtrack.

This one is not.

09-19-2014, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the answer ...

09-19-2014, 08:27 PM
What a treat! Looking forward to listening to this one...thanks for the link!

09-19-2014, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the link! Very curious.

09-19-2014, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the answer ...
Your lack of sincerity moves me. ;)

09-20-2014, 03:54 AM
Your lack of sincerity moves me. ;)

I just want to ignore this kind of threads.

It seems the guy who posted it doesn't know what real stereo sound is.
If the definition of "stereo" is a mixture from a composite of two slightly different mono soundtracks, the least I can say is that I am a prurist by and far with the soundtracks from the
golden age of Hollywood.

Never mind if this member will start some other threads soon like "An American In Paris 5.1", "On The Town" in SACD 24bit-88kHz FLAC.

A thing is sure, I don't want this link ... thanks a lot but no thanks.

Creedmoor, what is your point of view about this thread ?

End of this discussion for me :)


09-20-2014, 07:23 AM
I just want to ignore this kind of thread. (...)
A beautiful mind / person will always be missed

09-20-2014, 10:04 AM
Many thanks for the link - any MGM musical tracks are fine by me! That individual sound will never be bettered (IMHO!)

09-20-2014, 04:28 PM
I just want to ignore this kind of threads.

It seems the guy who posted it doesn't know what real stereo sound is.
If the definition of "stereo" is a mixture from a composite of two slightly different mono soundtracks, the least I can say is that I am a prurist by and far with the soundtracks from the
golden age of Hollywood.

Never mind if this member will start some other threads soon like "An American In Paris 5.1", "On The Town" in SACD 24bit-88kHz FLAC.

A thing is sure, I don't want this link ... thanks a lot but no thanks.

Creedmoor, what is your point of view about this thread ?

End of this discussion for me :)

"Electronically enhanced for Stereo." Even as a kid, these words, on the front of an LP recording of "Oz" that mom bought for me, didn't make sense. They didn't have the ability to record in stereo in 1939 and no technology can add warmth and separation to what isn't there. If a film is shot in stereo, bring it on. This stuff is the audio equivalent of colorization and as such, should be avoided like the plague. No offense to you, Charlie – I do not want to kill the messenger – but this is the work of people with too much free time and an eagerness to make a buck off of others' genius.

Robert Jordan
09-23-2014, 07:05 PM
Thank you : I just got the link and I'm very curious about it : I always find great to have the possibility to enjoy something...or not . That is : to have the choice !
I remember BORN TO DANCE having a stereo effect in some cues and I enjoyed it very much. :)

10-12-2014, 02:03 PM
Merci beaucoup

10-12-2014, 09:39 PM

10-12-2014, 10:00 PM
Thank you for your work on this musical Charlie. The sound is marvellous especially considering it's over 60 years old.

01-10-2015, 05:03 AM
Hi Charlie! It's David here.
Sorry I posted this late - I'm still battleing with final exams in school (here in China the semester ends late, so our winter break starts in mid-to-late-January). Anyways, I've listened to your soundtrack, with tracks lifted off the film mix.
What I got to say is, it's really good! The main title sounds absolutely nice, and I can hear a stereo effect.
But, I did a little bit of investigation into the "stereolized" sound, and, it turns out, that they did a rich work in pre-delay to get that effect. The right channel comes out earlyer than the left. Then use a bit of mixing to make it sound "different", you get a sort of stereo sound. Bottom line: the core is still mono, not stereo. So shall we say "close-to-fake stereo"? The other tracks are done almost the same way. So it is not separate microphone angle mixes. As a matter of fact, it is my belief that the two mixes sound almost the same, no difference. Pre-delaying does the trick. Don't forget, there may also be some delaying effect in separate channels, meaning two sounds on each, coming at your ears in different times.
But minus the technical tricks, this is really nice. The sound is richer compared to the CD soundtrack. I think both presentations are worthy of owning. In my opinion, I would still prefer the CD, but the film mix is certainly really interesting to look into, including an orchestral portion of "that's entertainment" (title: "That's Entertainment (rehearsals scene)", never heard on the CD.
Bravo, my friend! "That's entertainment" indeed! Thanks a lot for this great job!
P.S, I have the film Singin' In The Rain, and it sounds similar to this.

01-10-2015, 07:25 AM
Thank you.

06-02-2015, 10:10 PM
Thank you very much for the expanded score version of this soundtrack!
All the best.

06-04-2015, 08:16 PM
Appreciate the work you've done here. Will make for some great listening. Thank you very much!

09-18-2015, 08:14 AM
Thank You Charlie for Link (Received)