10-21-2004, 08:48 PM
Okay, Final Fantasy: Unlimited should be over now. The final DVD has been published (for some time now...) and I just wanted to hear:
What did you think about the end of this show?


I really was sad that it was over. 25 episodes were really not enough!
Considering that so much was left unsolved or unsaid I was about to... type the FF:U After text into babelfish and translate it! (By the way. It was a mess! XD)

Being one of those who have to read and re-watch the episode over and over again to get every single detail about the story I finally start to understand... some parts of it.
Kaze and Moogle were inhabitants of some world named "Windaria" (Wind *coughs*) and Kaze had maaaany many many other Moogle friends it seems.
(Imagining Kaze beside a bunch of Moogles still makes me laugh...). When Chaos (the Count or... Earl Tyrant) attacked his world all the Moogles turned to Soil to gove Kaze the Soil he needed to fire his Ma-gan. Well, it seems it was no use for (and this we all know) Aura is stister had to do so too.
What is interesting now is, that Kumo came to them before Aura sacrificed herself. He had also somewhat of a score to settle with Chaos and wanted to help it seems. Well, Kaze... he decided to turn into Soil to and merge with Chaos to weaken it so Kumo can finish him of. Chaos I mean! XD
Kumo... well, I dunno but this is the event in episode 1 where we can watch Kumo and Kaze kill each other!
So after all it was only a history repeating. =3
Kumo merged at the end of episode 25 with Chaos so Kaze could kill him.

In episode 25 now we learned that Ai and Yuu weren�t humans and that they have something to do with Chaos. I still have to think about that... =_= And well, they are somehow connected to the Ma-gan for Kaze can only fire it when the two twins are nearby. So, it makes sense that he could only fire his gun when the two kids were there and not knocked out. That was the reason why he could be "killed" by Kumo in episode 4.
The two kids actually were knocked out. =) Everything makes sense!


So what did you think about it? And please. I don�t allow posts like: "LOL!" "itt sux, biotch!" And other stuff that are no sentences.
All I want is a good clean discussion about the end and the story of Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Not if it sucks or not!

Feel free to post! =)

By the way, I considered taking an old FF:U thread but I didn�t want to revive a nearly dead now and anyway I wanted to give this a new topic!
So thanks anyway! =3

10-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Hmm...FFU? I thought it was pretty cool. It was really good and I was sad to see the characters go. I was actually hoping for...I guess..a good ending. Maybe Kaze ending up with Lisa. It did look like she cared about him. On the other note, the ending was kinda confusing, making me think that that's not the end of FFU. Maybe Lisa and the others will find Kaze and the others. O:]

10-22-2004, 10:46 AM
Well, actually they are not really dead as far as I could understand it.
Turning into Soil doesn�t seem to be death. But hell, I wish I could talk and understand Japanese!
Kumo and Kaze killed each other 12 years ago and came back. And on the Drama CD FF:U - Before, Moogle turns into Soil "again"...

(The other story of FF:U is told in an Artbook thingy FF:U - After, on a Drama CD After 2, on a second Drama CD FF:U - Before (in wich everything is told about Kaze, Aura, Kumo and Moogle), an internet story thingy FF:U - After Spiral... and if I am not mistaken also in a Graphic Novel but I am not really sure- need to buy it! XD)

Yes, I think too Kaze and Lisa would be a great team! XD
I mean, considering that Kaze referres to his Ma-gan as his heart and that only he can fire it, and that he "gave" it to Lisa so she could fire it at the end of episode 25 makes me wonder and ask questions. How could she do that?
It still is too confusing. U_U�

10-22-2004, 12:20 PM
i liked FF-Unlimited, it was okay, but i think the whole bullet thingy was kinda dumb...i mean, 'something, something Earth Brown!' then 'something, something Sky Blue!'...they could have thought of something else....

i think the characters were good though, but they were soooo skinney and really tall, and i liked the chocobo (chocbi) he was cute ^_^ kaze is dark and mysterious, and has a dodgey memory, but he's still cool! don't like the magun thingy on his arm though, it's weird looking O.o and he should get a new pair of glasses, they's one's is broke! lol

i like Cid though, he's cool, lisa's alittle weird and secretly fancies Kaze (shock horror)but i don't like it when she does that thing with her hands and it sounds as though she's letting a really big breath of air out slowly, it gets tedious when she does the same thing over and over, and it's the same with Kaze and the magun, i guess they just can't mimic the battles in the games

hey i don't know if this is true or not, but you know that in the first episode there are these two monsters fighting? i know that the 'Gun' one is Kaze and the 'Sword' one guy with the white hair and the mussle lol, but is that true? was it those 2 fighting at the begining? is that why kaze wants to fight him? to finish what they started?!

lol i dunno, somebody please tell me!

10-22-2004, 01:13 PM

Yes, at the beginning of episode 1 Kaze (the red dragon) and Kumo (the white dragon-like creature) were fighting each other.
But it wasn�t that they really fought each other because they hated each other so much. It was more because Chaos (or the Count) wanted to destroy everything and Kaze wanted to stop him. But he knew he wasn�t strong enough to be able to so he summoned himself and merged with Chaos to weaken him. Now it was up to Kumo to finish Chaos/Kaze off but it seems it was no use. ...

Still that doesn�t really explain why they are sworn enemies. Or at least Kaze is... strange how Kumo still calls Kaze: "Wonderful as always!" U_U Cannot understand those two...

Yes... at the start I thought: Why are they repeating this whole Summoning thingy over and over again... Well, after some time I made some kind of a game out of it: Guess the Summons by watching which Soil Bullets he uses.
I didn�t quite succeed--- (^.^�)