09-16-2014, 01:57 AM
I'll let the music speak for itself ;)

Have a listen here: Soundtrack Preview (http://tindeck.com/listen/hdjt)

I used GBA Mus Rip (http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/881) to extract the midis and soundfont, and SynthFont + Viena (http://www.synthfont.com) to fix and convert them.


1.01. The First Book (2:27)
1.02. Page One (3:27)
1.03. On That Night, 3 Years Ago (3:40)
1.04. Battle! Isaac (2:52)
1.05. Victory! (0:33)
1.06. Saturos and Menardi (2:11)
1.07. Prelude (0:16)
1.08. An Adept's Home (3:18)
1.09. Sol Sanctum (2:34)
1.10. The Elemental Stars (3:33)
1.11. Sol Sanctum Erupts (1:53)
1.12. Hopelessness (3:11)
1.13. The Angarian Journey (3:10)
1.14. Djinn Get! (0:04)
1.15. A Little Friendship (3:24)
1.16. Mysterious Caves (3:33)
1.17. Battle! Boss #1 (2:19)
1.18. Fallen Heroes (1:15)
1.19. Level Up! (0:03)
1.20. The Royal Palace (2:37)
1.21. Satisfaction (0:04)
1.22. Forest's Requiem (3:15)
1.23. It's a Mystery (0:05)
1.24. Rested and Refreshed (0:06)
1.25. Winterly Imil (3:00)
1.26. Cure Poison (0:04)
1.27. Mercury Lighthouse (2:53)
1.28. Battle! Saturos (3:14)
1.29. Happy Towns (2:44)
1.30. Revive (0:04)
1.31. Oriental (2:48)
1.32. Altin Peak's Flood (3:29)
1.33. Suspense (2:10)
1.34. Desert Heat (3:15)
1.35. Kalay (2:47)
1.36. Set Sail! Through the Karagol Sea (2:40)
1.37. Tolbi (1:58)
1.38. Having Fun (2:06)
1.39. Item Get! (0:04)
1.40. On the Presence of a Lord (2:09)
1.41. Colosso Starts! (2:24)
1.42. Ready for a Challenge (2:55)
1.43. Battle! Colosso (1:30)
1.44. Babi's Lighthouse (3:00)
1.45. Tunnel Ruins (3:19)
1.46. Venus Lighthouse (3:15)
1.47. Battle! Saturos and Menardi (3:25)
1.48. Battle! Fusion Dragon (3:17)
1.49. The Golden Sun Sets (0:11)
1.50. Saving… (0:03)

2.01. Moving Worlds (2:09)
2.02. The First Book (Extended) (3:03)
2.03. The Second Book (2:22)
2.04. Battle! Jenna (1:37)
2.05. Trouble is Brewing… (1:42)
2.06. Traversing Weyard (2:16)
2.07. Battle! Felix (2:08)
2.08. Drums of Daila (1:56)
2.09. Cavernous Shadows (1:45)
2.10. Kandorean Temple Entrance (1:49)
2.11. Kandorean Temple Labyrinth (1:48)
2.12. Battle! Boss #2 (2:02)
2.13. Little Madra (2:04)
2.14. Enemy Appearance (2:44)
2.15. Beneath the Surface (2:20)
2.16. Alhafra (1:47)
2.17. Battle! Non-Adept (2:20)
2.18. Air's Rock (3:27)
2.19. A Full Moon in Garoh (2:25)
2.20. Scaling Mountains (1:22)
2.21. Inside the Great Gabomba (2:12)
2.22. The Nocturnal Ritual (1:00)
2.23. Full Speed Ahead! (2:24)
2.24. Battle! Ship (2:06)
2.25. Apojii Islands (1:36)
2.26. Aqua Rock (2:49)
2.27. Izumo in Despair (2:33)
2.28. Gaia Rock (3:20)
2.29. Festival in Izumo (1:52)
2.30. Tundaria Tower (2:33)
2.31. There Goes Briggs! (1:46)
2.32. Ankohl Ruins (2:20)
2.33. Yallam (2:53)
2.34. Yepp's Song #1 (0:53)
2.35. Yepp's Song #2 (0:53)
2.36. Taopo Swamp (2:24)
2.37. The Sea of Time (2:23)
2.38. Ruins of Lemuria (2:48)
2.39. Mystical Shaman Village (1:47)
2.40. Place Your Bets! (2:34)
2.41. Winner! (0:03)
2.42. Lucky Winner! (0:04)
2.43. Super Lucky Winner! (0:06)
2.44. Jupiter Lighthouse (2:44)
2.45. Karst and Agatio (2:57)
2.46. Battle! Agatio and Karst (2:12)
2.47. Sorrow and Regret (2:09)
2.48. Walking Forward with Determination (2:24)
2.49. Magma Rock (2:22)
2.50. A Door Opens (0:03)
2.51. Freezing Kalt (2:24)
2.52. Frozen in Prox (3:12)
2.53. Mars Lighthouse (3:07)
2.54. Battle! Flame Dragons (2:03)
2.55. Battle! Doom Dragon (3:10)
2.56. Alone (2:46)
2.57. The Final Beacon (3:25)
2.58. Welcome Home…? (3:45)
2.59. Welcome Home (2:41)
2.60. The Golden Sun Rises (2:24)

b.01. Fallen Heroes (Alt) (1:15)
b.02. Traversing Weyard (Alt) (2:16)
b.03. Ruins of Lemuria (Alt) (2:48)
b.04. Super Lucky Winner! (Alt) (0:06)

Bonus tracks are songs that I fixed with missing tracks and instruments, making them sound how they were meant to.

MP3 320kbps

Part 1 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/e6ex7pn5tng3721/gstla.part1.rar) - Part 2 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/5z1onr0bdyyc02b/gstla.part2.rar)


Part 1 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/sy52oi7d79elam1/gsfla.part01.rar) - Part 2 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/nm5xe89nbofjz4x/gsfla.part02.rar) - Part 3 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/mic9t4imu89cwaz/gsfla.part03.rar) - Part 4 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/ld1512f622xuk7l/gsfla.part04.rar) - Part 5 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/lbcl4o5lp35n50a/gsfla.part05.rar) - Part 6 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/19urs7rh6kusjft/gsfla.part06.rar) - Part 7 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/dvckgv00yxf1446/gsfla.part07.rar) - Part 8 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/hcv712qjs5gd9hu/gsfla.part08.rar) - Part 9 (http://www.mediafire.com/download/6io4rzo8xy940q9/gsfla.part09.rar)

09-16-2014, 06:34 AM
Nicely done ! Thanks

09-16-2014, 06:39 AM
Man, I'm so excited to give this a listen. There's a version up on the lossless thread of Lost Age that has a sort of popping sound at the start of every track, not fun for my ears ><.
I guess it goes without saying that this game's music is freaking awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. (it's tagged too, omg!)

09-16-2014, 07:10 AM
Thanks :)

09-16-2014, 08:28 AM
Thanks a lot!

09-16-2014, 10:50 AM
I dont know why, but some of the songs seem to sound wrong.
Compare: the intro to your version of the felix battle theme (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/24em9do5c9ez89e/2.07.+Battle%21+Felix.mp3)
to: this version, which is how I remember it sounding like (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrXZLo7uoAQ)
Dont get me wrong, this is an amazing rip, but it seems like a wrong instrument is being played.

09-16-2014, 11:39 AM
Add Dark Dawn and make it complete ;3

09-16-2014, 02:42 PM
I dont know why, but some of the songs seem to sound wrong.
Compare: the intro to your version of the felix battle theme (http://www.mediafire.com/listen/24em9do5c9ez89e/2.07.+Battle%21+Felix.mp3)
to: this version, which is how I remember it sounding like (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrXZLo7uoAQ)
Dont get me wrong, this is an amazing rip, but it seems like a wrong instrument is being played.

Edit: Nevermind, I double checked and you were right. I'll upload the correct version soon.

Thanks everyone for your feedback :)

09-16-2014, 08:00 PM
MP3 files updated (better quality)

"Battle! Felix" fixed (download FLAC from Dropbox, torrent not updated)
Thanks to macapinlacc for the heads up

09-17-2014, 12:47 AM
Thanks for this rip bro, there was a previous attempt done of this but its always good to have more.

09-21-2014, 05:58 PM
Cool, I will check this out!

It sounds like "Battle! Isaac" has a different instrument in it as well when compared to Isaac's Battle Theme - Golden Sun Music Extended - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb_zLitqH1o)
Your version has an instrument in the main melody that doesn't sounds very... uh... violiny :kirbywalk:

Everything else sounds good so far.

09-21-2014, 09:35 PM
Thanks a lot!!! It's the one getting the best sound around :)

09-22-2014, 06:01 AM

Here are some more download links for MP3.

Golden Sun (Issac):

Lost Age (Felix):
Lost Age (http://www.mediafire.com/download/0462x2x04jdr5cl/Lost+Age.zip)

09-22-2014, 05:56 PM
"Battle! Isaac" fixed
Uploaded to Mediafire and Dropbox (MP3 and FLAC)

Your version has an instrument in the main melody that doesn't sounds very... uh... violiny :kirbywalk:
You were right about the instrument, but the "violiny" sound is actually a little distortion produced by the GBA. The sound is cleaner using this method, so there's no distortion.

Ver Greeneyes
09-23-2014, 01:35 AM
Wow, epic. I was just looking at getting the Golden Sun music again and was dismayed to see the note in the GBAMusRiper readme specifically mentioning its problematic nature. Great to see you could fix it up!

Masta Moai
10-19-2014, 11:14 PM
Amazing! This sounds way better than the rip that I have right now. Thanks a lot! :)

12-06-2015, 11:43 PM
Deserves to be bumped :P Had to grab this again as my HDD crashed.. Thanks

05-22-2016, 04:37 PM
Thank you for this! I've been missing this game's music.

05-22-2016, 07:46 PM

03-25-2017, 06:52 PM
Thank you so much, this is incredible holy cow! How??

04-01-2017, 01:17 AM
Hey everyone, there's a much better rip made by someone at the Golden Sun subreddit. My version has a lot of mistakes that I discovered later and never got around to fix them, but there's really no need for that now.

Here's the post (https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldenSun/comments/4cdtqb/golden_sun_soundtrack_remaster_project_its/)


04-01-2017, 03:34 PM
Oh, well, thanks for the heads up. Your work is still much appreciated though.