01-30-2002, 06:30 PM
You might have heard it already. The third (or fourth, if you consider Radical dreamers a game) Chrono game is going to be called chrono Break.
That's all we know so far, but hey. That's a lot, right?

Chrono Break...

I wonder what a Chrono Break is!

Because... I have the strong feeling that I will have to find it or do it or whatever.
Any ideas? Comments?

Now it is time to cheer up and get crazy, chrono fans!!! Yay!

01-30-2002, 06:53 PM
What is Radical Dreamers?

Also where did you get this information from? If this is true then great!! I hope it is reliable info.

I would assume it will be for ps2?

01-30-2002, 07:50 PM
It's posted on a pretty damn reliable site. And the name was just copywrited... so I wouldn't say anything is written in stone, but it's a pretty safe bet.

I'm thinking the Chrono Break might have something to do with the time/space thingy being broken(:D) and stuff getting thrown out of order or something. But as with all speculation... I will be totally wrong when we finally play it :)

01-30-2002, 09:14 PM
They had some pics of the FFx International... *SPOILERS ABOUT FINAL FANTASY X INTERNATIONAL!!!!!*

Looks like Tidus DOES come back since it showed him in one of the screens.

I still won't pay 50 dollars for that game though.

01-30-2002, 10:10 PM
Sorry, but, idiot... Don't spoiler in a non-FF10-thread about FF10... I avoid all kinds of forums for fear of being spoilered... Please!!!!!!
Couldn't you edit that or something? ...

It has already been a fact that the game was coming out for some time now, and that it was for PS2. Just the title is new. And of course, it looks like they have a story written and all. I hope we will get to know more soon. Pictures, characters... stuff liek that.

Don't spoiler about ff10. If anybody spoilers me about ff10, I'll hunt him down, destroy their lives and haunt their dreams... Understood?