09-13-2014, 01:37 AM
I've converted audio tracks off movies and such to .mp3's and waves; even off DVDs... using VLC. Now I have found a lot of people saying VLC works fine with DVDs to (whatever format); but... not really.

Here is what I want. I was hoping to make a Dual Audio .mkv (mostly as I don't like .avi if I can help it). VLC can convert the tracks usually, but as default language; may or may not randomly decide to place the subtitles with it (which is unnecessary on the default track as it is English); and for some forsaken reason won't rip via Episode.

Okay, those familiar with DVDs will know that they normally look like this: 01_00.vob and such (with obviously other chapters and such). Loading the full DVD and asking it to rip from that seemed to produce it Ripping the Menu screen and nothing else, but choosing only one of the chapters/sections (via that .vob as it will only rip 01_00... even if 01_10 is where the episode ends...) which is a pain; as than it messes things together and the sound cuts out at parts or all together after some section. Another issue VLC has it can't handle Encrypted formats.

Now I have tried DVD decoder; and it makes the .vobs readable (without playing off disc; to where I can right-click play or double-click play without getting the copyright/encoded error on VLC); but it also seems to mess with the audio quality of the opening endings of the anime (where the theme songs are).

I have read about a few other things like DVD Shrink (which I have read doesn't have the newest decoder/encoder stuff so might not be helpful); and a few others. But I haven't really found the best solution for DVDs that are Episode based; so that the full episode starts and ends properly. And most of the DVD movies I have (at least anime wise) seem to have 10 chapters... or more.

I am mostly trying to backup my DVDs to my PC so it'll be more convenient to watch them. So I don't have to go searching through my DVDs for that one I really want to see... which can take a while when you have a lot of DVDs.... And put them into nice easily searchable folders on my PC; where I can watch them in same/best quality possible via rip... a lot of these animes are only available through torrents... or not at all... and seem a pain to download (with my recent ban on torrents (had some issues with the internet provider... regarding them)).

So I need an easy to use and understand program, that can tell if it's a movie (and rip it full as such); or episodes (and rip them as such); I don't need the menu's, the previews, or opening, ending creditless; (though I might care about the omakes for Blue Seed)... but yeah... I just want to be able to watch my stuff more easily. And copying over the whole .vob format is... huge... so I'd like to save space if possible.

09-14-2014, 02:46 AM

09-15-2014, 02:08 PM
you could trying mkv merge, but i thinking you need individual video/audio tracks. that more for combining tracks, picking default, etc.