09-10-2014, 09:03 AM
I'm on a roll today. Let's just not make it a barrel roll. That sounds like a bad idea.

Today I also have for you the Final Fantasy VII Remastered Tracks by "Sean Schafianski". What a name, huh? Anyhow, there are two albums for you to possibly buy, or otherwise procure. Lucky you.

VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/39039)

You can buy this wonderful album on Loudr (http://loudr.fm/release/final-fantasy-vii-remastered-tracks-vol-1/mPAb4) and iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/final-fantasy-vii-remastered/id642633868).

Or you can download it. Fiend.

Links removed

VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/48000)

And this wonderful second volume you, too, can purchase on either Loudr (http://loudr.fm/release/final-fantasy-vii-remastered-tracks-vol-2/5zZMn) and iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/final-fantasy-vii-remastered/id789891792). Note how you can buy both for half the price of the second album, too.

Or there is a download involved.

Links removed

There ought to be passwords on the files; if not, lucky you, if so, it is the name of the arranger, two words. Notice the boldness and quotation marks.

Happy listening.

~ Hoolo

09-10-2014, 05:03 PM
No offense but I find sharing an album in which an independent artist produced is an insult. I mean this isn't Hans Zimmer or John Williams you taking potential sales from. I just find this hindering small time artists from making money. It is 15 bucks for a good chunk of music. I request that this link be removed.

Leon Scott Kennedy
09-10-2014, 05:08 PM
No offense but I find sharing an album in which an independent artist produced is an insult. I mean this isn't Hans Zimmer or John Williams you taking potential sales from. I just find this hindering small time artists from making money. It is 15 bucks for a good chunk of music. I request that this link be removed.
Sorry, but your request won't be heeded.

I'll elaborate a bit on the reasons behind the refusal:

0) Usually, only an individual somewhat involved within the album actually has "enough ground" to request removal of links and bans on his/her releases. Same couldn't be said about a Shrine user.

1) This is a Digital release.

1.5) As such it is, theoretically, available for as long as the artists/individuals involved in its production want to keep it online... That includes its availability for purchase, too. Loss of potential sales is greatly mitigated.

2) Wanna support the album? Go ahead an purchase it. Nobody's preventing you from doing that+You're not forced to download it illegally.

09-10-2014, 05:36 PM
No offense but I find sharing an album in which an independent artist produced is an insult. I mean this isn't Hans Zimmer or John Williams you taking potential sales from. I just find this hindering small time artists from making money. It is 15 bucks for a good chunk of music. I request that this link be removed.

A lot of threads in this section of the site are this way. There's a lot of artists with digital releases that have album that can be downloaded here. As a fan of music, I buy music when I can. But if you want to complain about this thread, you should also complain on all the threads with albums from The Blake Robinson Orchestra and others. Pok�mon Super Music Collections can be bought on iTunes now. Jessie's Digital Album thread has a lot of digital albums that can be purchased on the web. Do you complain there, too?

I know the people here aren't all saints, but I at least try to nudge people into buying albums. This is why I try to remember to share the sites where they can be bought, be they Loudr, iTunes, or Bandcamp. If people can spare the money, they might buy it.

You say I am taking away potential sales by sharing these links. I'll admit that's true, to a certain extent. What also happens is that more people learn about the artist, and can potentially buy the albums. I'm not saying this will happen on a 1:1 ratio, but it might help.

Frankly, I find your post somewhat hypocritical for a site like this.

09-10-2014, 05:39 PM
I didn't even know this existed until this post. So I downloaded it, enjoyed it, and purchased it. This post at the VERY least EARNED this independent artist a sale. If I recall correctly you are also an independent artist JBarron2005? If I am remembering correctly, I can understand completely why this could be seen as a problematic post. Without a massive legal department behind you it can be an impossible battle to go after piracy of your works. That raises another question though. Why is Hanz Zimmer or John Williams any different? Because they make more money? So it's ok to steal from rich people then? I don't want to put words in your mouth, as I do agree independent artists are hurt more by piracy, and they usually do not have the resources to bring a legal battle against someone sharing their work. (I also enjoy your work WAY more than either of those composers, so in my mind you deserve the support more than they do.) The FFShrine downloads section just isn't the place to bring a protest to. For every share that's smacked down, 5 more will pop up somewhere else. I just see it as something we have to deal with, and find creative outlets around it. (Such as the discussion Christopher Tin had on his album being uploaded to youtube. A lot of artists have turned file sharing into free marketing.) While I might have done the right thing by buying this, I know there are at least 10 people behind me that will NOT buy it. 8 out of THOSE 10 people would have NEVER bought it in the first place though, but might have developed an interest in following this artist now and are way more likely to bring this artist money in the future. (free marketing!) The fact that this poster gave links to purchase this album as well is more than 95% of the other shares this gets. (Before I posted I spent about 10 minutes on google looking to see if this was shared anywhere else. In that 10 minutes I found 11 separate file sharing communities with it. Zero of them contained purchase links) That is just my opinion though. I don't want this post to get locked just because I injected a debate into it.

The above poster is right. Someone with an anti piracy stance really has no business here. It will only cause you more grief than it's worth.

09-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Thanks a lot!

09-10-2014, 07:38 PM
I guess I see more wrong with downloading music from someone starting out than an already established composer who probably won't even notice the downloads. Was not my intention to start arguments. I personally will not allow my own music to be downloaded through here. I am broke and each sale I make would help keep my lights on for another month. Yes downloading for free could get sales and the argument could most certainly have merit. The artist is actually making less than 7 bucks an album when you factor in that Sean is going through Loudr and iTunes. This is due to royalties, processing fees, and distributor fees. So in reality Sean is making under 7 dollars on each sale. It is great that people here try to push for people buying but this hurts the newer artists more than say Hans Zimmer who I am sure eats in 5 star restaurants and John Williams who has a beautiful home in Tanglewood.

I do understand that my words won't get the link taken down. I just felt the need to stress why the artist deserves a sale over a free download. I am not anti-piracy, I just understand what it means to be a starting artist and to rely on every cent of income that provides. I am not making blockbuster movie scores or anything like that. I do not have orchestras lining up to perform my work or to hire me for commissions. And I am sure many new artists don't either so they need all they can to get to that point.

With that being said, I have made my case. What people want to do is up to them. I can't stop these downloads from happening and that is fine. Just trying to keep people aware of what the stakes are that weren't aware before.

09-10-2014, 08:05 PM
Hey there,

Sean here (the arranger of these albums). I have another screen name here by the name of sschafi1, but for whatever reason I couldn't post a reply here.

Anyway, I'm here to politely ask you to remove these links. Explanation/Justification is as follows:

Now, I know that when dealing with digital media, these things are bound to happen. Admittedly, I've done the same kind of thing (downloading, not uploading). So I may come off as a sort of hypocrite, but like some have stated before, I am definitely not someone like Hans Zimmer or the like. I am not established, nor do I have a steady income. I don't have an inbox full of requests to commission works. I actually do need the money, so I keep track of download numbers, streams and whatnot. I need all the help I can get, so something like this hurts me.

I agree that the argument saying that these things can drive sales up is valid. However, more often than not, people download the albums with no intention of buying the album whatsoever (in my experience anyway). Hell, some people go out of their way to use YouTube to mp3 converters on each track of an album individually just to avoid buying it.

I do offer many ways of making it so that you can listen to whole albums for free whenever you want. These are on Pandora, Spotify, Google Play (not sure if you can stream there though), as well as my Youtube channel. I have playlists of all of my albums that you can just put on repeat and listen for free whenever you want. If I had no avenues for free listening, I could understand a post like this.

While I appreciate the exposure and giving the links to where people can buy the albums, I humbly ask you to remove them. If you want to spread the word and get my music to more supporters like you, I would ask that you share Spotify/Pandora links or the link to my YouTube channel (sschafi1 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/sschafi1)).

Thank you for your time :)


Leon Scott Kennedy
09-10-2014, 11:29 PM
Yes, sir. You are a hypocrite. Anyway, gonna remove links.

Oh, folks, forgot to say this. Unfortunately, I can't check if the guy is... Err... "The real deal", or some troll, so I've opted to remove links anyway (better safe than sorry and that mambojambo). You don't have to worry, though.