10-19-2004, 04:50 PM
I heard psp's price tag is between $300-400 (US) and $600-700 (CAD)... will you buy PSP or not?

10-19-2004, 06:25 PM
I don't know. If the games pan out okay and it's expensive, no doubt I'll wait until it is more affordable. If the games are no good, well, then obviously I won't. Just have to wait and see.

Neo Xzhan
10-19-2004, 06:28 PM
I never really bothered with getting a handheld, Gameboy never really appealed to me. I did consider getting a Neo Geo Pocket Color, just because of some awsome fighting games and Bio Motor Unitron. Now with the DS and the PSP I still don't really feel like getting a handheld. But I might change my oppinion. Not likely though.

10-19-2004, 06:30 PM
Probably not. I am happy enough with my GBA SP and handhelds aren't really my thing. Its got stunning graphics and some top quality games announced, but its battery life and cost have definitly put me off.

10-19-2004, 07:10 PM
Not at that price, no matter how good the games are (or aren't). Maybe when it gets to around �150, but no more.

10-19-2004, 10:38 PM
I say that people throw out rumurs like they throw out toilet paper(used that is).

People seem to think because Sony is adding a lot of uber awsome stuff to the PSP it will costs way to much. Why the fuck would they sell a handheld for more than a console? Especially when the DS is gonna be around $150, can't you think long enough to know that Sony will release the PSP in competition with the DS, price and all.

I will get a PSP and it will not cost me $300-600 like so many people seem to think. They are the morons if they think it will costs that much.
But wait and see and maybe, just maybe I could be wrong. Lets wait and see.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-19-2004, 11:28 PM
No, I will not by the PSP, or any handheld for that matter.

Mainly because there is no handheld game that I'm interested that I could not also purchase for my PS2. Besides, aside from school kids and people that don't have better things to do than sit around and play a videogame when they aren't at home, who would want one of those things?

For my money, I'd much rather just buy a good book and (gasp!) read it if I'm not at home. Plus, by and large, most books pwn the hell out of handheld videogames in terms of story and the overall value.

10-20-2004, 12:11 AM
I'm going to get a PSP - I agree with Tyrannicide (shock horror!) to a point - the PSP will not be twice the price of the Nintendo DS. It will be more expensive - a portable all-singing, all-dancing PlayStation will always be more expensive than a handheld Nintendo 64 witha touch screen. But if the Nintendo DS is US$150, the PSP will be more around the US$200-US$250 mark.

And for that price, i'd buy one - but considering the DS is coming out next month, i'm getting my DS first.

10-20-2004, 01:23 AM
wtf is psp? is that the ps 3? and what is nintendo DS?

10-20-2004, 01:34 AM
wtf is psp? is that the ps 3? and what is nintendo DS?

The Sony PlayStation Portable (http://psp.ign.com) is Sony's first foray into the handheld gaming market. As you can see from the details on that page, it boasts graphics that are almost equal to that of the PlayStation 2, as well as 802.11 wireless capabilities and the ability to play Sony's new proprietary UMD media format.

The Nintendo DS (http://ds.ign.com) is Nintendo's 'third pillar' - not meant to replace the current Game Boy, but rather 'support' it. That's Nintendo's hyperbole anyway - the machine is actually the spiritual successor do the GBA SP, boasting graphics similar to that of the Nintendo 64 and featuring Dual Screens (hence the DS). The bottom screen is a touch screen that Nintendo hopes will revolutionize games.

10-20-2004, 03:19 AM
sweet, thanx man ... got any info on the ps 3 that is suposed to be comming out??

10-20-2004, 03:29 AM
Same as ps2 what's the point?

10-20-2004, 03:55 AM
The Nintendo DS is Nintendo's 'third pillar' - not meant to replace the current Game Boy, but rather 'support' it. That's Nintendo's hyperbole anyway - the machine is actually the spiritual successor do the GBA SP, boasting graphics similar to that of the Nintendo 64 and featuring Dual Screens (hence the DS). The bottom screen is a touch screen that Nintendo hopes will revolutionize games.

DS supports the wireless as well.

edit: I've also read something suggesting that the PSP was having problems and that it's release will probably be delayed. Don't remember where though, but if I do, I'll post it, I guess.

10-20-2004, 04:55 AM
got any info on the ps 3 that is suposed to be comming out??

The only information I have on the PS3 is that it uses the new Sony CELL superprocessor (perhaps even four of these running parellel). It also uses the new Blu-ray DVD technology, which allows it to read DVDs that carry 5 times the amount of data as current DVDs.

Same as ps2 what's the point?

Well, the GBA is the same as the SNES, so what's the point?

Portability. Sometimes people want to play games on the go (or when they're stuck in traffic.

DS supports the wireless as well.

edit: I've also read something suggesting that the PSP was having problems and that it's release will probably be delayed. Don't remember where though, but if I do, I'll post it, I guess.

You're absolutley right - DS also supports wireless, but it hasn't announced any uses for it yet. I've got a feeling it's going to be like the broadband adapter for the Gamecube - sure it's pretty, but it doesn't do anything.

Except Picto-chat.

Also, those PSP-delay rumours are just coming up because they don't think Sony's ready - apparently the games at the Tokyo Game Show were only about 75% complete. Considering they've only been in developement since January, and they've got until December, I've got a feeling that they'll be finished in time.

10-20-2004, 05:10 AM
Pictochat and... multiplayer gaming through the use of the wireless, which is included with the demo of Metroid that comes with the system, and a lot of the other games like the Mario 64 DS etc etc. It's built in, so rather than being something Nintendo has always said they didn't want to support fully like the broadband, it's something they're planning to use from the very beginning, and they're integrating it into their opening games.

and like I said, the delays weren't talking about hte games. It was talking about the system overheating and things like that. I just don't remember where I read it.

hb smokey
10-20-2004, 06:40 AM
This is just my opinion, but I believe the sale price at release date for the PSP will be $229.99 in the U.S. I know it sounds ridiculous that the DS is currently going to be the same price as PS2 and X-box, but that's just the way it's going to be.

And Tyrannicide asked why the PSP would cost more than a console. That's a good question, but when it's Sony I'm not really surprised at all.

10-20-2004, 06:59 AM
And Tyrannicide asked why the PSP would cost more than a console. That's a good question, but when it's Sony I'm not really surprised at all.

It's more than just corporate 'greed' involved - in fact, when it comes to games hardware, most companies take a loss. The profit comes from the games - of which they put a huge markup on. (Even when development costs are taken into account, AU$100 is a lot to pay for one dvd and some packaging.).

So, Sony and Microsoft are both taking losses in the hardware field at the moment. To release the PSP at cost would be extremely generous, because the smaller the parts are, the more expensive they are to make. Just look at the prices of laptops compared to desktop computers - miniaturization costs money.

Considering you're getting a handheld PS2, with a built in wireless network adapter and a high resolution LCD screen, the high cost wouldn't surprise me at all.

10-20-2004, 07:29 AM
Actually it kind of makes sense that the PSP would be more expensive than a console seeing as how packing that much power into a pocket-sized machine has got to be pretty fucking expensive.

10-20-2004, 02:02 PM
not likley, id probably get a DS depending on the games that are released for it
the DS is �100 or $150, i was thinking about ordering one yesterday

10-20-2004, 04:15 PM
Even if I was able to get the PSP I would most likely have 10 custom-made cushions, and protective accessories to protect it from scratches... I dont even think it can withstand a fall into my soft pillow... no'r my oh-so muscular arms... If PSP's price goes lower... then definitely.

10-20-2004, 07:11 PM
I'll get it, because I am a consumer whore.

10-21-2004, 01:38 AM
I'll get it, because I am a consumer whore.
Yes. Yes you are.

I'm still not too impressed with the PSP. Knowing the build quality of most Sony products (or a lack of), even if it was released at �150 there's no way I'm buying it.

I'm still hearing numbers of around $300, price wise, furthering my doubts of ever getting a PSP.

hb smokey
10-21-2004, 06:19 AM
I still don't view the PSP as a portable PS2, granted I haven't looked at all the specs for the handheld. If that's the case, then Sony will just make PSP2 a portable PS3, and so on and so forth. But still, I was never a big fan of Sony, only some of it's games. And there is no way I'm going to purchase a PSP. I just want to see Sony lose.

10-22-2004, 08:26 AM
The PSP is going to be great...


10-22-2004, 05:06 PM
Fonk paying $300 for a system that will just produce a bunch of ps2 ports, only play games for 2 hours per charge, and break the first time you drop it because of all the sensitive internal parts. DS plx.

10-23-2004, 01:32 PM
I think it only plays DVDs for 2 hours. It has got about 8 hours for games, iirc?

Still looks shitty tho. =)

10-23-2004, 05:39 PM
It has "undetermined" amount of hours for games. Sony isn't putting a target number out there. They're giving developers a battery emulator so that they can see how much their games drain the battery, and then it's up to them to see what they're fine with. So if they all make really simple puzzle games that don't tax the processor at all, it'll have 8 hours a go, maybe. I'm guessing.

also: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/10/04/news_6109524.html

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-26-2004, 01:53 PM
I like how people act as if the DS will be some insanely durable hand-held console.

10-26-2004, 03:45 PM
I expect it to be. I know I dropped my original gameboy an insane amount of times and the system still works. I've heard that the other Nintendo handhelds are the same way(I don't really damage mine anymore) so I don't expect the DS to be different.

10-26-2004, 06:13 PM
I like how people act as if the DS will be some insanely durable hand-held console.

The DS won't have a bunch of moving parts and a laser like the PSP will.

10-26-2004, 06:16 PM
The DS is made by Nintendo. I have bought every nintendo console and handheld ever made and they all still work.

The PSP is made by Sony. My PS2 stopped playing DVD's last week. I don't like Sony.

10-26-2004, 09:50 PM
I might get one, but they're gonna be expensive...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-27-2004, 04:54 PM
The DS is made by Nintendo. I have bought every nintendo console and handheld ever made and they all still work.

The PSP is made by Sony. My PS2 stopped playing DVD's last week. I don't like Sony.

I had the opposite experience. Well, the system itself worked fine, but the Nintendo cartidges always lost their fucking program data and shit. Get to a certain point in the game and get this shit blur in the screen and such.

Gameboy was a joke, and God forbid you ever leave it near a window in the house, the sunlight toasted the insides and the LCD screen despite the fact the air around it in the house is a cool 70 degrees.

I got the Sega Genesis and never went back to Nintendo, then got the Playstation and trashed the Genesis. PS2 and here we are.

Besides, I play games as a momentary diversion or when I'm bored. Games like Super Smash Bros. Ad Nauseaum and FPS Derivative just don't appeal to me outside of multiplayer PC games.

10-27-2004, 05:12 PM
What you're talking about it is actually probably a problem with the NES's pins. Because the games were inserted from the front, and not the top, the pins that read them get damaged over time. Buy a new set on ebay, or get a top-loading NES.

Also, PSP release was announced as Dec. 12 in japan, for 19800 yen(185 or so dollars).

not bad

10-27-2004, 11:50 PM
Holy crap - well, I don't have any price concerns any more. Some high-ups at Sony must be wincing over the hardware loss, though.

10-28-2004, 12:15 AM
It's pretty standard to take a huge hit on hardware sales though. That's why Nintendo is smart and make their systems cheap to produce.

10-28-2004, 02:07 AM
I'm glad Sony have decided on a reasonable price point. However, I'm still not intending to buy it. No doubt $185 will become $199 when it's actually released in the US (scheduled early '05). And �199 in the UK, of course.

10-28-2004, 02:11 AM
Hand held hmmm I suppose I would buy it

10-28-2004, 02:21 AM
No doubt $185 will become $199 when it's actually released in the US (scheduled early '05). And �199 in the UK, of course.

That's the truth :(

However, for once Sony's actually done a smart thing by making the PSP region-free - I'll be importing one from Japan on Dec. 12.

Well, I might - it depends if any of the launch games are playable with no understanding of the Japanese language. I think i'll have to wait for the US version of Metal Gear AC!D :(

10-28-2004, 03:22 AM
Have fun with Mahjong Fight Club! :P

10-28-2004, 06:41 AM
That's the truth :(

However, for once Sony's actually done a smart thing by making the PSP region-free - I'll be importing one from Japan on Dec. 12.

Did they say they were doing that?

10-28-2004, 06:46 AM
They certainly did. (http://psp.ign.com/articles/561/561098p1.html)

Good thing, too.

10-28-2004, 06:00 PM
I doubt I will buy a PSP.

I will but a Nintendo DS though...

10-28-2004, 09:21 PM
4-6 hours of battery life is the word.

Sony systems are made to withstand a strong breeze, that's about it.

no thanks. Ds plz

10-29-2004, 12:08 AM
4-6 hours of battery life is the word.

Sony systems are made to withstand a strong breeze, that's about it.

no thanks. Ds plz

Sony have also developed the Walkman, which has been the premier personal tape/CD player for ages - and Walkmans get put through a lot of shit.

Mind you, they don't have a massive beautiful LCD screen, but we'll see how it goes.

I'll be getting a PSP and a DS anyway ^^;

10-29-2004, 02:44 AM
Sony have also developed the Walkman, which has been the premier personal tape/CD player for ages - and Walkmans get put through a lot of shit.

Mind you, they don't have a massive beautiful LCD screen, but we'll see how it goes.

I'll be getting a PSP and a DS anyway ^^;The PSP will be more equivalent to a minidisc player. I owned two Sony MD players, both bust within the same year. Relatively well treated (one died of a freak accident). I don't see myself trusting a PSP for more than a year.

In even more negative news, I've heard the DS doesn't have the capability to replace the battery. I'm not happy about this, to say the least.

10-29-2004, 03:16 AM
In even more negative news, I've heard the DS doesn't have the capability to replace the battery. I'm not happy about this, to say the least.
Wot? please elaborate.

10-29-2004, 03:41 AM
I'd like to see the news post for this?

10-29-2004, 07:21 PM
Wot? please elaborate.
The DS apparantly uses an internal rechargable battery, compared to the SP's battery that could, if necessary, be removed by removing the screw underneath.

What does this mean? It pretty much means that after a year or so your battery won't last as long (that's just batteries for you though). Again, my sources aren't proof, but if this is the case I hope there's something that doesn't require me getting a battery pack/new DS after a year of ownage.

10-29-2004, 08:43 PM
i'd still like to see the source.

10-29-2004, 09:51 PM
The DS apparantly uses an internal rechargable battery, compared to the SP's battery that could, if necessary, be removed by removing the screw underneath.

What does this mean? It pretty much means that after a year or so your battery won't last as long (that's just batteries for you though). Again, my sources aren't proof, but if this is the case I hope there's something that doesn't require me getting a battery pack/new DS after a year of ownage.

I see and agree that would be a bad thing.

11-01-2004, 01:17 AM
Meanwhile, the PSP is offering a cell-phone like battery that you can buy - which is a pretty good idea for long trips, having a spare battery you can slip in when your other one dies.

Not that I ever play my current GBA for more than 4 - 6 hours anyway.

11-02-2004, 06:43 AM
im buying the psp its only 200 dollars and it plays movies, the graphics are totally sweet!

11-02-2004, 06:50 AM
im buying the psp its only 200 dollars and it plays movies, the graphics are totally sweet!

Our friend Zachary just summed up why the PSP will be more commercially successful than the Nintendo DS in one sentence, no matter which one has the better games.

Unfortunate :(

11-02-2004, 06:52 AM
The PSP has better games than the DS!!

11-02-2004, 07:10 AM
And by what irrefutable logic do you base that sentence? Neither system has been released, and very few PSP games have been presented in fully playable form.

Perhaps you should reserve your judgement until the games have been released, and you can judge the gameplay for yourself. Just because a game looks better does not make it so - personally, i'm looking forward to both Metal Gear AC!D and Super Mario 64 DS.

11-02-2004, 07:13 AM
Yes very good point. im sorry for making that jugement. I too am looking forward to both systems and metal gear/ mario 64

11-04-2004, 05:37 AM
It's all about what Sony gets that Nintendo doesn't. If they don't get crap, Nintendo will continue to dominate the handheld market. If they get some popular titles Nintendo could have a fight on its hands

If some good RPGs come out for it, then I'll consider buying it. Same with the DS.

11-07-2004, 10:45 AM
I'll no doubt be too poor to afford either the DS or the PSP, but if I get the chance, I'd go for the PSP. I'm really only interested in RPGs and Action/Adventure type games, and I don't see Nintendo providing us with an abundance of those. Then again, the PSP's battery life is rumored to be drastically less than that of the DS. Supposedly attempts to fix problems with the batteries is what's causing delays.

As for that bit about graphics swaying the masses, I'm not entirely sure that will be the case. I think it's quite possible that the Nintendo DS will beat out the PSP simply because people who enjoy handheld will stick to reliable Nintendo. Just as well, people who are generally more informed will gravitate towards Nintendo for its superior battery life and innovative design. Graphics are nothing if the game you want isn't available.

11-07-2004, 02:52 PM
I'm really only interested in RPGs and Action/Adventure type games, and I don't see Nintendo providing us with an abundance of those.
Yeah, because the gameboy advance only has FF1/2: Dawn of Souls, Golden Sun 1+2, the Zeldas, and Sword of Mana. Action Adventure is very hard to do without 3D capabilities, so we can't really judge that yet.

Sony is also well known for giving abundances of subpar games. Killzone, anyone?

The PSP also got reduced to around $200, as our ADD-infused friend Zachary said. However, I do not trust sony to bring out any good games. Remember the beginning of the PS2? I'd say SSX and Timesplitters were the only good games out for a great deal of time. Nintendo will be hitting the ground running, with good inhouse teams and some great third party support (Square, Activision (snarl!), and Sonic Team/Sega.).

We haven't even seen a lineup for the PSP yet - and I can't say I'm too hopeful anything great will be out on it. I'll eat my words if they show anything really hot, but moving parts + portable device = MURDER.

PS: Zachary. Sony have proven themselves immensely incompetant since last E3.

11-07-2004, 07:49 PM
You haven't seen no game line up for the PSP eh. Check out IGN there bud, they list something around vingt games. Decipher that word and check out IGN, a list has been out for ages.

11-08-2004, 01:43 AM
You haven't seen no game line up for the PSP eh. Check out IGN there bud, they list something around vingt games. Decipher that word and check out IGN, a list has been out for ages.
Okay, okay. Checking that list, I see a lot of 3D platformers and racing games and wargames. Oh, and THUG2. And remakes.

Same as the DS, I suppose. Except the concept of moving parts on a portable being completely retarded, and sony having a history of having no concept of an original first-party game. No doubt that won't stop anyone from buying the games because "ITS SONY N THEY R THE BEST."