09-07-2014, 05:49 PM
So with the growing popularity Sparktank's end credits thread ( and Hack3rman's trailer stems thread (Thread 163015), it seems people are becoming interested in more than just official soundtracks and recording sessions. Trailer music I think is starting to gain a larger following than it has before, even though most trailers feature music not present in the final film at all.

With that said, I propose a bold idea: what if we had a thread in the Film and Television Download Links forum that served as a place to keep raw trailer audio all in one place? When I say that, I don't mean a thread with a bunch of Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine music - I mean surround sound files straight from film trailers.

What would the use of this thread be, you ask? If you're into trailer music at all, you've probably heard music in a trailer that you couldn't find anywhere online, if you could even find the name of the music to begin with. Hack3rman's trailer stems thread certainly does have a large assortment of film trailers, but it's mostly films from late 2013 onward - you're probably out of luck if you're interested in a trailer from before then. A trailer audio thread would give you a better chance of finding that music you're looking for. In this thread I could download a 6-channel AC3 file with the audio to the first Interstellar trailer, for instance. With this file, I could remove the center channel, do some editing between the front and rear channels, and hopefully come out with a relatively clean copy of the music.

I'm posting this here because I want to gauge how much interest there would be in such a thread. I don't want to make the thread and then have no body be interested in it. It'd certainly be a huge undertaking, and most of the audio would probably have to be taken off of DVDs and Blu-rays, which is a time-consuming process. But if this were something that forum members were interested in, I'm sure we could amass a pretty decent assortment of trailers old and new. If interest is high, I'd create the thread and start off by adding a few links to newer films, and we'd take it from there.

I personally would love a thread like this, since there have been more than a few times where I was able to get the trailer music from the surround mix, (Days of Future Past and The Winter Soldier come to mind) and I know I can't be the only one who's done that.

Hidden poll option: "It's a good idea, but it needs to be more thought out."

So: thoughts? Questions? Love the idea? Hate it? I came up with this idea in the middle of the night a few days ago, so it probably sounded better then than it does now. :P

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-07-2014, 08:27 PM
you're missing one large factor:


I've mentioned in hack3rman's thread that everyone who has media access has different products available.
Person A from Country A will have different material than Person B from Country B, etc.

hack3rman doesn't have everything in surround sound.

The places I've seen and the people I met, they have surround sound, but the music is not isolated as a separate stem like hack3rman provides.
Instead, the surround sound stems are the final mix: music+sfx+dialogue.

That's the norm of it.
The most you'll see for >1.0 music stems is 2.0.

While this would be a fascinating endeavor, it is quite literally, impossible.

That is, until a messiah comes along with multichannel stems for all elements from some new distributor that just loves audio.

I've got a lot of trailers in lossless surround sound, but they're all the final mix.
And they're extremely mixed. There's no solid way to edit, I think even trying something like Sony Spetcrals wouldn't do any good.

We get lucky with trailers like Interstellar and old trailers like "Dark City" and "The Matrix (teaser)".

The rest of the trailers, I've listened to with a muted center channel and decided if I want to keep it as a music track for my Sony portable, then I would have to take it with a grain of salt and keep everything in the surrounding channels, sfx and all (and the rare occasion of dialogue that bleeds through).

I would be for it, sfx and all.
It's a caveat we would all have to accept at the same time. Holding hands, closing our eyes and jumping into that volcano just like Garfield and Tom Hanks (and Godzilla).

Though, you should change your signature title to more aptly reflect this notion, as people would mistake it for another "trailer stem" thread.
"trailer rips (with sfx)"
Don't be that marketing guy on TV that promises working products when you can see the vacuum tube has been patched with duct tape.

Also, I didn't vote.
Hidden Vote: "It could work, it just needs working on"

09-07-2014, 10:07 PM
Person A from Country A will have different material than Person B from Country B, etc.

Yeah, that's something I was thinking about.

What's more, PAL runs just a hair faster than NTSC, but the difference is still very noticeable. So that's a problem, too.

The places I've seen and the people I met, they have surround sound, but the music is not isolated as a separate stem like hack3rman provides.
Instead, the surround sound stems are the final mix: music+sfx+dialogue.

Yes, I'm well aware that stems are very different from a final surround sound mix. However, I've found that most trailers keep the majority of dialogue isolated in the center channel. If you're lucky most of the SFX are in the center channel too. Just about every time I work with a surround mix, there are SFX and maybe a little dialogue mixed in with the front and rear channels. Sometimes I find that the front channels have a sound effect that the rear channels do not, and with some audio editing I'm able to remove that effect while keeping music volume constant. If you're a dedicated enough editor, you can often get a pretty decent outcome through working with a trailer's surround mix.

Thanks for the suggestions; I've changed my sig accordingly, and looking back I should have added something like what you suggested as a poll option.

09-07-2014, 11:31 PM
I like the sound of this thread. I'd love to have the full mix of the final Avengers trailer

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-08-2014, 12:12 AM
What's more, PAL runs just a hair faster than NTSC, but the difference is still very noticeable. So that's a problem, too.

For HD material, PAL countries use native 24fps.
25fps is only for DVD and 1080i (interlaced 25fps to 50fps).

All NTSC material is 23.976fps so it's not that drastic.

The audio is actually the same, it's just the video that needs to be converted.

If anything, PAL is correct FPS with its 24fps super powers.

09-08-2014, 07:50 PM
I'd love to have the full mix of the final Avengers trailer


For HD material, PAL countries use native 24fps... The audio is actually the same, it's just the video that needs to be converted.

Well, well! That's news to me. Glad to hear they changed that for Blu-ray. But if the video is slightly sped up on DVD, wouldn't the audio have to be sped up as well so that it could sync properly?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
09-08-2014, 08:34 PM
But if the video is slightly sped up on DVD, wouldn't the audio have to be sped up as well so that it could sync properly?


I don't deal in DVD.
Go for BD. Join the Master Race.

09-08-2014, 08:38 PM

I don't deal in DVD.
Go for BD. Join the Master Race.

I try to use HD material when I can, but I don't have a Blu-ray drive on my computer, and for older trailers you'd probably have to turn to DVD anyway.

James P.Sullivan
09-16-2014, 12:32 PM
Yeah, why not give this thread a go if you think you can do it? :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
10-30-2014, 11:00 PM
Did you do it?

I've been gone a long time.

10-31-2014, 12:32 AM
Did you do it?

I've been gone a long time.

It's on my To-Do list.