10-19-2004, 07:10 AM
Does any one have any info. If so please tell me. The pc versions of XIII and XII have been released but not IX? why?

The Sage
10-24-2004, 02:51 PM
There isn't one because it woulndn't sell very well. FFIX did poorly in sales when it first came out so they didn't bother spending money making it work on PC/MAC

10-24-2004, 05:08 PM
Does any one have any info. If so please tell me. The pc versions of XIII and XII have been released but not IX? why?

I think you meant, VII, and VIII.

Lets face it, both FFVII, anf FFVIII sold awfully well, they were bound to reach the PC.

Unfortunately, FFIX was introduced not long before the Playstation 2, thus, it didn't sell well at all.
Final Fantasy IX has about 1 in 100000000000 chance of being re-released on ANY system.

The Sage
10-26-2004, 11:43 AM
dude it's a typo ligthen up, we all do it from time to time.

10-27-2004, 04:14 PM
I think you meant, VII, and VIII.

I don't think he sounded very rude or was trying to sound rude. Just clearing things up, that's all.

I don't see why they don't make a PC version regardless of sales/costs because damn... How hard is it to put on PC? The game was craeted on a bunch of computers anyways. Making ports isn't hard at all. They should've made it, damnit. I would love a PC version of IX...

10-29-2004, 02:57 AM
they actually are making a pc port of FFIX. http://www.ffonline.com/news/news.php?article=2002-04-01

10-29-2004, 02:42 PM
Somewhere.... somehow,... Nelson Muntz is laughing... :p

Seriously, you've been had. The 'FFIX Special Edition' for PC which was listed on FF Online was an old April Fool's Joke from a couple of years back that the admin of the site ran for a while, gaining quite a few laughs in the process.

The joke sucked quite a few people in too (including yours truely), until the site owners finally came clean on their forums about it a few weeks later. Unfortunately, FFO has recently undergone a revamp, with the odd effect that a lot of the site's old features are now randomly displayed, despite being hideously out of date, including the FFIX PC joke, sucking in a whole new generation of gamers.

However, being a longtime user of FF Online, I can safely assure you now, there is NO FFIX 'Speical Edition' for PC. It is complete rubbish which shouldn't be taken seriously.

So, no FFIX PC version still for you I'm afraid...

10-29-2004, 07:32 PM
oh i feel like an idiot

11-09-2004, 06:08 PM
Don't worry, I felt exactly the same when I realised it was fake.

Anyway, the closest thing to a PC version of FFIX at the moment incidentally, is the online version of Tetra Master that is included with FFXI. It's undergone a major revamp, and includes new features such as special combos and board effects, plus whole new cards have been added to the existing selection, including FFIX character cards!

Unfortunately, it can be played online only (there is no offline mode), and costs the grand sum of a US dollar a month to play (on top of your standard FFXI charges). But if you were a fan of Tetra Master in FFIX, it would be well worth having a try of it's FFXI version as well, if only for the thrill of playing it on your PC.

Apart from that, Square Enix have said they have no plans to port FFIX to the PC at the moment (this is actually mentioned on their FAQ page), but then, I would never have predicted a Square/Enix merger to begin with, so anything is possible I guess.

Still, if you really want to play FFIX on the PC, there is always emulation...