09-07-2014, 02:07 AM
Hi guys, I've been looking for a game that's similar to Parasite Eve (PS1) in terms of style, feel, and quality. I guess it sort of qualifies as a JRPG, but its more unique in a way that the theme/story is more focused unlike FF series. Something similar to Parasite Eve i guess is Vagrant Story, at least that's what comes to mind.

Anyway, suggestions welcome!

09-07-2014, 02:37 AM
Parasite Eve is a hybrid of survival horror games and Action RPG's. So obviously the original RE trilogy, Dino Crisis 1/2, Silent Hill have some similarities. However something outside the well known would be Galerians and Fear Effect for PS1 or D2 for dreamcast. They arguably can be compared to Parasite eve but as far as them being great games...well haha.

I think Shadowrun for SNES is somewhat similar title regarding a mix of the two genres, although it's cyber punk, not horror. It's also uses a point and click design and if that trips your trigger, Clock Tower is a horror title that utilizes it as well.

I think Vagrant story is an excellent comparison since both have the grid/pause battle feature.
This is something also seen in the Chrono series, Mana series, Tales of/Star Ocean series but they are menu based.

There's lots of "similar" games but I think Parasite Eve is pretty unique and it has very few rivals.

Darth Revan
09-07-2014, 09:08 AM
This thread should be moved to the Roly Playing Games ("') subforum.

To answer the question... games like Urameshi7 has suggested would be your best bet. Games like Koudelka, Shadow Hearts and Shadow Heats Covenant come to mind. The original Alone in the Dark would be another recommendation.

09-08-2014, 03:05 AM
no resident evil is an rpg, neither are SH series.

PE is a pretty unique series that encases survival horror elements with a solid rpg system.
i guess the closest would be koudelka, but the battles are tedious, and more in tune with a strategy rpg unlike PE which takes it "random" battles on the spot, giving you either a wide space or a cluttered mess which can make you open for an attack.

with the style and feel i cannot help you, but on quality, almost all other squaresoft rpgs of the psx are your best bet.
and grandia.

02-07-2016, 07:29 PM
NOTHING is close to PE1 sadly..... but it is also great, cause this game is so unique and just GREAT!
i played it when it forst came out and NOTHING came even close to this game. a MASTERPIECE!

02-07-2016, 07:34 PM
A year later, and redpath9 finally gets his answer.

At long last, tonight he will sleep, and in his sleep he will know peace.