10-19-2004, 02:25 AM
Did you think of Aeris' death as funny? Sad? Cool? Post what you think.

10-19-2004, 02:30 AM
When I first saw that scene, I cried. It made me feel very, very sad. I wasn't used to seeing my favorite character die. the music makes it seem very sad.. even today, it still makes my eyes go watery. :-[

10-19-2004, 02:31 AM
When I first saw that scene, I cried. It made me feel very, very sad. I wasn't used to seeing my favorite character die. the music makes it seem very sad.. even today, it still makes my eyes go watery. :-[

I know, the music makes it sad the most.

grn apple tree
10-19-2004, 02:31 AM
i didn't cry but i did like but i didn't think it was cool but the only thing close to i liked it was it was cool but i did like it. very good

10-19-2004, 02:39 AM
I thought it was funny cuz i hated aeris and sephiroth did me a favour by dissposing of her

10-19-2004, 02:56 AM
I thought it was funny cuz i hated aeris and sephiroth did me a favour by dissposing of her
*covers aeris' ears* shh...not so loud. but then again, not everyone likes the same things you (and everyone else) likes.

grn apple tree
10-19-2004, 02:56 AM

10-19-2004, 03:01 AM
heeeyyyy! i use that word a lot! okay, back on topic, I'm at the temple of the ancients right now. err..more like, about to go inside of it. but i don't want to go past that part, know... but I have to have something to do, instead of wasting minutes leveling each of the characters. which reminds me, i got Aeris' level 4 limit yesterday! (woot!) but i don't know how it looks like...yet..

Dot Centaur
10-19-2004, 03:07 AM
I didn't cry because she's not a real person. But I did frown the whole time because I was sad. She was my second favorite female character :(.

grn apple tree
10-19-2004, 03:09 AM
i just get alot of goosebumps in sad moments...

10-19-2004, 03:27 AM
i found it tear jerking and thought that it was a beautiful scene when cloud let her sink in the water.

Blue Yuna
10-19-2004, 04:17 AM
I didn't cry but I hated that they dropped her, because she was my fav character :sad:. It makes me really mad when a game just drops a good character. The scene where Cloud put her in the water was sweet. I like it... sorta. :-\

10-19-2004, 04:20 AM
i cried like hell by the by my name. I luved her!!!

10-19-2004, 04:30 AM
a bit of tears in my eyes... not sure if that qualifies as crying

the music got stuck in my head and made me feel depressed for quite a few days. in fact i still avoid listening to it... but then it was only a couple of weeks ago when i first got to that part.

hb smokey
10-19-2004, 04:49 AM
I was really surprised when I first witnessed this scene years ago, but when I think back upon it I'm not sure why. It was just a regular scene like the rest of them, nothing extraordinary.

10-19-2004, 04:52 AM
I dont see why so many felt it was so sad can sombody tell me why because a animated character dying is nothing realy to make much fuss about (or even sry in that matter).

Dot Centaur
10-19-2004, 05:01 AM
I dont see why so many felt it was so sad can sombody tell me why because a animated character dying is nothing realy to make much fuss about (or even sry in that matter).

That's why I didn't shed a tear. Even though I love Aerith and was dissapointed she died, she's just an animated pixel character. I can't cry over that. When Rei died in Eva, she was my favorite character and I didn't cry, I was just sad and frowned. I can frown, but I won't shed a tear over a pixel dying.

10-19-2004, 05:01 AM
I dont see why so many felt it was so sad can sombody tell me why because a animated character dying is nothing realy to make much fuss about (or even sry in that matter).

why do people get emotional over movies, tvs, novels? i mean it's just people acting or words printed on a page.

it depends on how immersed you are with the story. it's easy for some to get really immersed into a story and impossible for others. and of course you have to let yourself get immersed too. how emotional you are also plays a role.

10-19-2004, 09:05 AM
You do notneed to know what I thought when I saw this Scene but you do need to know what I thought when I saw this thread. Make sure you let everyone know that there are spoilers, mainly because there are people who have not finished the game yet!

10-19-2004, 10:45 AM
Well i thought it was one of the best scenes in the game, And i wasnt too keen on Aeris anyway, always running away and getting slapped by tseng, so meh.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-19-2004, 11:04 AM
I was crying, when she died. She was a nice person, and she just wanted to have a little fun in her depressed life. And then she had to die! :sad:

Even if she's not real, it doesn't matter to me. It is just like reading a book. If you get into the people and story, you'll be sad about things like that too. :(

10-19-2004, 12:01 PM
I did cry, though I am ashamed to say it.


Because, in playing it again, it really doesn't seem that emotionally intense. Or anything.

10-19-2004, 12:05 PM
I was completely unaffected. Though it might have had something to do with my irritation at the badly designed sequence right before then.

The only part of it I even cared about was the lack of blood. I wondered if that was an intentional cultural reference. I still don't know for sure.

10-19-2004, 12:55 PM
I was a bit surprised the first time I played, but now I know it's an important moment in the game. But I didn't like her much anyway...;)

10-19-2004, 01:37 PM
Was packing up for a flight. Heck had 2 hours before I was gonna leave, no point sleeping so I pushed ahead with my first ff7 game. I definately overreacted to this and combined with the crap air at 35,000ft, I ended up with a stomach upset.

Ah well, I was also clinically "depressed" back then due to factors in real life and well...that's gotta have helped my overreaction.

Vash The Stampede23
10-19-2004, 01:56 PM
Serious Tear Jerker But thats it And The Music Is Saddening

Dot Centaur
10-19-2004, 02:15 PM
Serious Tear Jerker But thats it And The Music Is Saddening

The music wasn't supposed to be saddening. That's Aerith's theme.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-19-2004, 02:26 PM
Yeah, the way they played Aeris' Theme, made the whole scenery even more sad. And it was supposed to be this way. :sad:

Huntress Krystle
10-19-2004, 03:35 PM
It was the saddest scene among all ff games for me. It made me cry too. It was so moving. And I wish I couldve used Aeris in the game longer.

10-19-2004, 07:19 PM
the first time i played ff7 and saw the aeris scene i crying but then agen i was only like 10 but never the less im a man im a disgrace

10-20-2004, 12:00 AM
I never cried. I don't cry over such things. But I was surprised, cuz I never saw it comming. Also I tok the time to level her up to like 50 the first time thru and to only find she get killed.

10-20-2004, 02:19 AM
When people say there was no blood they just need to realize that was the becuase it was crappy 1997 graphics and it was the best they could do.

Dot Centaur
10-20-2004, 04:21 AM
I never cried. I don't cry over such things. But I was surprised, cuz I never saw it comming. Also I tok the time to level her up to like 50 the first time thru and to only find she get killed.

I took the time to keep her in my party and also get Great Gospel so I can enjoy her character while she was still alive. She was good too and I loved her alot.

hb smokey
10-20-2004, 05:39 AM
When people say there was no blood they just need to realize that was the becuase it was crappy 1997 graphics and it was the best they could do.
The graphics could be considered crappy now, but back then they were deemed revolutionary. Also, I don't think it was too much to add a little red into a FMV, so to say that there was no blood because the graphics were crappy and the best Square could do, is beyond me.

Dot Centaur
10-20-2004, 06:32 AM
The graphics could be considered crappy now, but back then they were deemed revolutionary. Also, I don't think it was too much to add a little red into a FMV, so to say that there was no blood because the graphics were crappy and the best Square could do, is beyond me.

10-20-2004, 08:15 AM
There is an actual reason to why there was no blood drawn for Sephiroths sword the Masamune.

And here it is:

The story leads back to feudal Japan. There were two famous swordmakers, Masamune and Murasame (Murasame is one of Cloud's weapons). Both made excellent weapons, but there was a difference. Murasame's weapons were bloodthirsty, where as Masamune's was not.

One day Masamune and Murasame placed thier swords into a gentle moving stream. A leaf passed by Masamune's blade safely, where as it was sliced in half by Murasame's. What makes this interesting is the lack of blood during Aeris' death. When Sephiroth thrusts his Masamune blade through her body, we see no blood.

And there you have it.

10-20-2004, 08:34 AM
It was also said that people cut by Masamune's blade did not bleed. That was why I wondered about it when I played the game.

But who knows if that was really the case? It might have just been an artistic decision intended to keep that scene from being too graphic/disturbing. All I've ever seen is speculation, not anything conclusive.

Aerith Gainsborough
10-20-2004, 08:43 AM
I'm sure it has to do with the legend of Masamune and Murasame.

I don't believe it has anything to do with tha graphics, because when you see Sephi at the end, you see him bleeding too. ;)

10-20-2004, 09:01 AM
But you were supposed to want to see Sephiroth like that, not a sweet and kind character like Aeris who you're supposed to miss. Adding blood to that scene might have just made it revolting, so I can see why it could be done from a purely artistic stance.

10-20-2004, 09:08 AM
Cool, I never knew about those Masamune things.
Anyway, when I watched it I thought it was rather strange, cause as some said here, there was no blood.
Besides I knew that Aerith gets killed by Sephiroth, because of my spoiling friend.

10-20-2004, 09:15 AM
Was it kind of like the spoling name of this thread??

10-20-2004, 10:19 PM
I guess it is. The thread name is like a spoiler but its not like it didn't ask for people who hadn't finish yet to come here. They do have a choice if they wanna know or just ignore the thread title.
Hmm..Aeris's passing made me sad. And I cried to my heart's content. She may just be a pixel character, but some would have to think that a tear jerker moment like that can bring up other people memories. I know it brought up some sad moments in my life and I can closely relate to the pain of each character felt during the loss of Aeris, besides the Aeris's song playing to intensify the moment.

Lunatic HighVII
10-20-2004, 10:45 PM
I didn't sob, but I did cry. It was weird, because I'm not the crying type, and not many things can make me cry. Aeris was probably my favorite character, and her sweet innocent personality was the saddest thing. She did nothing but good, and she died with a smile. I think thats what did it. That, and the msuic, like aeriscloud said. ;) A very, pretty song, though.

10-21-2004, 12:58 AM
*covers aeris' ears* shh...not so loud. but then again, not everyone likes the same things you (and everyone else) likes.
What does everyone like if u know what they do

hb smokey
10-21-2004, 06:23 AM
There is an actual reason to why there was no blood drawn for Sephiroths sword the Masamune.

And here it is:

The story leads back to feudal Japan. There were two famous swordmakers, Masamune and Murasame (Murasame is one of Cloud's weapons). Both made excellent weapons, but there was a difference. Murasame's weapons were bloodthirsty, where as Masamune's was not.

One day Masamune and Murasame placed thier swords into a gentle moving stream. A leaf passed by Masamune's blade safely, where as it was sliced in half by Murasame's. What makes this interesting is the lack of blood during Aeris' death. When Sephiroth thrusts his Masamune blade through her body, we see no blood.

And there you have it.
Well that is a very believable reason, but if that is the actual one for why there was no blood is yet to be seen. Masamune is also Frog's best weapon in Chrono Trigger, which was coincidentally split before he acquired it; Masa, and Mune. Both the Masamune and Murasame are also the two best swords for Edge in FFIV.

But again, I'm still not sure if what you said actually was the case for no blood in the scene.

Vash The Stampede23
10-22-2004, 02:26 PM
No he is Right I remember that In the Story that Sephoroths Sword Doesn't Draw Blood thats How Sharp it is...

10-22-2004, 05:54 PM
I never saw that in the game. And besides that, it makes no sense. A sword wound bleeds no matter how sharp the blade is.

10-22-2004, 06:28 PM
Thinking about it, this thing is FICTION where the rules the govern how the *real* world works need not apply.

As for the lack of blood...I bet it's to avoid a M-rating...that would be awfully disgusting.

Angelic Aeris
10-22-2004, 08:01 PM
i was extremely sad after her death! she didn't deserve it!!!!!! (besides, she's my favorite charcter! *wink wink*) i was crying for hours and hours too. still to this very day, when i listen to her theme and watch her die...i cry a lot.

Angelic Aeris
10-23-2004, 02:11 PM
i'm listening to her theme right now, i don't like the fact she died one bit.

Angelic Aeris
10-28-2004, 12:13 AM
off topic:why isn't anyone coming here?? (sorry but i just had to ask getting kind of lonely)

10-28-2004, 08:21 AM
it was cool the way sephiroth came down on her and kinda sad n touchy the she died :)

10-28-2004, 10:54 PM
Hmmm...I guess. I know some people thought it was cool....but even though its fictional, if someone was to died like that or similar, that would be the cruelest thing in the world. Their dreams,hopes,their world..... everything was taken away from their very eyes and that's the saddest and cruelest thing to happen. I'm sure Aeris must have felt that way, her world being ripped apart before she even knew it. That is the most cruelest and saddest thing to happen to her.

Angelic Aeris
10-30-2004, 01:18 AM
Hmmm...I guess. I know some people thought it was cool....but even though its fictional, if someone was to died like that or similar, that would be the cruelest thing in the world. Their dreams,hopes,their world..... everything was taken away from their very eyes and that's the saddest and cruelest thing to happen. I'm sure Aeris must have felt that way, her world being ripped apart before she even knew it. That is the most cruelest and saddest thing to happen to her.
yeah i agree with the this very day, i still cry my eyes out when i see it..that's why i tried ressurecting her and it did work but however, it felt as if she wasn't there anyways for the fact that she only spoke after her death like around 3-5 times, it didn't seem there was a point to that...but anyways..who else her still cries about her death fmv or when you just hear the music?

okay i know this is a bit off topic but forgive me for that. i'm just many of you people hate those other people wo say "oh, aeris is dead so cloud belongs with tifa now?" ? i leave little "polite" messages at their "frontdoor". i DO NOT like people like that so i'm just saying those tifa or aeris fans out there who hate aeris or tifa, calm down already! plus, aeris and tifa are friends, so enough and once again i will say ENOUGH with the hating already. so maybe you have your own opinions but that doesn't mean you go moping around others' and make fun of them. Any true aeris fan would know that. am i right or are you going to say that i'm wrong? because if you do, you're sadly mistaken because of the fact i can write you a whole essay about it. So, not to be mean, but unless you want to read one of my very very very very very long essays and burn and sting your eyes out with so many words, stop hating aeris and saying she's weak. So. How many have seen the same thing in fanfics, or posts or so forth?

I never saw that in the game. And besides that, it makes no sense. A sword wound bleeds no matter how sharp the blade is.
oh yeah, almost forgot... no, you're wrong actually. what they're saying is actually true. i have 55 books on japanese stuff so don't go underestimating me. Truly, i believe it's better that way even if it weren;t true because again, if they had a M rating it'd be pretty scary and stuff like that. So, just to prove you're wrong, (oooo i love doing that..sorry O:] ) i had to post this up. my friend is japanese and i asked her too. So, unless you are trying to prove someone wrong who is actually japanese go ahead and say yours please. those swords are so sharp that it comes out the wound is supposebly a "clean" kill. Nevertheless, it is possible that aeris could have gotten no blood loss but was bleeding from inside in her own body maybe in a vital organ. So, have i proven my point yet? (okay i'm being a brat, i know and sorry for that too)

10-30-2004, 02:09 AM
Your entire argument seems to be based on "I read books about Japan" and "My friend said so." That doesn't hold up.

The only way a wound will not bleed is if it is cauterized instantly. There's no way a sharp blade can seal the blood vessels it cuts. And besides, Japanese swords are no sharper than swords from any other region. That's because if you make a blade too sharp, the edge becomes brittle.

10-30-2004, 02:42 AM
Hmmm...I guess. I know some people thought it was cool....but even though its fictional, if someone was to died like that or similar, that would be the cruelest thing in the world. Their dreams,hopes,their world..... everything was taken away from their very eyes and that's the saddest and cruelest thing to happen. I'm sure Aeris must have felt that way, her world being ripped apart before she even knew it. That is the most cruelest and saddest thing to happen to her.

Hadn't she known that she was going to get killed by Sephiroth, since she started casting Holy? I could be wrong, but I thought that some characters had conversation which pointed it out.

10-30-2004, 08:28 PM
Well, I'm a guy, and I "almost" cried when I saw her get killed by Sephiroth. I liked the scene where Cloud descends her in the water. That scene was very beautiful. I was so shocked and very sad that she died that I didn't play FFVII for about a year. After that, I tried to resurrect her several times, but with no success..sigh. Well, I guess that her death had a meaning. She saved everyone in the end. I hate Sephiroth, but it's not fully his fault that he thinks himself to be the rightful heir to the world. Sephiroth thinks that he is an Ancient since he was infected with Jenova cells and thinks that Jenova (and he) are Ancients. He thinks that the world belongs to him. I truly believe that Sephiroth is just confused - after all, it was Hojo that did this to Sephiroth, his own son, and made him believe that he is an Ancient. I think it's not really Sephiroth's fault. I feel sorry for Sephiroth, I think the whole thing is not his fault, but Hojo's, although I'm very mad at Sephiroth for killing Aeris.

Terra Fire
10-30-2004, 08:39 PM
It was kinda weird i thought but slightly sad. But it was weird 'cause cloud let her sink into the water rite? well the water looked deep was he errr swimmin or sumtin cause it looked like he was standing..... I'm confused!!!!

10-31-2004, 10:00 AM
Cloud was standing on some kind of a pod in the shallow water. Here's a sketch.


___ Pod
C - Cloud
A - Aeris
W - deep water
I - edge of the pod ^_^

Oops, I messed up the sketch. Sorry. Just imagine that the letters below Cloud and the pod are moved to the right 6 spaces, and you should get the idea.

Terra Fire
10-31-2004, 12:59 PM
ok thanks monk

10-31-2004, 02:00 PM
Any time ^_^

Angelic Aeris
10-31-2004, 05:34 PM
Your entire argument seems to be based on "I read books about Japan" and "My friend said so." That doesn't hold up.

The only way a wound will not bleed is if it is cauterized instantly. There's no way a sharp blade can seal the blood vessels it cuts. And besides, Japanese swords are no sharper than swords from any other region. That's because if you make a blade too sharp, the edge becomes brittle.

well, if i'm not right then it was er pretty much done instantly, i mean that he just well did it quick and fast, nothing more to say. And for my proof, with my friend, it's good to check, is it not? or would you rather prefer the way of "guessing" that you're right? and besides, how do you know about japanese swords and how sharp they are, it's not like you own any, do you? and it wasn't an arguement in the first place, just stating my own opinions about your statement is there an issue about it? :-(

oh yeah, here's some better info on it. =)

How many times have you heard, "Aerith is DEAD!!!!" from people who argue against Cloud's love for Aerith? Why does it matter if she's dead? Why do these people think that Cloud loving Aerith means that she has to be revived? That isn't the idea at all...

No, Cloud's not a necrophiliac who wants a relationship with Aerith's dead body, either. The idea of Cloud loving Aerith isn't about them having a relationship in the physical world. It's about Cloud remembering his love for Aerith in his heart.

We don't *know* how Cloud and Aerith can be together again, or even *if* they will ever be together again. That's the whole tragedy of their love, as well as the beauty of it. Cloud vowed to meet Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of FFVII. It may be a vow to do the impossible, yet Cloud wants to try because he loves her. Cloud dreams of meeting Aerith against all odds, because that's where his heart is.

Cloud and Aerith have been separated by fate and by death, yet even death is powerless in the face of Cloud and Aerith�s desire to be together again, even if it's impossible... and Cloud still dreams of trying.

aww!!! so cute right...?

sooo have i proved i'm a good enough aeris and cloud fan yet? =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

10-31-2004, 06:26 PM
I cried when I saw it first and just thought it was sad when I saw it everytime after that because I knew it was coming. :(

10-31-2004, 10:18 PM
I must say I agree with you, Angelic Aeris. You're right all the way.

10-31-2004, 10:21 PM
I was very suprised that Aeris was killed, i didnt not expect it to happen but i thought it had a great impact on the game making the atmosphere of the game alot better.

11-01-2004, 01:13 AM
Angelic Aeris, I know precisely how sharp they are. I have collected swords for 7 years and presently own 22 weapons of various sizes and shapes. 2 of them are high-quality custom forged katanas. I also have a friend who is a proficient blacksmith. This guy has worked with metal for his entire adult life and has more weapons on his wall than I do. All in all, I probably have a lot more knowledge of edged weaponry than you do.

And when you say that I'm wrong on something, it becomes an argument (or debate, if you prefer) the moment I respond to it.

Angelic Aeris
11-01-2004, 02:18 AM
thanks monk, for the support! =)

okay prak but still, i think it's still true that way though, what the japanese believe is what they believe soo....truce? or shall we further continue this useless "arguement"?

oh yeah...and umm one thing, you didn't answer all my questions above prak. =) :-(

Landlord of Sector 7
11-01-2004, 02:39 AM
Angelic Aeris the only thing I have to tell you is that there is NO SUCH THING as a "good Aeris fan" and as long as you keep calling yourself you will be a complete loser at these lie.

11-01-2004, 06:07 AM
This game is fiction. Fiction means anything can be possible. Fiction means that one can defy the laws of science.

11-01-2004, 07:18 AM
But the laws of science allow us to poke fun at unrealistic fiction also.

Angelic Aeris, what exactly have I not answered?

11-01-2004, 09:10 AM
Angelic Aeris the only thing I have to tell you is that there is NO SUCH THING as a "good Aeris fan" and as long as you keep calling yourself you will be a complete loser at these lie.

Landlord of sector 7, Angelic Aeris can be a fan of any character. There's nothing wrong with that. Stop calling Aeris fans losers cuz that's not nice. I agree that you have the right to say your opinion, but don't be so rude at it.
Angelic Aeris has the right to say HIS opinion, too.

I agree with Pacific - FFVII is fiction and everything's possible. Comparing real life to FFVII is just stupid.

11-01-2004, 09:15 AM
Comparing real life to FFVII is just stupid.

Dare to be stupid!

Angelic Aeris
11-01-2004, 09:19 PM
Landlord of sector 7, Angelic Aeris can be a fan of any character. There's nothing wrong with that. Stop calling Aeris fans losers cuz that's not nice. I agree that you have the right to say your opinion, but don't be so rude at it.
Angelic Aeris has the right to say HIS opinion, too.

I agree with Pacific - FFVII is fiction and everything's possible. Comparing real life to FFVII is just stupid.

umm..i'm a girl you know... :-(

11-01-2004, 09:23 PM
Prak, just let it go.

Don't let your personal biases hinder others enjoyment of FF characters.

Angelic Aeris
11-01-2004, 09:29 PM
Angelic Aeris the only thing I have to tell you is that there is NO SUCH THING as a "good Aeris fan" and as long as you keep calling yourself you will be a complete loser at these lie.

you really can't take the fact that people believe in different things, can you? or is it just that you hate aeris fans because you can't stand the fact people like someone you hate? Oh yeah, and i'm not the loser here, you are. you're too cowardice to back up your statements that you said simply say i'm stupid. think again little arrogant person because i'm not taking insults like i'm some clueless person from the mental institution. :-(

oh, there's someone here? cool, finally someone to talk to!

Dare to be stupid!

*hi-fives prak* yeah! that's right! i'm bursting out with laughter already. =)

Angelic Aeris, I know precisely how sharp they are. I have collected swords for 7 years and presently own 22 weapons of various sizes and shapes. 2 of them are high-quality custom forged katanas. I also have a friend who is a proficient blacksmith. This guy has worked with metal for his entire adult life and has more weapons on his wall than I do. All in all, I probably have a lot more knowledge of edged weaponry than you do.

And when you say that I'm wrong on something, it becomes an argument (or debate, if you prefer) the moment I respond to it.

okay you have your point...i don't like to argue then so, are we friends or are you going to hate me like landlord of sector 7 does? :-( =)

11-01-2004, 10:09 PM
Oh, so you're a girl. Sorry about that ^_^. You know, I kinda saw that one coming...

Listen, Prak, just cool it, OK. No one wants to get into such discussions. Why don't you leave others alone to enjoy this discussion. You're just spoiling everything for everyone. You have a right to say what you think, but you could do it much more nicely, and you know that. You can state your beliefs, but don't spoil the whole discussion for everyone, it's not nice towards the other people on this forum.

Please try be more nice, OK.

hb smokey
11-01-2004, 10:19 PM
okay you have your point...i don't like to argue then so, are we friends or are you going to hate me like landlord of sector 7 does? :-( =)
I'd hate to break it to you, but you shouldn't care if Landlord of Sector 7 hates you or not.

Angelic Aeris
11-02-2004, 03:11 AM
I'd hate to break it to you, but you shouldn't care if Landlord of Sector 7 hates you or not.

tee hee, who said i cared or not :p you know what i meeaaan?

Oh, so you're a girl. Sorry about that ^_^. You know, I kinda saw that one coming...

Listen, Prak, just cool it, OK. No one wants to get into such discussions. Why don't you leave others alone to enjoy this discussion. You're just spoiling everything for everyone. You have a right to say what you think, but you could do it much more nicely, and you know that. You can state your beliefs, but don't spoil the whole discussion for everyone, it's not nice towards the other people on this forum.

Please try be more nice, OK.

it's okay, i get sometimes, "is aeris a girl's name?" a lot.

11-02-2004, 07:02 AM
Monk, what the hell is your problem? I haven't been rude to anyone, and certainly not you. I've been blunt with my presentations, but I'm always that way. And how do my posts disrupt your enjoyment of the discussion? You must be awfully sensitive or something.

Angelic Aeris, I don't hate you at all. Heck, you even laughed(?) at one of my lousy jokes. :)

11-02-2004, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=Prak]Monk, what the hell is your problem? I haven't been rude to anyone, and certainly not you. I've been blunt with my presentations, but I'm always that way. And how do my posts disrupt your enjoyment of the discussion? You must be awfully sensitive or something.

Angelic Aeris, I don't hate you at all. Heck, you even laughed(?) at one of my lousy jokes. :)[/QUOTE

You say you're always like that, then it's OK, but I guess I think it's kinda rude. OK, now I know it's not your goal to be rude - I didn't know you were like that the whole time. Sorry 'bout that. But you spoil a nice conversation by contradicting almost everything we say.

11-02-2004, 09:47 AM
A conversation isn't worth anything if everyone agrees. ;)

11-02-2004, 02:47 PM
You speak wisely, Prak. I guess I have to agree on this one ^_^

Angelic Aeris
11-02-2004, 09:46 PM
Monk, what the hell is your problem? I haven't been rude to anyone, and certainly not you. I've been blunt with my presentations, but I'm always that way. And how do my posts disrupt your enjoyment of the discussion? You must be awfully sensitive or something.

Angelic Aeris, I don't hate you at all. Heck, you even laughed(?) at one of my lousy jokes. :)

then, buddies it is! =)

01-15-2005, 08:11 PM
i found it tear jerking and thought that it was a beautiful scene when cloud let her sink in the water.

Yes, me too.

01-15-2005, 09:38 PM
i cried at first *i was only 8* and then iplayed it recently, and i laughed *now that i am 14*

01-15-2005, 10:47 PM
I cried and I'm not ashamed to admit it, although now I kinda get angry with Cloud for just standing there. The music is heart wrenching for me, even now when I hear it I get saddend by it. I even tried to write a Fanfic, but i couldn't finish it because it was so sad :(

01-16-2005, 03:34 AM
I cried a lot, but it was a great scene ;)

yea, course its not real, but when I saw it I was already feeling inside the game......the story ..............or anything like that..........also aerith's theme is a great song, just the song is enough to make me get emotional ;P

01-16-2005, 03:40 AM
yes it is a tragic scene but why cry when you can start a new game and have aeris all over again hmm.

01-17-2005, 02:50 PM
but then she dies again.

01-17-2005, 04:57 PM
yes it is a tragic scene but why cry when you can start a new game and have aeris all over again hmm.

you cry because she was the last cetra left on their earth

01-17-2005, 04:59 PM
Yeah, that's gonna put the planet's pest exterminators out of business. :laugh:

01-17-2005, 05:18 PM
I thought it was funny cuz i hated aeris and sephiroth did me a favour by dissposing of her

My thoughts exactly. Shame old Sepiroth wasn't around to sort out Yuna from FF10+ 10-2 :-(

01-17-2005, 05:27 PM
It was sad. sorta. It would have been really funny though if sephiroth just kept hitting her with his tongue poked out. STAB HERE STAB THERE then when he leaves and they put aeris in the water, he flies out of the air again and starts stabbing her again. STAB HERE STAB THERE. So anyway he leaves again. So cloud starts putting her in the water again, then when cloud and the gang are walking off they look into the water and see sephiroth stabbing Aerith again. then cloud says "Fuck it, lets go. Shes already dead" and Sephiroths still got his tongue poked out gigling a funny laugh. hahaha, stabby stabby, die bitch. Cloud-"oh for fucks sake sephiroth, enough already." Sephiroth-"what, you werent sick of this bitch. She was really annoying. i mean im just making sure she doesnt make a romantic return in the end." that would be funny

01-17-2005, 05:52 PM
i thought it was funny

01-17-2005, 06:27 PM
How could anyone here think that scene was funny? That is very strange.

01-17-2005, 07:04 PM
I found it shocking the first time round. Afterwards, it was funny like hell because Cloud stood there like an idiot. Here's a spoof...
Cloud: *stares*
Aeris: *looks up*
Cloud: *stares*
Aeris: *smiles*
Sephiroth: *falling*
Cloud: *stares*
Aeris: *smiles*
Seph: *falling*
Cloud: *stares*
Aeris: *smiles*
Sephiroth: *STAB!!!!!!!!!!*

01-17-2005, 09:36 PM
LMAOSSSSSS That just made my day lol. I could imagine taht lmao
Nice spoof. I was just shocked. I was like..."Now why the hell is Sephiroth up there anyway?" And I was like damnit I wasted hours training her. And then i was like yay lets continue on to the most ritarded mountain climb ever (...cause we go climb that mountain after she dies..)

01-17-2005, 11:12 PM
it was quite sad really (lol even i cried a bit) its music just suited it perfectly. The way cloud did nothing pissed me off though

01-17-2005, 11:24 PM
i got mad too....i felt all emtoions when aeris died. i wasn; mad at sephiroth, i was mad at myself. i had her at such a high level, and then she just dies.......DIES! ughhhh

01-18-2005, 09:56 AM
its amazing though how in a battle scene, if they are hit with a sword they lose 150hp, yet when aeris was struck with the sword in her deathscene, its like auto-death or something. or a bajillion hp of damage

01-18-2005, 10:30 AM
its amazing though how in a battle scene, if they are hit with a sword they lose 150hp, yet when aeris was struck with the sword in her deathscene, its like auto-death or something. or a bajillion hp of damage

that's cause when shes dies ur only at the end of disk 1, so your levels shouldn't be any higher than like 30. and sephiroth is like level 50+. so since hes so much stronter HIS sword took all her HP. but if u train her all the way to 99 before the scene, it doesnt kill her because shes actually stronger than sephiroth. it only takes a few thousand hp and she has 9999 cause she's level 99. ( i wonder if anyone actaully read that and thought for a second that leveling her up would save her)

01-18-2005, 10:34 AM
what about when squall got hit by that sharp piece of ice. it when straight threw his chest, yet when in a battle scene anything would hit him and it would never go through him. Or the starting movie when seifer hit him and he got the scar, he didnt get any scars from all his other battle. So there...

01-18-2005, 04:14 PM
It's hard to explain but this is how I see it.

the battles don't actually happen ( the in game ones and the boss ones) in the FF world as such. Where as Aeris's death actually happens in the FF world

basically i'm trying to say the two events are seperate. you could Ko Cloud in a battle but 'in FF reality' he is still alive.

confusing huh?

01-22-2005, 04:31 AM
ok it was cool how they showed cloud about to slash aerith with his sword.

but how can u cry it wasnt that sad exept the part cloud lowered her in the water

ive seen other final fantasy games where i would rather cry i mean u didnt even know that much about aeris.

Black Waltz
01-22-2005, 04:37 AM
I thought it was a good thing she died, I reallly didnt like her character much, she was just holding me bak...needsless to say her death was more helpful than harmful.

01-23-2005, 12:28 AM
omg i said that to one of my friends before, and she said "they only get knocked out in battle, aeris was slashed" but i said to her "its no differnt then in battle" i guess they all fight with dull blades. and bebe bullets...heh

01-23-2005, 05:52 PM
I cried, i thought it was a good trasition to the next disc in the game. As most Final fantasy games do have crazy final scenes before oy uswitch to the next disc.

01-24-2005, 09:49 PM
I didn't cry when Aeris die, but I was very sad about it and didn't want to continue after her death. If only Square would give us a special Pink Materia to summon or revive her.

This reminds me...

01-25-2005, 01:03 AM
Yea in battle you just get knocked out. There is no way trained warriors would die to cactuses and tree things. If they all get KOed its game over because they get raped by the monters lol. Aeris was actually killed. In battles no one slashes you. They slash and CLoud blocks but that block takes away some energy. Think of life points as how much energy you have before getting knocked out. If I punch you, you don't die. You just lose some 'hp'. Aeris was KILLED though. Her hp was still watever 9999 but she died because someone stuck a sword througn her.

01-25-2005, 05:53 AM
I think this was sad then an great idea hit me!!!!!!!!
Phonix Down use a Phonix Down!!!

01-25-2005, 06:07 AM
I cried, i thought it was a good trasition to the next disc in the game. As most Final fantasy games do have crazy final scenes before oy uswitch to the next disc.
okay, so besides the fact that most FF games actually aren't big enough to fit on more than one disc, why did you say that?

01-25-2005, 10:03 AM
Yea in battle you just get knocked out. There is no way trained warriors would die to cactuses and tree things. If they all get KOed its game over because they get raped by the monters lol. Aeris was actually killed. In battles no one slashes you. They slash and CLoud blocks but that block takes away some energy. Think of life points as how much energy you have before getting knocked out. If I punch you, you don't die. You just lose some 'hp'. Aeris was KILLED though. Her hp was still watever 9999 but she died because someone stuck a sword througn her.

01-28-2005, 09:40 PM
I thought it was really sad when Aeris died becuase when you first meet her your in dark and dingy Midgar which is meant to be lifeless and you see all these flowers in the church and her house and you end up thinking "Awww..."

Also, I thought she was one of the funniest characters in the game - two scenes that made me chuckle were when she got cloud to dress as a woman and when she beats him up on the date if you mess it up on purpose hehe :P

Just something that was said earlier about that no sword is sharp enough to not leave blood (think it was Prak)..Yeah thats completely true, but I was wondering, if you were run through the stomach, you wouldn't hit a major artery near the surface would you? So there wouldn't be any spray of blood, and there is muscle/fat between most of the major organs so you wouldn't see any blood for a while through a couple of layers of the exit wound would be less than 0.5x2 inches would it?

Not being accusational, just pointing it out :)

01-28-2005, 11:35 PM
I'm a sucker for sad movies I'll sob away if I really get into the story. But Aeris wasn�t one of my favorite characters and I wasn't all that caught with the story yet. So I just got teary when she died.

01-29-2005, 11:22 PM
i didn't cry but i was pissed off for a while. i thought they could've at least kept her alive a little while longer ... i mean, she did die in the first disc. and i was hoping she and cloud would end up together. poo.

dyne trance
01-30-2005, 08:21 PM
i thought it was very sad. i almost cried, but i was like 9 or 10 when i saw it :P

i thought it was kinda corny cuz there wasn't any blood (not that i wanted to see any) so it didn't look as real. and if you watch the burial, the water cloud sets her in looks like jell-o :P

03-11-2005, 11:48 AM
i cried like a baby but then again when your close to a cluster of polygons ya gotta be wierd right? wrong that s the impact u r supposed to have

03-11-2005, 11:51 AM
it was really sad that she died and you could do nothin about it but kick sepiroth's butt