10-18-2004, 08:28 AM
...yeah at that one part in the third disk where you get really board, go off and write a poem, and post it on FFS.

Want to hear it?

Hearts of toy soldiers by: Teh Casc!

Innocent, you were so unsuspecting
I watched you play
like hunted pray, like necks willing to embrace blades
of a guillotine, a gas chamber, a gallows (love)
Its what forced my wrist to compromise
to get comfortable, to hit the perfectness of your bedroom floor
along with the pistol oxidized by rainy eyes
Much like the one I would use to shoot you down
But your nothing special
You�re a sidewalk, a process
I�ve been through you
And it shows
Believe me its something ever present
with the bloody evidence being my teeth
in the next seat
On board planes that set blaze and fall fiery from a silent night sky
to collide with our hearts and subside in our lives
but don�t think for a sleazy second that the next time these feet
set pace
and race
through the darkened emptiness of your ally ways
filled with murderers, tramps, and sluts
will I be traveling alone
Because in the end I know
What tears, what scars, what cuts I�ll bring home
Will you dry the tears with white gloves
Will you burry the scars in mascara and cover up
Will you seal my cuts because in the end we are nothing
More than lives lost in the trenches
We�ve been destroyed by cigarette lighters and plastic tanks
Innocent and unsuspecting

This is basically my opinion about love at the moment.

12-03-2004, 01:52 PM
what do you want help for?

12-03-2004, 01:56 PM
Please check your coat at the door, dreamplayer, not your brain.

12-03-2004, 02:06 PM
u asked 4 help didn't u. yet u write us a poem?

grn apple tree
12-04-2004, 02:16 AM
i suppose it was just a random thing but nice poem

12-04-2004, 02:18 AM
i think Cascara is offering us help. I SOOOO misunderstood

fascist socialist
12-04-2004, 02:50 AM
i think Cascara is offering us help. I SOOOO misunderstood

You still do.